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Cardfight Vanguard Japanese Metagame Discussion V2

Maeriberii Haan

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Soo, Vague returned to the competitive scene with quite a bang, Musketeer got 2nd, Revenger still topped and the return of Eradicators (so fuck you whoever I quoted this morning).


No CBD is quite surprising.




This is an older one, but it's won by 2 Nova decks, that is Extreme (which enjoyed the diminishing of CBD in the meta), and Blau. Minerva got 4th btw.


The number of Kagero + Genesis deck in the tournament is kinda ridiculous.


Still no CBD.


Well, what do you guys think about this?

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Only even remotely surprising thing is Musketeers, which isn't even that surprising given how awesome and consistent Sylvia is, plus they are excellent anti-meta.


Lack of CBD is expected (and good). Who would run a deck that would be insta-killed by anything running Unlockers? Whether Unlockers actually appeared or not isn't even relevant, you don't take the risk. You just go to the next best bet.


Genesis and Kagero meta is obvious, Minnie is Descendant on steroids and breast implants. Kagero is amazing (I was kinda expecting Nouvelle to be hit more by lack of Conroe, but nah). As for Nova Grapplers, both builds (Extreme and Blaus) are immensely strong, they just can't really shine in a retire/lock meta. Some were bound to make it through though, and I'm glad they did.


Erads also got a huge boost in the form of Ignition Dragon, and Revengers are always relevant.


I'm still laughing at some techs / deck choices among top decks. People in Japan, always trying to make CFV more complicated than it is.

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Yeah, Neo's a good deck even without much support. Can easily recover from many field nukes, have good columns on demand, and can outlast many meta decks due to the recycle (with tons of drawing, tutoring, and restanding, decks do ran out faster compared to pre BT10).

it's sad to see that all the other decks that can compete didn't even make a showing there as far as I can see. remiel reverse could have totally been a sleeper with CBD on the out from unlockers ready and willing to work.

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Lack of CBD is expected (and good). Who would run a deck that would be insta-killed by anything running Unlockers? Whether Unlockers actually appeared or not isn't even relevant, you don't take the risk. You just go to the next best bet.

This is oversimplifying it to say the very least. The reason why Link Joker isn't as good as before is because of a switch in the decks that are available. Originally you really just had to compete with a bunch of rearguard reliant decks that became strong when unified, but Link Joker just permanently shut that down. So what exactly caused Link Joker to fall off the map?

Strong Vanguard reliant decks. In BT14, we got an astounding amount of strong INDEPENDENT Vanguards. Dauntless Dominate Dragon, Minerva and Ignition Dragons are all prime examples of what I mean by a strong independent Vanguard. Those cards do not care for your Rearguards, they simply care about what your Vanguard does and your Vanguard alone. As a result of this, Link Joker cannot attempt to stop what your opponent's Vanguard wants to do. All they can simply do is slow down the rate in which they die.

Before they had competition like Revengers, Great Nature, Liberators... All of that fun stuff. Then the metagame became more Vanguard focused and the deck began to lose popularity as a result. Of course Revengers stuck around because Raging Form is still one of the strongest cards known to mankind but yeah.

Also this is pre-Conroe hit because the change doesn't occur until February 1st. So technically this is all going to be outdated tomorrow?
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This is oversimplifying it to say the very least. The reason why Link Joker isn't as good as before is because of a switch in the decks that are available. Originally you really just had to compete with a bunch of rearguard reliant decks that became strong when unified, but Link Joker just permanently shut that down. So what exactly caused Link Joker to fall off the map?

Strong Vanguard reliant decks. In BT14, we got an astounding amount of strong INDEPENDENT Vanguards. Dauntless Dominate Dragon, Minerva and Ignition Dragons are all prime examples of what I mean by a strong independent Vanguard. Those cards do not care for your Rearguards, they simply care about what your Vanguard does and your Vanguard alone. As a result of this, Link Joker cannot attempt to stop what your opponent's Vanguard wants to do. All they can simply do is slow down the rate in which they die.

Before they had competition like Revengers, Great Nature, Liberators... All of that fun stuff. Then the metagame became more Vanguard focused and the deck began to lose popularity as a result. Of course Revengers stuck around because Raging Form is still one of the strongest cards known to mankind but yeah.

Also this is pre-Conroe hit because the change doesn't occur until February 1st. So technically this is all going to be outdated tomorrow?

the vouge deck didn't use it if I read that right, nothing in that deck changes

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because the only real change is the removal of conroe as a starter, everything else is just things that are old coming off if I remember

I don't even know why you replied to my post. I was talking about how a new set made LJ nowhere near as powerful while you're talking about how random rogue decks work.
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  • 2 weeks later...



Game news aside, look at the bottom paragraph.


It seems like LJ players are starting to bring it to the tournament scene again, though T1 still belongs to Nouvelle, that easily adjusted to the new banlist with Red Pulse (maybe, decklist hasn't been up yet).


Minerva and Blau also got a nice result.


Also, not related to the Japanese Metagame, CFV's TCG team tourney are now starting to adopt the best of 3 system for the top tables.

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  • 1 month later...
http://vanguardus.blogspot.com/2014/03/news-glendios-cardfighter-wins-second.html?m=1 Seems like Omega Grandiose slowly took away the top dog status from Vague. The top players' choices are quite interesting though, with extra dusttails for both Omega decks, and Goat as starting vanguard (and relegating Judgebau to Darkbond's target). So, discuss?
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both Glendios decks seem similar, yet dominating. I saw a Glendios deck with 4 Glendios, 4 IZD, and 1 Cradle and 7 other Reverse units and still kicked ass. In the end, Omega WEAPON Glendios is here to stay and we have to deal with it.

But IZD fucking sucks in Glendiose


I don't even see how it's "deal with it". It's powerful, sure, but I definitely prefer Glendiose to CBD as something to play against.

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