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Rulers of Sylvania


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Funny how stuff like Sylvan Rulers only run 2 Rulers and Karakuri Geargia only main 3-4 Karakuris.


Considering taking out The Seventh One because as funny as it is to stack it with Charity, Hermitree or Arbiter and then pull out a 4500 ATK beater that stops all card effects out of nowhere (Number C107), Extra Deck space is tighter than -censored-


I'm overall bad at making Extras so, probably need advice on that.


Mostly pretty happy with the Main Deck from testing, but any suggestions or advice is welcome.

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Funny how stuff like Sylvan Rulers only run 2 Rulers-

People used to run stuff like Machina Plant, and it was Machinas + 2-3 Plant cards.
Srsly. If you play Rulers then include 1 Karakuri card, it spontaneously becomes Karakuri Ruler.

But anyway...
You could probably swap Seventh with Call of the Haunted, just on the off chance you want more shenanigans going on.
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