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[CF!V] Bonds Reforged, Stalwarts United


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Grade 0: 18

8x Revenger Crit

4x Death Feather Eagle

4x Revenger Heal

1x Judgebau Revenger

1x Harbinger Revenger, Claudas


Grade 1: 13

4 Morale Revenger, Dorint

4 Revenger of Darkness, Mac Lir

3 Transient Revenger, Masquerade

2 Dark Bond Trumpeter


Grade 2: 11

4 Blaster Dark Revenger

3 Crisis Revenger, Mana

2 Revenger, Blood Master

2 Revenger of Nullity, Masquerade


Grade 3: 8

4 Revenger, Dragruler Phantom

4 Revenger, Raging Form Dragon


Main idea is that Dragruler's really powerful early, especially with Blood Master shenanigans, and Raging Form's powerful in the later game. Judgebau is stupidly potent and puts a lot of pressure on. If you go first and get Dragruler, Judgebau laughs at the opponent. Hard. Otherwise it's just a free sack for Raging Form.

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