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Love your archetype, can't wait to see it finished :)
My advice is to put big pictures like this in spoilers:

[spoiler=What you want the spoiler to say]Stuff you want to spoil, like for example an image[/spoiler]

Especially when posting cards on the forums, otherways it can be quite a drag to scroll down the page.

Welcome to the forums, i think most important things have been said.
If you have a question, you can always ask me using pm.

So yeah, welcome to the forums :)

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Welcome to YCM.

Enjoy your stay, read rules and have fun.


If you post a lot of cards, keep them in spoiler tags otherwise it will put a lag on all of our nets.

As destiny mentioned, don't use heavy swearing (mild is okay to an extent; try to avoid using swear words if possible since YCM does have members under 13). DO NOT be like Night (one of the super mods) and avoid the censors on said words.


With that said, ask one of the mods, myself/any senior member if you require assistance.

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