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The Artifact's lore being released inspired me to write unofficial Duston lore. Why do these dust-mites exist? Why are they so fiendish? Why is Starduston so epic? These are all answered within.


There is a place where an endless war is waged. Between red and blue mountains, on yellow fuzzy plains a proud and noble race colonizes each day. Their efforts however are in vain, to be wiped away by weapons of mass destruction.
These settlers are known as House Dustons. They dwell in the crevices of this vast ever shifting land, coming out when it is quiet, to play and dance and live. They build houses of the natural resources that surround them, namely dust, herd and raise dust bunnies, and generally do as a population might.
Every once in a while, the Dustons would find themselves under attack by a great force. They have called this the Magicalized Duston Mop, for its inherent ability to wipe away the hard work of the settlers. One day the Mop would simply come and overtake the hard work the Dustons had put toward their livlihood; crushing their houses, releasing their flocks, and on occassion some Dustons paid with their lives.
Over time the Dustons learned to try and adapt. They camouflaged themselves with the surrounding landscapes, and honed special skill sets to protect themselves. 
The Red Dustons were especially trained in the art of pain; the strongest foot soldiers, these Dustons were ready to tackle even the largest Mop. They lived upon the bright read mountain tops, overlooking the valley. Yellow Dustons served to protect and heal the injured Red Dustons, returning them safely home to rest. They made their home within the valley, near the ravines.
Eventually Green Dustons learned of methods of temporarily driving away the dreaded weapons to their dormant states, and Blue Dustons could then act as insurgents during peace time. These two resided in the saem space, very near the entrance to the valley, always ready to fight off the Mops before they reached the ravines or mountains.
Time passed and those who would attack the Dustons grew impatient. They perfected a final weapon to rid the Dustons of their home forever; the Duston Roller struck the land, creating a mass extinction of those it came across. No longer was it even an option for the Dustons to return to their homes and rebuild.
The proudest of the Dustons, White Dustons, remained pure. They had survived a long time without needing to change, and intended to continue. Rather than learn new individual skill, they preferred to band together in large numbers to fight back. In great clusters, they fought against the horrible Duston Roller, and it too slowly began to come as infrequently as the Mop.
Thanks to the honorable efforts of the White Dustons, their home was once again saved from the tyranny of the horrible tools of Duston genocide. Time and again the weapons came, and time and again the White Dustons fought them back into hell. 
But still, there was always damage. Prices were paid and valiant Dustons were lost. The Council of the Dustons set out to create the most powerful super-soldier they could, gathering strength and intelligence from each of the Duston colors for its inception.
It would have to be able to not only stop the dreaded tools of chaos, but ideally, prevent them from ever returning. This new Duston would need to be strong enough to adapt to and crush any new strategies developed by its foes. He would have to be fast, and intelligent, and of course, camouflaged. The Star Duston was born of these ideals, and the home of the House Dustons lived in utter happiness!
No more did the evil enemies of the Dustons attack, with any sort of weapons. The proud race was free to build and grow unimpeded.
And that was just the living room.
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