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March 2014 Number Tournament [The Champion is Waiting!]

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No YCML, no Christmas rush, no unforseeable circumstances, and rebalanced. We are back in March, as promised.
[spoiler=Rules and Banlist Additions]
The Format for this tournament is January 2014. Stall, Burn, Mill, and Alternate Win Conditions are prohibited as decks. Further edits to the list, for the sake of this tournament, not so much the game as a whole, are as follows:
Alt Win Cons/Simochi/Etc.
Artifact Beagalltach
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
Ghostrick Skeleton
Hieratic Dragon of Su
Infernity Archfiend
Judgment Dragon
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
Evigishki Gustkraken
Evigishki Mind Augus
Evigishki Zielgigas
Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei"
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Artifact Durandal
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Number 11: Big Eye
Number 49: Fortune Tune
Number 88: Gimmick Puppet Leo
Sylvan High Arbiter Oreia
Kaiser Colloseum
Royal Tribute
Spellbook of Fate
Vanity's Emptiness
Bujin Hirume
Chronomaly Nebra Disk
Coach Soldier Wolfbark
Constellar Sombres
Evilswarm Kerykeion
Madolche Angelly
Madolche Hootcake
Mermail Abyssteus
Noble Knight Medraut
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World
Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
All Unbanned Numbers (Including Over Hundred Numbers)
Advanced Heraldry Arts
Artifact Movement
Black Whirlwind
Cyber Repair Plant
Dragged Down into the Grave
Fire Formation - Tenki
Forbidden Chalice
Ghostrick Parade
Gravekeeper's Stele
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Hysteric Sign
Recurring Nightmare
Recycling Batteries
Sylvan Charity
Breakthrough Skill
Deck Devestation Virus
Fiendish Chain
Theosophy of the Artifacts
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Bujin Yamato
Chronomlay City Babylon
Heraldry Augmentation
Miracle Fertilizer
Obedience Schooled
Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Call of the Haunted

Please note that these bans are not necessarily based on overall health of the game, but more health of this tournament and its gimmick.
Games are to be played on www.duelingnetwork.com
You must have 300 or more posts to join. I know this isn't perfect, but...
This tournament will be Double Elimination. If you lose, you are not disqualified.
You must turn your decks in to Mugendramon. He will distribute your Number pair to you sometime after you join. Decklists will be due 3 days after we have 16 members/distributed Numbers.
You are to play matches.
If you need an extension, PM me ahead of time. Last minute will not be tolerated, nor will blatant stalling.
You may not edit your deck during the tournament in ANY way, except to add a Number(s) into it, or to add a Rank-Up Magic spell card into it to make a Chaos Number usable.
[spoiler=On Numbers]
42 Numbers were kept in the card pool for the sake of optimizing the pairings to avoid unplayable sets. They will be distributed randomly.
Your Deck must contain one (no more, no less) of each of your original Number(s), and a way to Summon it, at all times. You may not use any other Numbers unless you won them in a match, and you may only ever use 1 copy of a Number. This is done by the opponent telling you/showing you all of their Numbers, then you choose one, and tell Marco via PM, along with an edited Deck List, should you add your new Number(s) to it.
You must be able to realistically summon your Number. Not "hurrdurr I run 2 level 8s in the Extra so I can make 15". Marco/Mugen has the right to reject your deck if you're trying to dance around this, so really, don't.
You are not required to place Numbers other than your initial Numbers in your deck.
Utopia Clause: You may run up to 1 copy of each iteration of your Number(s), but no more, and you must run the base form in order to run any other iterations. You may run Utopia Roots as a base Utopia, if you desire.
When you win a match, you may take 1 of the loser's Numbers. The other Numbers they have are kept for the sake of Double elimination. If a member has 2+ Numbers in the Loser's Bracket, you still only claim 1 Number.
All Numbers assigned will have this effect added:
"This card cannot be destroyed by battle, except with a "Number" monster."
Numbers 101-107, the Over Hundred Numbers, are generic and can be used by anyone. However, you can only run up to 2 Over Hundred Numbers, and only one copy of each, plus up to one copy of its Chaos Number.  Over Hundred Numbers and Over Hundred Chaos Numbers do not have battle immunity like other Numbers do.
Numbers will be randomly assigned by Marco once all members are in. Your deck is due within a week of when you get your Number. You will be assigned 2 Numbers. Except for the Number Hunter(s), who will have no Numbers, thus free reign in deck building.
Apply with your DN username

YCM/DN - Deck In?
1. Team Galactic Black/Marsuvees Black - Yes
2. DysonSlinky/Rage of the Slinky - Yes
3. YRPOtaku169/YRPOtaku169 - Yes
4. -Aqua-/-Sakaki Yuya- - Yes
5. Koko/Ojama Knight - Yes
6. Wildflame/Wildflame - Yes
7. evilfusion/skielinfiniti - Yes
8. Koko Jr./StrikeoftheChampion - Yes
9. werewolfjedi/Baylith - Yes
10. Bringerofcake/Bringerofcake - Yes
11. Yveltal/GenexAllyRemote - Yes
12. kanokarob/kanokarob - Yes
13. Pacmanexus/-Pacman- - Yes
14. Dat Sleepy Furret/Sleepy17 - Yes
15. TechGenusMaster/TechGenusMaster - Yes
16. Canadian/Canadian - Yes
I will be participating, so send any decklists to Marco, who will also assign your Numbers. Ask any questions you feel the need to ask and/or raise points as you see fit.

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Houseduston limited for the otk? or is there another reason?


Anyways, I'll join.


DN username: Rage of the Slinky

Because it's either going to OTK or lead to a lockdown-esque situation that doesn't really support the format 9/10. Banning it feels wrong, but I wanna give people incentive to not try and just run trolol.dek.


I'll join, DN Username is -Sakaki Yuya-


also I have a question, how will you decide who is a Numbers Hunter?



Oh, can we use numbers that AREN'T in the original 42?


like say 56 isnt one of them, would that be free reign to run? or no?

The omitted Numbers, bar the ones mentioned on the banlist, are not going to be public knowledge. So no.


DN: LK96


I haven't participated in such tournament before, but I can try. For fun of course :)


Sorry for bad English.

I'm sorry, but I can't really accept you because you're too new and could easily just forget about this. I've had problems like this in the past, and really just wanna be safe. Sorry about that .~.


I'll add an addendum to the first post about that when I update with everyone else.

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Get me in.

Heh Quasar is banned.


YCM: TechGenusMaster

DN: TechGenusMaster


Hopefully I won't get THEM again.

And unlike last time I can somewhat competently build decks. xD


Forbidden Chalice is Limited?

Versatile negation you can use during your turn was limited, because being able to remove the Number immunity at will like that's a bit counterproductive, when the idea is to bring the most out of your number.


Just for this Numbers format, really.

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Numbers 101-107, the Over Hundred Numbers, are generic and can be used by anyone. However, you can only run up to 2 Over Hunder Numbers, and only one copy of each, plus up to one copy of its Chaos Number.  Over Hunder Numbers and Over Hundred Chaos Numbers do not have battle immunity like other Numbers do.


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