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Madolche (hopeful future IRL)


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3 Madolche Magileine

3 Madolche Hootcake

3 Madolche Anjelly

3 Madolche Messengelato

2 Madolche Mew-Feuille

1 Madolche Cruffsant

2 Maxx "C"



3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Madolche Ticket

2 Madolche Chateau

1 Book of Moon

1 Dark Hole



3 Fiendish Chain

2 Mirror Force

2 Dimensional Prison

2 Raigeki Break

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Solemn Warning

1 Madolchepalooza



3 Madolche Queen Tiaramisu

2 M-X-Saber Invoker

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Number 101: Silent Honor Ark

1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1 Blade Armor Ninja

1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

1 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 Soul of Silvermountain

1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

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My deck is really different from this. I run 

Monsters: 16

3 Magileine

3 Hootcake

3 Messengelato

3 Mewfueille

2 Tour Guide

1 Marmalmaide

1 Baaple

Spells: 12

3 Chateau

3 Ticket


2 Forbidden Lance

1 Book of Moon

1 Dark Hole

Traps: 10

2 Madolchepalooza

2 Mirror Force

2 Fiendish Chain

2 Dimensional Prison

1 Bottomless

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Torrential

1 Warning

Extra Deck(missing a few I dont remember)

2 Invoker

2 Tiaramasu

1 Maestroke

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Zenmaines

1 Leviair

2 Giant Hand

1 Leviathan Dragon

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Angelly hasn't got a place yet because my build atm doesnt need it. I've otk'd several times with Invoker and Tiaramasu spam. Also, why only 2 Chateau? it's only one of the most broken field spells in teh game


Angelly is like one of the best cards in the deck as it allows you to get a +2 off just opening it as you can go Angelly>Hootcake>Messengelato>Ticker/Chateau.


For that reason Chateau is at 2 because it's v. easily searchable and drawing multiples sucks.


EDIT: Angineer over Maines seems like a good idea but Ticket seems so important that I feel 3 is necessary. What would you suggest over it?

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