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Hieratic Destiny Monarch IRL

Sunn O)))

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Not entirely sure what I'd remove but as a last resort you could always remove a upstart goblin since they are only for consistency anyway. Or even take out 1 MST and side deck the 3rd. Whatever feels best.

I'll remove 1 MST.


-1 MST

+1 BLS


Also, which Rank 6s should I run?

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Since your not doing a full Hieratic deck, i wouldn't recommend running Atum. i would run Photon Strike Bounzer, Inzektor Exa-Beetle, maybe Gauntlet Launcher for extra removal. possibly Constellar Ptolemy M7, to recycle stuff. Other monsters i would not reccomend, but they are rank 6's and they could work in some instances; Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis, Number 25: Force Focus, Sword Breaker. Oh and also put in a Gaia Dragon, Thunder Charger for when your rank 6's run out of Xyz materials.

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