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~BS~'s Character Tourney Round 2: Matches 7, 8 and 9

~British Soul~

Matches 7, 8, 9  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Will L's death note kill Ghost Nappa's fans?

  2. 2. Will Naoto have to find another way of defeating Iron Man?

    • Naoto Shirogane
    • Iron Man
  3. 3. Will Dracula take another victim by biting Stewie?

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I'm assuming Naoto has the ability to summon her Persona, in  which case she'll easily whop Iron Man in a single fight. She's resourceful and extremely intelligent, and despite Tony Stark's near genius level intelligence, I think Naoto would still out think him, but it would definitely be a close match.

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7) L (though I thought Kira was the one writing all of the notes, but w/e [I need to read the series if L can actually write notes as well])


8) Iron Man


9) Dracula. He's pretty much immortal (due to being a vampire) and all Stewie can really do is get a gun (or w/e weapon he decides) and try hurting Dracula with them.

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Matches over!


After the death of his fans, Ghost Nappa surrendered. L wins 9-3

Naoto was unable to defeat his foe and suffered a 7-5 loss

Dracula was successful in turning Stewie into a vampire and a slayer steaked Stewie. Dracula won 7-5


L, Iron Man and Dracula go through to round 3.

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