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"classical"/"traditional" lockdown

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This is a dragon deck that uses an older form of locking down spells and traps, before Naturia beast and barkion even existed in the TCG. I was wondering if i could get suggestions on how i could improve it.


3 mirage dragon

3 blizzard dragon

3 divine dragon apocralyph

3 dodger dragon

3 influence dragon

3 horus the black flame dragon LV6

3 horus the black flame dragon LV8

1 red-eyes darkness metal dragon


1 lightning vortex

1 swords of revealing light

2 mystical space typhon

3 cards of consonance

3 trade-in


2 dark bribe

1 solemn warning

1 mirror force

1 compulsory evacuation device

3 royal decree



3 number 39: utopia

3 number 11: big eye

2 ancient fairy dragon

2 black rose dragon

2 gungnir, dragon of the ice barrirer

3 exploder dragonwing

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