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Doll's Judgment (Nightmare Doll Caroll Pale Moon)

Maeriberii Haan

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Well, since Caroll's pretty much a R rarity Metatron, decided to make this deck for shits and giggles. Or not, since this deck is actually quite nice with all the combos going in it.


Grade 3:7
4 Miracle Pop, Eva
3 NIghtmare Doll, Caroll

Grade 2:11

3 Barking Cerberus

3 Dancing Princess

3 Flying Hipogriff

2 Miss Direction


Grade 1:14

4 Purple Trapezist

4 Hades Hypnotist

2 Egg Juggler

2 Plushy Bunny

3 Tightrope Tumbler

Grade 0:
4 Silver Thorn Juggler, Nadia (Heal)
4 Poison Juggler (Crit)
2 Dynamite Juggler (Crit)

2 Skyhigh Walker (Stand)
4 Rainbow Magician (Draw)
1 Smiling Presenter


Carol's ability to loop Trapezist, Jugglers, and Tumblers are really powerful. Though the deck is weak to 13ks, it is able to create amazing pushes and gain a really nice advantages from repeated Missdirection and Egg Jugglers. Plushy is a free 6k booster that will put some real work especially since it allows Ava pushes without committing much to the field. Not to mention it's practically immune to destruction. Hippogriff over Nitro Juggler since no-commitment 11k attackers are something really, really good, since you don't have to put anything on board to make it able to hit stuffs. This deck has an inherent weakness to Crossrides, as this deck can't hope to hit 18k consistently, and will be stalled out until it decks out or outgrinded.


Also, common-rare version of the deck:


Grade 3:7
4 Midnight Invader
3 NIghtmare Doll, Caroll

Grade 2:11

3 Nitro Juggler

3 Dancing Princess

3 Flying Hipogriff

2 Miss Direction


Grade 1:14

4 Purple Trapezist

4 Midnight Bunny/Dark Metal Bicorn

2 Egg Juggler

2 Plushy Bunny

3 Tightrope Tumbler

Grade 0:
4 Silver Thorn Juggler, Nadia (Heal)
3 Poison Juggler (Crit)

1 Hoop Magician (Stand)

4 Skyhigh Walker (Stand)
4 Rainbow Magician (Draw)
1 Smiling Presenter


Not much changes, though note that DMB vs Bunny achieved different things (Bunny more pressure, DMB allows your Missdirection and Dancing Princess to hit 16k, while letting Caroll hit for 21k. Nitro instead of Barking Manticore mainly due to the loss of Eva. Fire Ring Griffin makes good number with everything behind it, and is another stand target in this deck. Why stands instead of crits? Since:


a) With the loss of PGs, early crits means you'll facing LBs before your hand is prepared for it, so Stands should work as well since you can easily field some units.


b) Skyhigh Walker is your only unflipper and since this deck will take longer to finish the opponent due to lack of Eva, I believe you'll need to ensure you can trigger the Missdirections/Bunnies when necessary. You can also loop Walker by using Bunny/Missdirection and a Trapezist without the loss of advantage.


Funny thing is, this deck's Xride matchup is way better than the other build. Though, against things like DOtR, or other restanding vanguards, this build might not be too effective. But hey! it's a C/R build.

So, comments?

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imo I would go 4/3 on Eva / Carol because the point of this deck is pretty much to abuse the hell out of Egg Juggler for mad hand advantage while creating super strong field advantage. 


Something more like...


4 Purple Trapezist

4 Hades Hypnotist

3 Egg Juggler

3 Tightrope Tumbler


4 Barking Cerberus

3 Dancing Princess

3 Nitro Juggler

2 Miss Direction


Something like that would probably work a lot better. As a result of the easy to obtain mad pluses, you can easily play 12 crits in this. In my opinion anyway

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have you considered running 2 skyhigh for the ability to gain some unflip for the deck? as a pale moon player, I have found that stands in this deck aren't horrible, and can really benifit the deck as a whole since you have access to a good number of soul swapers in the set. I would suggest something like midnight bunny, or hell, put a pair of alice in there and really just drive home the trapiest doll massacre combo. (name is from that fact that if alice hits, it's never going to end, and without the deck having power plays, you need some sort of threat to reduce hand in the opponent, otherwise, your likely to just mill out with a deck like this, since all that draw power is going to keep you safe up till that point.

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