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Liglis ultimate contest


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LotR' date=' you've gotta be stupid to not understand: "the card your making to enter must be any attribute, but divine" means it needs to be divine. What he's saying is that it can be divine-thunder, divine-aqua, divine ANYTHING.


No, I made the same mistake of not making mine "Divine Beast". When he said; "must be any tribute, but divine" it lead me to believe that the submitted card could not be the DIVINE Attribute. Don't call members stupid just because they make a mistake.

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TO LIGLIS: A number of people have entered this contest with a misunderstanding of the requirements. For the sake of competition, would you please treat all the cards created by participants as though they were the Monster-Type that you requested?

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Can i have my 117.5 points and +1 rep now?

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WTF HOW FAIR IS THAT???????????????


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WTF HOW FAIR IS THAT???????????????





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