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turbo hunter (hearthstone)


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Stonetusk Boar is awful. No matter what kind of synergy it may have. The deck also lacks mid-late game power with the exception of Sea Giant. It also has no taunts. Flare IMO is usually not worth it, same with Tracking. Every minion except Sea Giant in that deck is 3 Mana or less which means it's not doing much late game. Mage can screw you over with Cone of Cold and Blizzard, Paladin destroys you with Consecrate, among other things. I just think you really need more bulky staple creatures.


-2 Stonetusk Boar

-2 Flare

-2 Tracking


+2 Boulderfist Ogre

+2 Chillwind Yeti

+2 Sen'jin Shieldmasta

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the snake + ( buzzard/juggler/questing ) is the bread and butter of this deck. then follwing up with cult master is amazing.

dropped animal companion because it wasnt really helping much.

dropped koll command for multi shot as this help helps with board cpntrol so much easier.

and added explosive trap as its just amazing with hounds

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