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water hybrid deck, help?

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i was wondering if i could get some suggestions as to how i can improve this deck. I basically want to have atlantean heavy infantry and atlantean marksman added back to my hand as often as possible so i can keep using their effects over and over to wear out my opponent's field. thanks in advance.


1 tidal, dragon ruler of waterfalls

3 atlantean marksman

3 atlantean heavy infantry

3 defender of the ice barrier

3 mermail abyssturge

3 mermail abyssdine

3 mermail abyssgunde

3 mermail abysslung

3 mermail abyssleed


1 lightning vortex

1 swords of revealing light

2 mystical space typhoon

3 surface

3 upstart goblin


2 dark bribe

1 solemn warning

1 mirror force

1 bottomless trap hole



1 dewloredn, tiger king of the ice barrier

3 gungnir, dragon of the ice barrier

2 number 17: leviathan dragon

1 leviair the sea dragon

2 black ray lancer

3 mermail abysstrite

2 abyss dweller

2 number 39: utopia



moulinglacia the elemental lord


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