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Cyber Dragon Mayhem - Cyber Dragon Deck (NEW FORMAT)


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So I've been working on my cybers, and I've actually got the deck built.  This is a straight cyber build, focusing on XYZ and

fusions alone.  There are TONS of combos possible with this deck, offering a variety of styles to take out your opponent.


Deck list:



Cyber Dragon x3

Cyber Dragon Drei x3

Cyber Dragon Zwei x2

Cyber Dragon Core x3

Cyber valley x3

Cyber Eltanin x1

Honest x1



Cyber Repair Plant x2

Pot of Duality x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Limiter Removal x1

Machine Duplication x3

Power Bond x3

Overload Fusion x2



Negate Attack x2

Mirror Force x2

Trap Stun x3


Extra Deck:

Cyber Dragon Nova x3

Constellar Pleiades x1

Number 61: Volcasauras x1

Steelswarm Roach x1

Number 54: Lion Heart x1

Chimeratech Overdragon x1

Cyber End Dragon x2

Cyber Twin Dragon x3


Side Deck:

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x2

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x2

Malevonlent Catastrophy x2

Cyber Dinosaur x2

Number 11: Big Eye x1

Super Polymerization x2




This deck is a simple build; I wanted this to be a straight-forward design to the deck, and it works wonderfully.


For mirror matches, I recommend side 2 Chimeratech fortresses and drop maybe a nova or twin.  Replace Overload Fusion with Super Poly.


The combos in this deck are numerous, and limiter removal is your friend.  I recommend, with power bond, GENERALLY going for Cyber twin.  I wouldn't go for End unless you feel comfortable enough to ditch 4000LP if it's not game.  Nova brings cybers back, and Machine dupe can summon 2 CyDras with core or 3 cyber valleys.


Number 54 Lion Heart.  A card that is so much fun.  If you know you're playing a deck that doesn't pop much, this card is an interesting card to run.  It  can't be destroyed by battle, and any damage you take your opponent takes.  It has 100 ATK only, but if you detach, your opponent becomes the only one to take damage.  Have fun.  I won against a star eater without even needing to use Nova; it's just a fun alternative!


Try it out and let me know what you think.  Cyber Dinos and Big Eye are there if you want to side them; any deck that specials can get you Big Eye pretty much, and tributes in this deck are a dime a dozen.  



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I want the 3 dupes, they're too good to take out.  


The font is called "Capture It" found on dafont.com !


negate helps too if you don't get what you need, and I personally prefer not to use lances. Just my opinion on it!


I will try maybe one negate and the 3rd repair though, seems more consistent..

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Threatening Roar and Waboku are both better than Negate Attack, mostly because unlike Negate Attack, they can be chained to MST and still get their effects, while Negate Attack can't.


And Duality seems like it would interfere with your Fusions/Xyz plays too much.  And Eltanin also seems unnecessary, imo.


-1 Eltanin

-2 Duality

-2 Negate Attack

-1 Overload Fusion (I don't see Overdragon being too useful.  Twin/End fusions are much better. )


+1 Repair Plant (should have 3)

+2 Roar/Waboku

+3 Swift Scarecrow (as suggested earlier)

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I prefer not to run network. If any network gets popped on your turn, you can't attack so you just sit there.  


As for dualitys, draw power. Dead hands do happen, and it comes in handy.


I have 3 repairs in the deck once again, so that's not a problem.


eltanin is mainly my backup.  It is definitely not the best card, and he exhausts your resources.  If you don't run network or cards that return banished monsters, he would end up being dead draws more than anything.


I will be replacing the negates with roars, and possible the mirrors for torrential, compulsary, or something of the sort because I run nothing that can wipe the field.


Also, 1 zwei was taken out to make room for the repair.  He wasn't missed haha.

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I prefer not to run network. If any network gets popped on your turn, you can't attack so you just sit there.  


As for dualitys, draw power. Dead hands do happen, and it comes in handy.


I have 3 repairs in the deck once again, so that's not a problem.


eltanin is mainly my backup.  It is definitely not the best card, and he exhausts your resources.  If you don't run network or cards that return banished monsters, he would end up being dead draws more than anything.


I will be replacing the negates with roars, and possible the mirrors for torrential, compulsary, or something of the sort because I run nothing that can wipe the field.


Also, 1 zwei was taken out to make room for the repair.  He wasn't missed haha.

You need Network.

Can't attack? Dude you should be able to do so much crap attacking doesn't even matter.

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I'm not saying network is a bad card, but this deck doesn't rely on it. It takes your resources out of your deck, and if you get torrential'd or bottomless'd, you're screwed. This deck doesn't rely on that card, it's a version that is faster IMO, and it runs well without it.

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eltanin's not very versatile.  He banishes your resources, so in a build with network, it's phenomenal.  


my personal experience with network is that, at times, it's too slow.  you have to banish your cards and either hope they pop it, or have them pop it on your turn and skip your battle phase.  That's why I don't like it as much.  

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