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Ctrl's apparently ycs level twilight

Solemn Silver

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I went to my other locals where I met an old friend who has been to a few YCS torontos. He gave me some advice on a twilight build. Seems pretty good if you ask me.


x3 Lyla

x2 Ryko

x1 Garoth

x3 Lumina 

x1 Ehren

x1 Jain

x2 JD

x1 DaD

x2 Trooper

x2 Necro Gardna

x1 sorc

x1 bls

x1 Wulf

x1 Honest

x2 trag

x1 gorz

x2 Veiler

x1 Maxx C

x1 Plaguespreader 




x3 Recharge

x1 Charge

x2 MST

x1 Allure


x2 Beckoning




Dark hole




x1 Scrap dragon

x1 leviair

x1 17

x1 starderp

x1 50

x1 Blader

x1 DD wolf

x1 catastor

x1 Pearl

x1 Gauntlet launcher

x1 Leo

x1 Emeral

x1 Empowered Inzektron

Generic stuff



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I have never understood why people don't play 3 of a wincon.

Why the hell is Judgement at 2 in here? Needs a third. Pretty dang badly.

Lose a Necro or a Ryko for it.


Mainly because early game dead-draws.

I used to run 3 until my ycs participant friend told me to cut it to two for consistency.

so far it's been working. but I haven't tried 3 JD in twilight. only chaos dragons. which JD doesn't even go into. Unless it's Canadian's build which is a different story.


I'll try 3 JD

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