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[MtG] G/U Devotionish

Miror B

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Creatures: 31

2x Arbor Colossus

4x Burning-Tree Emissary (so much devotion o-o)

2x Courser of Kruphix

2x Gyre Sage

3x Kiora's Follower

2x Nessian Demolok

1x Nylea, God of the Hunt

1x Nylea's Disciple

2x Polukranos, World Eater

2x Prime Speaker Zegana

4x Progenitor Mimic (combos and devotion stealer, taking dem gray merchants and such)

3x Sylvan Caryatid

1x Sylvan Primordial

2x Witchstalker


Planeswalkers: 2

2x Kiora, the Crashing Wave


Artifacts: 2

2x Bow of Nylea


Instant: 4

4x Simic Charm


Lands: 21

4x Breeding Pool

13x Forest

4x Temple of Mystery


Meh Idk

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Is this deck budget? If not, Nykthos might be worth it as a 2 or 3-of. It makes enough mana to go for beautiful plays involving Zeganna, drawing six then playing them all.  Similarly, Karametra's Acolyte can fill a similar role, while also blocking random threats (like Spike Jester... agro is heavy where I am...) profitably. It is pushing the curve, but I think it can replace Gyre Sage. How much work does Kiora put in? The only Simic deck I run is Simic Counters, so I don't have much experience with her. Just as an assumption, your low-ish land count makes her minus ability (explore) much less effective. Perhaps cut her to complete the playset of Arbor Colossus? Sylvan Primordial seems bad, to be quite honest. I would replace it with a third Zeganna.


Overall Changes:

-2 Forest

-2 Gyre Sage

-1 Sylvan Primordial

-2 Kiora, The Crashing Wave


+2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

+2 Karametra's Acolyte

+1 Sylvan Primordial

+2 Arbor Colossus


Once again, I have not run this deck before, so I am not sure about my choices. Good luck!

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