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Tormented and Yin's Graphics Shop


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Hiya tormy~
Text: none
Other: Make it work alongside the siggy
User: Tormy

Dimensions: Whatever works
Text: I'm generally against text unless it looks REALLY good.
Others: Make it work well alongside the avatar
User: Tormy





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Now I have another perhaps odd request. Is there any way you can expand this avatar to 180 x 180 so it's compatible for other sites without it losing its quality? If I did it in MS Paint, it would probably be a bad idea.

Had to remake it so it isn't exactly the same but I tried to keep it close.

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Let me know if you want the 'glow' removed.


This looks great! Thank you!



Dimensions: Regular sig size, whatever that may be

Render: http://i.imgur.com/UYENHAY.png

Text: n/a

Colors: Fiery colors with darker tones(much like the avi I am currently sporting) and if you could throw in some electric blues it would be awesome!

Other: n/a

User: Tormented

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Matches, PS cannot open the file.


Sorry for the late reply. I tried changing the file type to PNG, but I can't seem to upload it as a PNG. Do you have paint by any chance? Could you please use that program to change the file type to PNG? Thanks in advance.

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Hey, so, I'd like a render, please?

Image: zZCeLW1.png?1

Others: Keep the toast if possible


...aaaaaaaand then I would like it to be made into a Signature


Dimensions: 720 by 360

Render: The above order

Text: "God I love the smell of toast in the morning. Smells like... Victory..." 0DST

Colors: Dark blues and purples, with some lighting effects for the canopy and eyes.

Others: Make the DeceptagrapeTM Jam glow slightly.

User: Smear or Tormented


Does this cost points at all? If so, how much?

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[spoiler=Signature Request]Dimensions: ~650 x 330

Render: http://i.imgur.com/xvh2xnW.png?2
Text: N/A

Colors: A mix of pink and blue, pink a bit more predominant on the left and blue a bit more on the right.

Other: For the most part do what you want, the only specific thing is give it a bit of swirly effects (if you're not sure what I mean: http://bit.ly/1lhCFHL), as well as somewhat of a soft look. Like, not too much crazy GFX effects.[/spoiler]


If it's all right, could I get this done by both Smear and Tormented? I'd like to see both's interpretation of the request.

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