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Frogs - The Real Best Deck of the Format

Dog  King

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3 Des Frog

3 Dupe Frog

3 Swap Frog

2 Ronintoadin

1 Flip Flop Frog

1 T.A.D.P.O.L.E.

1 Sea Lancer

3 Mother Grizzly



3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Pot of Duality

3 Inferno Reckless Summon

1 Dark Hole

1 Book of Moon



3 Fiendish Chain

2 Mirror Force

2 Pinpoint Guard

2 Trap Stun

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Solemn Warning

1 Bottomless Trap Hole



2 Gachi Gachi Ganetsu

2 Daigusto Phoenix

2 Herald of Pure Light

1 Downerd Magician

2 Number 61: Volcasaurus

1 Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja

1 Shark Fortress

1 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

1 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh

2 Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger



Of course this is the best deck, it runs the best searcher in the game Dupe Frog, the best card in the game Swap Frog, and the best rank 5 engine Des Frog, and also the best rank 2 Engine Ronintoadin.

But srsly, the decks focus is rank 2's and rank 5's

Des Frog is great because getting T.A.D.P.O.L.E. in grave is simp, and Des Frog becomes an instant rank 5 and then if you think the other Des Frog in your grave is dead, well its not because Herald of Pure Light and Dupe Frog let you re use this. 

Lancer mainly grabs your dupes, and Lancer is annoying to get rid of like Ark wont stop it unless it was summoned by Grizzly, so you get to ronintoadin into some rank 2s, then grab back your banished dupes which give you your plusses.

Also have I mentioned I can special summon Ronintoadin use Inferno Reckless Summon and summon my Des Frogs from grave and deck?

also rank 5's are op and Gaia Dragon is op too.

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As an idea, you could swap a Grizzly for another TADPOLE.
I mean, if you wanted to Summon all 3 Des Frogs, in the event both TADPOLEs are in the Graveyard.

Actually found you didnt need the 2nd TADPOLE as you mostly only needed the 2nd Dupe Frog

since I can they still use dupe to return 1 of them to get another from deck

or else if I need to summon them all than I have IRS

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The only tier 1 deck is Fire Fist and this deck handles it pretty well.

actually tier 1 decks are(im writing more or less what is known so far from YCS and stuff):
fire fist
hieratic rullers
and i dont think that u handle them well, mybe some lower tier fists who have an incomplete build

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actually tier 1 decks are(im writing more or less what is known so far from YCS and stuff):
fire fist
hieratic rullers
and i dont think that u handle them well, mybe some lower tier fists who have an incomplete build


This is wrong.


I wouldn't even call Fire Fist tier 1 but tier 1 would be Fire Fist, Geargia, Mermail, Heiratics and Prophecy.

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actually tier 1 decks are(im writing more or less what is known so far from YCS and stuff):
fire fist
hieratic rullers
and i dont think that u handle them well, mybe some lower tier fists who have an incomplete build



tier 1 

fire fist

tier 2 



hieratic ruler


tier 3

most other decent decks

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and how can u put constellars in tier 1 O.o the y litterlay have no chance... yeah forgot geargia... but they have problems with hieratic rullers, so there is that...


... Before you spit out nonsense, do your research please. Constellars are widely regarded as one of the best decks this format.

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... Before you spit out nonsense, do your research please. Constellars are widely regarded as one of the best decks this format.


Who's been telling you this? The only good source of information ATM is YCS Atlanta where no Constellars at all topped.

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I don't even think Constellars even entered that. And thats just stateside. There are other YCS's you know.


Maybe Constellars didn't enter it because people didn't think it was a good deck. I notice Ice Barriers didn't top as well but they're a really good deck it's just none of them entered.


And the only other YCS this format was Sydney where no Constellars topped either so idk what you're talking about with that.

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Maybe Constellars didn't enter it because people didn't think it was a good deck. I notice Ice Barriers didn't top as well but they're a really good deck it's just none of them entered.


And the only other YCS this format was Sydney where no Constellars topped either so idk what you're talking about with that.


Did you really just say Ice Barriers were good?

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... Before you spit out nonsense, do your research please. Constellars are widely regarded as one of the best decks this format.

U are just 2 good. Like talking to a wall :D i like a chalange...

Now you're taking my argument out of context. I'm just saying that if a deck wasn't played there is probably a good reason for that.

See this guy gets it and his arguments are good compared to yours. All have a deck that they like... aperently yours is constellar

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