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Yu-Gi-Oh: Arc of Conquest (OOC/Started/ Accepting/PG-16)

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Sigh, a duel between Cordelia and the fleeing student took way too long to think up, so I skipped it. Would've been much easier if we just stuck to 4000 LPs, though -_-




Anyway Elly, you missed Katsumi's words of wisdom. You might wanna change your post completely.

Oh... oops, okay I'll edit

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My character isn't dueling either. Just wandering in the maze.


Really? Why is she not making her way to the boss room as ordered?


Argh, now I basically can't post. Unless I send in another heli and have Miki 'fight against all the pain' or some rubbish. 

And I still haven't decided on whether to make Ryuusei a complete jerk or just slightly a jerk. 


Why is Miki not making her way to the boss room as ordered. Also Ryuusei's about to have this hard conversation where people where he submits control of this school to Tatsunagi Academy.


Of course all of this could happen exponentially faster if I could get my boss battle started. Argh.

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