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[IW] It's like a Zerg Rush, except not


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NOTE: This game is Infinity Wars, since I think I excluded that from the post. ._.

EDITS: There've been many updates since I started posting, and things are looking good. I've been trading for good cards, and winning a bit more. So far so good.

-TOTAL- 48

Bromich, Field Commander
Aerial Commando
Knight of the Flame Dawn

2x Defense Golem
2x Mortar Cannon
3x Wealthy Noble
Aberion, The Hammer of Dawn
3x Aerial Commando
1x Agent Coyle, Firestarter
8x Flame Dawn Aspirant
1x Protector of the Dawn
2x Vicious Ransacker

1x Torch Bearer

2x Knight of the Flame Dawn

1x Flame Dawn Purifier

1x Fleeting Footman

2x Harbinger of Light


2x Assassinate
2x Firebolt
2x Burning Prejudice
2x Call of Crusade
3x Exhaust
3x Stumble

1x Purify


1x Pyr, Fortress of the Flame Dawn

So, my decks main focus is... rather jumbled, ironically. It's a mix of early rushing, some late-game bruisers, field control, single-target destruction, keeping my units alive, and when worse comes to worse, turtling up and trying to finish with the Mortar Cannons, which happens way more often than one would expect.

Sometimes, the match up is what determines whether I achieve victory or not. Sometimes, it's lucky guessing with Stumble and Exhaust to keep high-value targets at bay. Others, it's just a "see who can smack the enemy fortress harder" race, which can go either way.

I'm still a fairly new player, my pool of cards might be... limited, at best.


I'm also now a little worried about the 48 cards I'm using, due to consistancy, but I'm still happy with it.

cnc. Card game metas are hard.



Copied directly from a different forum where I posted it (with some real-time changes from here). I figured that if anyone here even plays Infinity Wars, I'd love to hear your feedback.

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I play the game... Or at least used to. I'd still play it if the download would stop timing out every time there is an update (with the game being in beta there is a lot of updates).


Still, from memory I'll tell you what I think of the deck.


Mark 1 'Brimstone' Battle Tank

Fair enough choice, strong stats and can kill of defenders.
Aerial Commando

Because it's flying I guess. Seems to be used quite a lot.
Knight of the Flame Dawn

7/7 for 2 resources. Definitely keep it since it works are a great follow up aggro after a turn 1 aspirant.

2x Defense Golem

Not so keen on this since you generally want to force your opponent to defend and as such wont need to have any of these.
2x Mortar Cannon

A decent tech card since it can finish of your opponent without having to put any guys in the assault zone. I'd keep it at 2.
3x Wealthy Noble

Pretty sure this goes in everything.
Aberion, The Hammer of Dawn

1 Makes sense since it is a unique character.
3x Aerial Commando

Flying and can force your opponent to use up removal or attack over most blockers. Running 3 is a smart idea.
1x Agent Coyle, Firestarter

I'd run another if you can get 1 but again this is a unique character.
10x Flame Dawn Aspirant

Definitely not bad running lots of these since they are never dead but as a rule I never run more than 10 of an unlimited character.
1x Protector of the Dawn

Honestly can't remember what this does. :/
2x Vicious Ransacker

Three can be cloggy so this is pretty solid.

3x Assassinate

Staple late game removal, 3 feels like a bit much in FD but that's just me.
2x Firebolt

I'd try to fit a 3rd in but it's not a necessary adjustment.
1x Winds of War

Don't like this in FD since you mainly want to have guys out in the A.Zone and this just forces you to retreat (with the new-ish adjustments where it only hits the combat zones).
2x Burning Prejudice

I like this card, run 2-3 of it for sure.
2x Call of Crusade

Don't really need to say anything about this.
3x Exhaust

3 is the best number for this and stumble.
2x Fiery Resolve

Kinda eh on this but w/e.
3x Stumble

What I said earlier.

1x Pyr, Fortress of the Flame Dawn

It's a good location card but maybe run 1-2 Explores to search it + get draw power?


All in all pretty solid but cards I would suggest:


Paladin of the Flame Dawn - Stats are decent on a character with Charge that is also immune to removal cards like Death Ray etc.


I'm also interested to know why you run no Bromich in the deck. Do you find that attack boost redundant or do you think he is just too costly and slow for what he does?


Pretty good deck by the looks of it but like I said, I can't get the game to work anymore due to problems downloading the client.

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Like I was saying in the little comments below, Brimstone is the temporary replacement until I can FIND a Bromich, since I've been having no luck so far. I'm also looking for more stuff like Paladins.


Some comments on YOUR comments:


Winds of War - I actually don't remember why I still have it. PLanning on taking it out since 90% of the time it's deadweight in my hand.


Fiery Resolve - I get crippled by decks that have elimination abilites quite often. I just want some survivability.


Assassinate - I already removed one. Planning on updating the list shortly.


Protector of the Dawn - It's basically a 6 resource 8/10 Aspirant that causes all units you have to become untouchable for that turn. Helps for that final rush.


Defense Golem - The thing is, my strat is not 100% consistant, and there have been many times where I needed a strong defender. I use it as a stall in order to set up my offense after a rough turn.


Agent Coyle - I don't see a need for more than 1, esp. since I haven't even been able to use it to its full potential yet.




-1x Winds of War

-1x Assassinate

-2x Aspirants


+2 Knight of the Flame Dawn

+1 Torch Bearer

+1 Flame Dawn Purifier

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Like I was saying in the little comments below, Brimstone is the temporary replacement until I can FIND a Bromich, since I've been having no luck so far. I'm also looking for more stuff like Paladins.


Whoops must have missed that bit sorry.


Some comments on YOUR comments:


Winds of War - I actually don't remember why I still have it. PLanning on taking it out since 90% of the time it's deadweight in my hand.


Fiery Resolve - I get crippled by decks that have elimination abilites quite often. I just want some survivability.


I remember control decks with Veore being quite strong. Also stops the inevitable assassinates when I think about it more.


Assassinate - I already removed one. Planning on updating the list shortly.


Protector of the Dawn - It's basically a 6 resource 8/10 Aspirant that causes all units you have to become untouchable for that turn. Helps for that final rush.


Ok thanks for explaining.


Defense Golem - The thing is, my strat is not 100% consistant, and there have been many times where I needed a strong defender. I use it as a stall in order to set up my offense after a rough turn.


Fair enough.


Agent Coyle - I don't see a need for more than 1, esp. since I haven't even been able to use it to its full potential yet.


Don't need to run more than 1. I've just had times in the past where its 3 attacks have hit me because I wasn't expecting it. It is rare but it is a good card in my opinion, simply because it can be really deadly in certain situations, however it might just be a bit too situational?




-1x Winds of War

-1x Assassinate

-2x Aspirants


+2 Knight of the Flame Dawn

+1 Torch Bearer

+1 Flame Dawn Purifier


Those changes look pretty solid.

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I've been doing some trading lately, and since this community is awesome, I grabbed a whole bunch of Flame Dawn and other stuff for free, and then I used some of that OTHER stuff to get a Bromich! =D



-1 Mark 1 'Brimstone' Battle Tank

+1 Bromich, Field Commander



+1 Mark 1 'Brimstone' Battle Tank

+1 Fleeting Footman

+2 Harbinger of Light

+1 Purify


This pushes my deck up to 50 cards, so I'm nervous about consistancy, but I feel good about it so far.



Lack of use kinda sucks.

-All Fiery Resolve

-1 Ferocity

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