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How to be a scrub [YCML Deck]

Dog  King

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2 Effect Veiler

3 Evilswarm Helitrope

3 Evilswarm Castor

3 Evilswarm Kerykeion

3 Evilswarm Mandragora

2 Evilswarm Thunderbird

1 Resuce Rabbit

1 Thunder King Rai-Oh


1 Book of Moon

1 Dark Hole

3 Infestation Pandemic

1 Mind Control

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Reinforcement of the Army


1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Compulsory Evacaution Device

1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus

3 Fiendish Chain

1 Infestation Infection

2 Mirror Force

1 Safe Zone

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute


1 Abyss Dweller

1 Daigusto Emeral

1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Evilswarm Bahamut

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1 Evilswarm Nightmare

2 Evilswarm Ophion

1 Evilswarm Ouroboros

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Maestroke the Syphony Djinn

1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn

1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle

1 Photon Papilloperative


2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo

2 Maxx "C"

1 Dimensional Fissure

1 Deck Devastation Virus

3 DNA Surgery

2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror

1 Macro Cosmos

2 Safe Zone

1 Soul Drain



so basically

i went 1-2, then 1-2 (won game 1 lol), then 1-2 (won game 1 again lol), and then 2-0 and 2-0

so yeah the games i ended up losing is where i actually drew bad and some games i overdrew useless continous traps

i actually can only remember 3 decks i played,

sharks (lost to in 1st round), heraldic beasts (lost to in 3rd round) and archfiends (won in round 4 or 5)


I actually wouldnt change anything in the deck but I wouldnt play this deck either.

so yah post if anyone cares.


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and archfiends (won in round 4 or 5)

Don't need to remind me.


If consistency is a problem then I'd suggest either POD or Upstart.


I often take out the 3rd MST and side deck it to make room for other cards.


Is safe zone really necessary to protect Ophion? You already main 3 of Evilswarm's Forbidden Lances and 2550 isn't at TOO much of a risk of being destroyed by battle.

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-2 Veiler

-1 Mind Control

+3 Upstart


Upstart is the s*** in here and MCon is better in the side IMO. You could also take out TKRO and the one Safe Zone instead of Veilers.


yep veiler and mind control were shit


because if i veiler something i wont have much plays to get rid of the veilered shit so my veiler ends up being as a -1


mind con was decent but it was sort of my secret tech which never came into use


i prob would consider upstart now but seeing how i find that i can put a big enough board to finish them by like turn 2-4, with upstarts I prob wouldnt and id have to play out a few other turns where i may end up losing

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Upstart is meh in Verz, it's not like it's a combo driven deck. I say 2 Dress and Allure.


most of the stuff i banish with allure i probs wanted in my hand anyway to make an ophion or something

idk about dress though, and upstart just makes the deck a 37 card deck which means ill get to my better stuff faster like rabbit

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most of the stuff i banish with allure i probs wanted in my hand anyway to make an ophion or something
idk about dress though, and upstart just makes the deck a 37 card deck which means ill get to my better stuff faster like rabbit

I guess. I just don't really like Upstart in non-combo decks with no inherent thinning engines; you've only really got Ophion and RotA for that outside of Rabbit. Maybe the occasional Infection search. Player preference though. Too lazy to crunch the numbers and see if Upstart makes the opening Verz hand better.
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