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[hearthstone] mage control


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13 minions


2 mana wyrm

1 shield bearer


2 sorcerer's apprentice

2 doomsayer

2 wild promancer


1 big game hunter


2 gadetzan auctioneer


1 archmage antonidas (triple fireball, turn 9 for game, ftw)


17 spells


2 ice lance

2 arcane missiles

2 mirror image


2 arcane explosion

2 frostbolt


2 arcane intellect

1 frost nova


2 polymorph

1 fireball (need to fit in another)


1 blizzard

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Minions: (13)


1 Mana: 2 Mana Wyrm, 1 Shieldbearer

2 Mana: 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2 Doomsayer, 2 Wild Pyromancer

3 Mana: 1 Big Game Hunter, 

5 Mana: 2 Gadgetzan Auctioneer

7 Mana: 1 Archmage Antonidas


Spells: (17)


1 Mana: 2 Ice Lance, 2 Arcane Missiles, 2 Mirror Image

2 Mana: 2 Arcane Explosion, 2 Frost Bolt

3 Mana: 2 Arcane Intellect, 1 Frost Nova

4 Mana: 2 Polymorph, 1 Fireball

6 Mana: 1 Blizzard


Okay, cleaned up the list because it took me a little while to understand the layout of yours. As a mage, it's quite obvious your deck is focused around spell spamming. Shieldbearer, despite your lack of taunts, doesn't really seem to fit here. If you really want control, you want to have minion control as well. I'd remove the Shieldbearer and the Big Game Hunter and put in 2 Harvest Golems. Big Game Hunter really seems like a one trick pony and i'm not quite sure if it's worth having since you're so spell heavy and even have 2 Doomsayers. In addition, though this is up to you, i'd personally replace Frost Nova with a Flamestrike. All Frost Nova does is freeze, which is good and all but in the end you want those enemy minions GONE. Flamestrike does the job quite well as most enemies either die from it or take a very large amount of damage.


Otherwise, it looks solid. I'd hate to fight it.

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the ten mana spell pyroblast  is actually good for the control deck as well if you have the space, they actually had to nerf that spell to 10 for 10 from 8 for 10.

also your minons are cute and all, but a rush deck can rip you apart by turn 7, and a combo deck will finish you before you can spare enough damage to take them out, most certainly if it's shaman, warlock, or god forbid, a healing priest or druid. without pyroblast you are not winning those 2 match-ups

use the acolyte of pain as a draw engine, you can hero skill it to draw a card, effectively turning your damage into 1 draw for 2. well worth the space in your deck, as you need to gain hand advantage in a mage deck, and do so efficiently.

going high mana in this deck is something you should not be afraid of doing.

if you want your low mana spells to be a threat, you should work on your minions having plus spell damage. it really does force your opponent to attack them instead of you. and in your deck, your minion's job is to pull the damage off you and onto them.


I just don't see what is going to keep you alive in your monster board, because doomsayer is going to buy a single turn when you want to drop it. at most.

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