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Break Your Spell!


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3 Dododo Buster

3 Gogogo Giant

3 Grandsoil the Elemental Lord

3 Mezuki

2 Dododo Gasser

2 Gogogo Ghost

2 Gogogo Golem

2 Kagetokage

2 Zombie Master

1 Masked Chameleon

3 Dodododraw

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

3 Onomatopaira

2 Forbidden Lance

2 Trade-In

1 Foolish Burial

3 Call of the Haunted


Not a whole lot to say I don't think... Call of the Haunted's a surprise +1 trap and golem's a decent defensive unit.


I have such a love-hate with trade-in in general. On one hand, when it works, it works. On the other... so dead in the late game. Though that's not just here, that's in general.


Weirdest experience has to be ramming 55, 104, and King of the Feral into a 107 while 52 sat and shrugged. Then dropping Grandsoil.

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