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[HS] Nat Pagle - Post Release


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OH how the mighty have fallen. Nat Pagle was a card that saw use in just about every deck. It was too good and Blizzard knew it. So when the game finally went into full release, they surprised us with a Nat Pagle nerf. Now instead of its effect going off at the END of your turn, it goes off at the START of your turn. Now Nat Pagle with its Shieldbearer stats has to survive a whole turn for the CHANCE to be worth the mana.


My question to you all is: Is Nat Pagle worth it now?

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Definitely a huge nerf but it's still playable. Comparatively, Tinkmaster was also considered as a top tier Legendary that could fit into just about any deck due to it probably being the single most versatile card in the game, now it's literally useless. 


The only real problem with the new Pagle is that it's now pretty horrendous late game now that you don't get the instant 50/50 draw after playing it. The fact that it doesn't proc instantly gives the opponent adequate time to respond, early game dishing out 4 damage whilst still trying to maintain board presence is still pretty difficult.


Allowing the opponent response time is good in this game since action/response and the struggle for board presence is so pertinent.

So yeah, all in all a pretty good and justified nerf.

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