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World War III May Be Upon Us.

Nathanael D. Striker

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On topic of finances iirc a single aircraft carrier costs about as much as Sochi did ignoring the revenues made form Sochi.


Putin may be mental but he's not stupid, he knows Russia is not economically and technologically powerful enough, nor does he have enough armed forces to take on the entire of NATO who will become involved if he goes too far, and if he really does want to annex Crimea he could probably to it through peaceful means and a plebiscite as something like 60% of the population there is Russian. 


This isn't Nazi Germany again, Putin's nowhere near as crazy as Hitler was, he doesn't have anywhere near as grand ideas about a great country for the Russian people and he hasn't introduced measures to boost the country's economy, technology and population like Hitler did. 


The most likely outcome is that Putin will annex Crimea which will potentially displace the Ukrainians living there, the Ukraine will be economically bailed out by the EU and the whole situation will defuse because nobody will want to go to war with Russia over Crimea. The idea of nukes is totally ridiculous.

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Russia is very busy with internal conflicts. They cannot afford to start external ones.

US's and UK's warnings are further economical and politic isolation.

If things still don't get fixed, I still don't think nuclear weapons are gonna get involved.

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You do realize these are the same people who said a coup isn't a coup for there own benefit? If they don't want to, they won't.

Examples so I may better respond to this, please? I get what you are saying, but I'd like to contrast examples with this. And they are checking the wording to see if they have a choice or not. Most likely they are trying to buy time.
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They were able to afford Sochi.


Yes, with aid from other countries. But, they cannot afford a war, especially in the wake of Sochi.


I had forgotten about the Budapest Memorandum. The US may indeed act on it, since Russia has all but destroyed it. However, it seems fairly obvious that neither side wants an actual war.

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I think you guys are missing the fact that the US may have no choice but to intervene under the Budapest Memorandum from 1994.

Everyone understands that there's no wording in the treaty that says we have to go to war, right?


The treaty provisions involve "respecting Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within their existing borders". That means our actions have to respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within their existing borders. Whether Russia does or not should be none of OUR concern. Yes, Russia broke the treaty, but that isn't actually the US's problem. We have no requirement to go to war for Ukraine. 


The only provision in the treaty which calls for the signees to take up arms is if Ukraine is threatened by NUCLEAR weapons. Which I'm jsut going to go ahead and assume foot soldiers and trucks are not.


And when you think about it, Obama's statements are like most of the other statements he's made condemning other country's actions. It wasn't a prelude to war. Let alone a World War. Besides, Germany's got a pretty good patent on the term at this point, I think.

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Well Agro, you should tell your first point to the US and UK. From your point, they are wasting their time. I'd honestly like to see the actual copy of it myself since it is becoming relevant again.

You can look it up like I did. It's not a super secret document.


US and UK haven't really threatened war. They've said "there will be consequences", which is basically what they say every time anyone does anything they disagree with. For all we know, they're talking about economic sanctions. At most, I don't think we'll do much more than go to the UN Security Council with it or try to get NATO involved.


We're still dealing with the backlash of two wars and the State Department is trying to demilitarize back to pre-WWII numbers. Going into war against Russia doesn't exactly sound like something we'd be into at the moment.


And even if we do, I'm not exactly worried. We've really cut back on military spending, so I don't know how involved we'll be. We probably won't need to enlist in the draft because, let's face it, we'll have enough allies. I mean, this whole conflict is literally Russia vs EVERYONE else. And I doubt Russia attempts to nuke someone with so little really riding on it and everything to lose.

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Examples so I may better respond to this, please? I get what you are saying, but I'd like to contrast examples with this. And they are checking the wording to see if they have a choice or not. Most likely they are trying to buy time.


Basically, Egypt has coup so US (by law) must cut aid. Lawyer speak says as long as you don't say the word coup, it doesn't count as one.

Point being, US thinks it can do anything it wants. Eventually, it will bite us in the butt, but it won't stop us until then.
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Killing ze Jewz was actually a local matter at the time, just saying. Only the invasion that made the others move. #trygooglinghownoonecaredaboutthejewzbackthen

Well, anyhow, as many mentioned Putin isn't stupid and the idea of a nuke war is retarded. It's not retarded to be afraid of it, though, because once everyone forgets its terror, it might just then happen...

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Basically, Egypt has coup so US (by law) must cut aid. Lawyer speak says as long as you don't say the word coup, it doesn't count as one.

Point being, US thinks it can do anything it wants. Eventually, it will bite us in the butt, but it won't stop us until then.


Ah, Egypt. TBH, I didn't even know that happened; however, that is within the realm of foreign aid and a US law, but the situation we have here is a matter of international law within the Budapest Memorandum. While I admit that, based on the facts given in the article and what happened in Egypt, the US should have cut aid, the US may have no way to get out under international law. However, I do admit that a war may not happen. That is the reason I said WW3 may happen. We should see how the situation develops since this could still get very ugly.

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Point being, US thinks it can do anything it wants. Eventually, it will bite us in the butt, but it won't stop us until then.

Yeah this will turn the Muslim Brotherhood into the Mujahideen 2.0 if Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion is anything to go by.



It would have been Russia and nobody versus the US and EVERYBODY.


Of course Russia doesn't want to fight.

Well more like Russia, the former soviet bloc, Iran, probably most anti-American groups operating in the Middle East and Latin America and maybe China providing financial support vs Nato. I know how incredibly unlikely it would be for any terrorist group to align with Russia, but it would probably more to sabotage and/or take American interests abroad. Bahrain for one would probably be overrun and they wouldn't have the political protection of the United States Fifth Fleet being stationed there the next time.

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I really don't want to joke about the Crimean annex, but it deserves it for being called Crimea:


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMTsEK3hR6U]Prepare yourselves.[/url]


Bad joke aside, I'm not worried about the Crimean Annex because nobody is dumb enough to intentionally start WWIII.

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