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three cheers for f***ing insanity



3 Infernity Archfiend

3 Infernity Necromancer

2 Summoner Monk

2 Stygian Street Patrol

1 Dark Grepher

1 Armagedddon Knight

1 Archfiend Heiress


3 Upstart Hoban Goblin

2 Pot of Duality

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Instant Fusion

1 Infernity Launcher

1 Book of Moon


1 Foolish Burial

1 Archfiend Palabyrinth


3 Infernity Barrier

2 Infernity Break

2 Seven Tools of the Bandit

2 Mirror Force

1 Solemn Warning

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Torrential Tribute


3 Lavalval Chain

2 Diamond Dire Wolf

2 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle

1 Number 101: Shark Knight

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1 Pew Pew for game

1 Maestroke 

1 Fusionist

1 Kamonwizard


3 Infernity Randomizer

3 Offerings to the Doomed

2 Reinforce Truth

2 Dust Tornado

2 Dimensional Prison

1 Dark Hole

1 Dimensional Fissure 

1 Soul Drain



The majority of the maindeck is really, really, standard honestly, so I don't think there's really much to explain, but I'll try the best that I can.


Duality: Duality did seem really contradictory to the original purpose of the deck, but the theory-oh behind running it in the deck is that if you have a hand where you can combo off without being disrupted, then you should usually win that game if you combo out correctly regardless of having 1 or 2 dead Dualities in your backrow. On the other hand, if you have a hand which you can't combo out with, or your opponent has multiple backrows to the point where you don't want to make a push, then Duality is essentially the best card that you can draw since you can pick out either S/T hate to push your play through or a combo piece.


Seven Tools over Trap Stun: Trap Stun's ability to outright clear multiple backrows by itself is obviously really strong, but hand traps (namely Veiler) are becoming more and more popular in the maindeck (particularly in +1 Fire) and post boarding when you aren't smokescreening into Infernity Randomizer.dek. Not having to blindly flip Trap Stun and pray for no Book of Moon/MST on your Launcher/hand trap etc is such a great thing in general, not to mention being able to stop cards like Geargiagear on your opponent's turn without turning off your own defensive traps.


The extra deck is becoming more and more tight with more generic Rank 4's being released; I kinda wanna fit a Blackship in somewhere but everything in the extra seems to come up more often than Blackship would.


The main thing that I want to touch on is the sidedeck; being the Randomizer smokescreen. The Randomizer side usually goes in against everything that isn't combo oriented (namely Mermails and Hieratics in this format) because most combo decks are able to just push through your backrow and overpower you fairly quickly. For those particular match-ups, I usually side in D Fissure, Soul Drain, and Dark Hole going second against Mermail, and I side in Dusts, Soul Drain, and Dark Hole going second against Hieratic Ruler.


The deck will usually look like this post siding, with some cards being interchangeable depending on the match-up



The main theory behind the Randomizer side is that they're siding in cards that are essentially useless against you (Maxx, Dimensional Fissure, Mistake, Mind Crush and so on) once you've boarded in your Randomizer side, as you're siding out all of your combo cards that are weak to their side cards.


The side also allows you to play mindgames with your opponent; if you side it in for game 2, then they can potentially side out all of their hate cards with the thought that you're not playing Infernity any more. My one issue with the side is how much room is takes up, so I could just go back somewhat standard sidedecking in Infernity.


Thanks for wasting a certain amount of time reading my explanations or skimming through it (or just not bothering to in general)


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Please stay we need more people like you.


I see where you're coming from with Duality because if you do open the combo the Duality you get with it is irrelevant (Monk fodder, use for next turn etc)


I feel that Compulse is a superior card to Book of Moon though, however nice it would be to fit both in.

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Please stay we need more people like you.


I see where you're coming from with Duality because if you do open the combo the Duality you get with it is irrelevant (Monk fodder, use for next turn etc)


I feel that Compulse is a superior card to Book of Moon though, however nice it would be to fit both in.

I mean I was able to endure DNF all the way to 3000 posts, so I could probably get accustomed here in due time.


Not really sure on Evac this format, like it's still as versatile as it's always been but the only real use I can see it having against Fire is dealing with Kagutsuchi or however it's spelt (because that card is a real problem for this deck). The card is also pretty suboptimal vs. Mermail (although it's pretty good for dealing with Gaios, I'll give it that) and it's uses in other rogue match-ups really vary across the board.


I have been considering dropping Book though, simply because I've wished that it was another real trap in most of the times that I've seen it, so I'm contemplating -1 Book -1 Break (I've found that I only really need one in most of my testing with this deck, although it becomes considerably better with the Randomizer side) for +2 Fiendish

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