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[Hearthstone] Abomination


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This card is better than many give it credit for.


I actually think this is a really solid taunt when played at the correct time. 1 Abomination play can change the tide of advantage in a game, especially against an opponent like a Warlock, Hunter, or a Rogue who very commonly play low cost/low health minions. This is the ONLY taunt I run in my Mage Secrets deck and that deck went 7 - 0 in Ranked till a mirror match ended it. I just really think this guy isn't given enough of a chance to do good.

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Got it from my first or second booster pack, and have been running it since.
Its really strong, as its effect counters decks like murloc.
I mainly run it in Warlock decks.

Well, used to.
Very strong for 5 mana, 2 damage to all characters in your opponents turn, combined with a 4/4 taunt for 5 mana.

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