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Generic Photon/Galaxy.dek

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It's not that Accellight is bad, it's that it restricts your combo potential. There are plenty of situations where grabbing Wizard from the Deck in exchange for not NSing is superb, such as if you're already holding cards like Galaxy Expedition or Galaxy Zero. I find using Accellight at a maximum of one is perfectly fine.


I assume Summoner Monk is partially to prevent The Seventh One from being worthless if you get it in your opening hand, but Summoner Monk is actually terrible in Galaxy Decks. You WANT your Spells. There's probably not a single Spell that's so useless that you can pitch it without regrets, and if you're hitting those situations often, you may want to re-evaluate the card in question.


Cardcar D is extremely random, and admittedly counterproductive. If Galaxy Decks draw cards, they want to be able to USE them. It also has no synergy with the rest of the Deck. It's not even LIGHT for the sake of Galaxy Soldier.


I do not like Galaxy Transmigration in this build. You're only running 2 "Galaxy-Eyes" monsters, not counting the Extra Deck, and even then you're running 1 each of 107 and 62.


Ugh...the whole Deck feels disjointed. There doesn't seem to be a consistent focus. 

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So, tl;dr

Drop Cards for...maybe Upstarts

lose the Monk for various reasons (one for me being....why the heck would you xyz for Rank 4, wasting Wizard)


And Acellight is bad for that exact reason evilfusion said.

Stopping yourself from effectively maximizing what you just got is kinda lame. 


You run the Artifact engine, and you run it now.




Much better now eh? The problem I had was that I had several contradictions that could be a bit risky. I knew Accel Light and Summoner Monk could have been useful in a way, but in the end I guess the importance is that I reserve as much resources as I can. So the last deck was pretty much diabetes. This new one should be much better.

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No. It's not.

You sure as hell don't run the Artifact Spell. You run Theosophy at 2-3, and Blue Artifact at 3.

Sorry to seem rude though...


I think Cyber Dragon is unneeded. 

Drop a Zero add a third CoTH


I'd drop Insta-Fusion, Birdman, and that one RUM card.

Like TGM says, complete the Artifact engine and then add another upstart and a MF. I'd also consider Trade-ins in place of Maxx C and the 2nd Zero.


Well there was least one in there if you haven't saw before. :/


If I add another Moralltach and Artifact Movement, will that satisfy you? Theosophy does seem okay but I am not going to far as to support one Artifact monster. But then everyone says the Artifact build is one of the best ways to use this deck, so I'll consider it for now.


For Zero, it hasn't been hindering at all, yet Soldier and Moralltach effects are always still good to trigger during opponent's turn so that will be changed.


CyDra and Birdman will be removed, but regardless I'll keep The Seventh One in for sentimental reasons, even if it's unhealthy at some times. In one duel, against Ophion this card actually pulled through. The Extra already now has free space so I'll just fill it with some junk I can use in emergency situations. And finally I've been having a hard tiem trying to find room for Trade-In, but that's a little negligible and be on standby if I properly rely on Wizard and Soldier.


Here's the current deck makeup:




Is it all rid of cancer now?

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I think you could drop the two Artifact Spells unless you really like em.

That's when you can add Trade-in 2x


And maybe swap Heliopolis for Alsui or whatever.


Well in this case if I get rid of either Movement or Theosophy, either would not work that efficiently without another in order to maximize Moralltach's presence. I could probably just get rid of an Upstart and a Theosophy; I do find Trade-In to be a little more helpful than Upstart, even if Prime Photon is already a dominating powerhouse.


Other than that I think the deck is set in stone with the exception of the side, so thanks guys for all the advice.

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