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Tormented and Yin's Graphics Shop


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uhh ive never ordered anything here b4, how many points do i have to pay you?


Anyway, would it be possible to make this into just the picture on the card like my current avatar picture?




Thanks in advance if you could do it ^^


EDIT: Ignore this, my friend did it for me behind my back.

 Would still be nice if you could say whether you couldve done it for future orders tho.

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Every item is free. That's like a 5 second job in something like paint for example, but I could if you're having trouble.


My mouse is making every render take atleast twice as long.


Hope this is right, my mouse has been playing up for the last 2 days (double clicking randomly wonder if I broke it on a clicker game) and I'm too lazy to go and uninstall it.



Right Pop atleast one of those is already rendered. For example the first one.


[spoiler=Pop 2/?]3I7WxaW.pngSANifCl.png[/spoiler]

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Pop none of those images are HQ enough. I've managed to grab HQ images for alot of them.  Advice for next time try to go for the biggest image size possible, anything below 500x500 isn't really helpful.


To save time Pop I'm going to add a url to the album


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Ok Yin, sorry about the non-HQ. I would have done a better job finding them, but my pc just broke and im on this piece of sh*t laptop that barely internets. Hopefully I can fix my pc soon and get back on a real computer. If/When I need to order more things I'll do it on my pc and have the highest Quality images I can for you.

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[Spoiler=here ya go, Yin. Need this rendered for an upcoming card alter. I would like for both the character and the electricity to be included in the render. Thanks in advance]jX1d6iC.jpg[/spoiler]

Oh, you wanted the electricity? Either I read the request wrong or I wasn't informed enough. :/
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Thar please stop spamming in mine and Tormies shop.


Pop can you please filter that album down, 90 images is far too much for any request.


Kinuhata I will try my best lightning isn't the easiest thing to render and I've having to resort to my touchpad as my mouse is broken. Lightning doesn't show up too well on a white background as it's difficult to cut the tiny amounts of blue surrounding it so I'm going to just link to imgur



Hope it's ok spent 5 hours on it. Looks better on black.

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Thar please stop spamming in mine and Tormies shop.
Pop can you please filter that album down, 90 images is far too much for any request.
Kinuhata I will try my best lightning isn't the easiest thing to render and I've having to resort to my touchpad as my mouse is broken. Lightning doesn't show up too well on a white background as it's difficult to cut the tiny amounts of blue surrounding it so I'm going to just link to imgur
Hope it's ok spent 5 hours on it. Looks better on black.

Thank you, yin. This is perfect. My work with it may/may not pop up in showcase in the coming weeks.
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Can I get one in a 100x100, and another for 200x200. (I need the 200x200 one for another forum.)






Text:* For the 200x200 version, if possible, can you fit in the name "Squigly Lines" somewhere in there? If not, then that is fine just a suggestion :) (I have no particular request on the text style.)

Colors: I am generally bad at picking colors that form well for pics like this, so make what you see fit (Though, if you do a couple of color variants of the pic you'd like me to pick out, I would be more than happy to oblige and see them.)

Other: *If possible or implementable, can you make the Squigly render eye "stand out" or glow a bit? That'd be pretty neat.

User: Smear, the overlord of Avatar creations




Dimensions: Average size for a Signature, or around the 500x500 range if possible

Render: Same Squigly render as above

Text:* N/A

Colors: Something that would particularly match the outcome of the Avatar request by you Smear (though, I am unsure of what colors you would use)

Others:*If implementable, perhaps a fiery or "Galaxy" stock-like effect. If nothing else, just do whatever you find is creative :D

User: It will always be Smear


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Okey, thx


Avatar plz <3




Render: [spoiler=Image] img] http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.soundonsight.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F09%2Fdestiny-5.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.soundonsight.org%2Fopen-source-6%2F&h=576&w=1024&tbnid=JL0ECNqQrUhWbM%3A&zoom=1&docid=iXD5S-fmtwsh1M&ei=58M3VLTmC875yQS5pYK4Bw&tbm=isch&ved=0CFAQMygWMBY&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=357&page=2&start=20&ndsp=22&biw=1398&bih=883 [/img] [/spoiler]

Does this have to be a render? because if it does than that needs to get rendered first I guess

Text::popbop40 written on the bottom in a ocean blue color

Colors: Have the image fade along the borders in a grayish color


User: Smear


Well torm, if  you want to do that you can :p

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Riiight, I'm feeling excited and sort of alive and because I'm a nearly dead and lazy individual-I can't be bothered going through 15+ pages finding old orders so if you would like an older order still to be done please quote the post or just repost it.



Glad too have you back on board Tormented <3 I never did get a chance to request from you, and I wanted too see how your work fares in comparison too Smear works (mind you, just for speculation reasons.) So, I will make a similar Signature Request for the render I requested above for the Squigly pic. This way, I can get a better concept of both yours and Smears work :)




Dimensions: Around the 500x500 range if possible


[spoiler=All my yes]



Text:* N/A

Colors: possibly an orange-ish/purple-ish hue would be nice I suppose. Particularly something that does not heavily contrast or overlap the colorization of the actual render itself.

Others:*If implementable, perhaps a fiery or "Galaxy" stock-like effect. If nothing else, just do whatever you find is creative :D

User: Tormented this time


*Note: I'd still like a Signature of the same render by Smear if they are willing too do it. I have no biased opinion on either graphic artists, I'd just like too see their styles of the same render.

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