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[HS] Sen'jin Shieldmasta

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To those who don't know what "Taunt" does: it prevents your opponent from attacking you directly, or any of your monsters that don't have Taunt.

A (probably poor) search in here doesn't seem to show any other Hearthstone threads in here, so this feels a little weird.




Anyway, on my first day playing this game, this card struck me as really good. Probably out of pure noobdum, I've been running it @2 in everything so far. 5 HP is enough to cover at least two attacks most of the time, and given how he has Taunt, this lets your squishier monsters survive for a little while longer. Plus, 3 attack means that anything your opponent threw at it would take some nasty damage. The Druid seems to do it better with an Oasis Snapjaw + Mark of the Wild, but that's a two-card combo that costs more.


So yeah, do I already suck at this game?

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No, you don't, at all.

In games like Hearthstone, you need cards like this Troll as a Training Wheel and, in many cases, the Shieldmasta is a solid, good card in many cases. It is fair value, even if it gets silenced and loses the taunt.

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One of the more respectable Taunts in the game. I mean, what else do we have? Voidwalker is Hero-specific, Goldshire Footman sucks, etc. etc

Defender of Argus!

Also it's really good and can often 2for1 but there's just no room for it in a lot of decks over other things.

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If you don't have other options like the aforementioned Defender of Argus, Shieldmasta is a VERY solid option for just about any deck in need of a Taunter. Mana cost is respectable, 5 life is very bulky during the Late-Early Game, and 3 Attack destroys most early game spammy minions. I really like it. I always play atleast 1 if the space allows for it.

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