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Really like the mellow, soft effect that you have going on here, and the colours in general are very nice. The only thing that's bugging me is the C4D to the left doesn't seem to work or flow properly. You definitely need something in that area, but the C4D there looks wrong, to my eyes. Overall though, it's a great looking piece.

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I really don't like the colors used (deep green with yellow and blue :Z ). The piece is too blur (depth is not good), and the light (internal lumen) on the C4D is horrible... :/

But this piece could be interesting with more work.

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Size isn't doing you any favors, if it was a bit smaller it wouldn't feel so empty+centered+mono. Dunno why, but just feels like it doesn't work. I know simplicity's your game, but developing the concept like you know how to might've yielded better stuff. like spaceships or some shit. Anyways, I like it overall, fleshing out the concept+execution a bit would've done good but it looks nice.

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