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Book Project for a Feshmen in High School?

Johan Liebert

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Any ideas for a book project? It doesn't happen for about two or three weeks, but I like to plan ahead. It can't have a movie, show, or miniseries of it, so that narrows it down a lot. Also, here are a few that I thought of:
1. Doctor Sleep-Stephen King (Reading it now)
2. And Then There Were None-Agatha Christie
3. 11/22/63-Stephen King (Read 315 Pages a few months back)
4. Doomsday Book-Connie Willis
5. The Dark Tower I- Stephen King

Finally, I'd love a time travel, murder mystery, futuristic, or supernatural kind of book, but maybe a tragic love story as well. It just has to fit the rules.

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The Crying of Lot 49


It can be a bit confusing at times, because most of the novel is a series of events in a woman's life that are seemingly unconnected, but it can be really tense and there's this whole conspiracy thing going on.


Also it's totally all just making fun of analyzing close reading, which is perfect for a book project because that's exactly what you're doing (at least I'm assuming you're actually going to have to analyze it)


Also, it's relatively short and came out ~relatively~ recently (1966)

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