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[HT]Shaman class control overload deck.


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cost 1

Earth shock X2

forked lightning X2 (OO)

lightning bolt X2 (O)

shieldbearer X2

cost 2

ironbeak owl X2


Feral spirit X2 (OO)


lava burst X2 (OO)

lightning storm X2 (OO)

ironfur grizzly X2

mana tide totem X2

unbound elemental X2


ancient mage X2

sen'jin shieldmasta X2


earth elemental X2 (OOO)


Al'akir the windlord


this deck just kills my opponent straight out about 80% of the time, but decks with good answers to how I have to protect myself, namely direct killers targeting my taunts, they break through and sometimes kill me. of course, storm and forked can build advantage, and if I have to I can bolt or burst anything to death, the Earth shock and owl provide the critically needed silence for the the decks that rely on abiltiy based boosts, and having both of them on low cost, helps out a lot.

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Not the biggest fan of Owl. I tend to go for Spellbreaker, personally. It really helps to have the 4/3 body. However, Shaman relies on low cost cards because of overload. So I suppose it's justified here. I really don't see much wrong with this deck. Is there ANY alternative to Shieldbearer you could use, maybe?

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there are other choices, but I find being able to throw it out alongside a combo that is left vulnerable, or while I"m on a overload locked turn, lets me survive best, even if it doesn't do much else otherwise.

it is definitely not the best card, but it's the one that gives the best answer in the situation. if this was a different type of deck, I would certainly be running the 3/3 bear instead for my cheep taunt

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having gone through this deck a lot actually, I find that that the windlord very rarely helps me win, only time being when I need to deal 6 right away and my opponent lacks a taunt. so it' on the cutting block. it will definitely be taken out if they release a new set once the beta is done.

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