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[CF!V] TD14/15

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Release Date April 18th, 2014
1000 Yen + Tax
Experience the new System "Legion" that appears in the animated series "Cardfight!! Vanguard Legion Mate Hen"

希望の探索者(シーカー) Kibou no Siikaa (Seeker of Hope)
A Trial Deck has appeared based around the fan favorite "Royal Paladins". Because it's a Trial Deck for the start of "Legion Mate Hen", it's super easy for new fans to use! And you can use it to strengthen your existing "Royal Paladin" Deck!
17 New Cards (50 Cards in Total) in a Pre Constructed Deck. There's 1 RRR Card and 2 R Cards
It comes with a First Guide, Play Book and a Playing Mat that has a Deck Playing Guide on the Bottom

「探索者 セイクリッド・ういんがる」 Seeker, Sacred Wingal
「ブラスター・ブレード・探索者」- Blaster Blade Seeker
「爛漫の探索者 セルディック」- Splendid Seeker, Cerdic

友情の喧嘩屋(ブロウラー) Yuujyou no Burouraa (Brawlers of Friendship)
A "Narukami" Trial Deck appears filled with the clans ever popular and cool dragons. Because it's a Trial Deck for the start of "Legion Mate Hen", it's super easy for new fans to use! And you can use it to strengthen your existing "Narukami" Deck!
17 New Cards (50 Cards in Total) in a Pre Constructed Deck. There's 1 RRR Card and 2 R Cards
It comes with a First Guide, Play Book and a Playing Mat that has a Deck Playing Guide on the Bottom

「喧嘩屋 スカイビート・ドラゴン」 - Brawler, Skybeat Dragon
「喧嘩屋 スカイハウル・ドラゴン」 - Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon
「喧嘩屋 ワイルドフィスト・ドラゴン」 - Brawler, Wildfist Dragon

Seeker of Hope Starter Set:
Release Date: April 18th, 2014
2400 Yen plus Tax
Trial Deck "Seeker of Hope"
Different Rarity Versions of "Seeker, Sacred Wingal", "Blaster Blade Seeker" and "Splendid Seeker, Cerdic" in said Trial Deck
First Guide, Play Book, Play With Instructions on the Bottom
1 Pack of Cardfight Pack Volume 13
53 Mini-Sleeves (89mm x 62mm)
1 Deck Holder (97 mm x 71 mm x 51 mm)
1 Fight Dice Counter
3 RRR Promotional Cards (A Reprint of Claudia and 2 "Royal Paladin" Cards from BT16)

Brawler of Frienship Starter Set:
Release Date: April 18th, 2014
2400 Yen plus Tax
Trial Deck "Brawler of Friendship"
Different Rarity Versions(?) of "Brawler, Skybeat Dragon", "Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon" and "Brawler, Wildfish Dragon" in said Trial Deck
First Guide, Play Book, Play With Instructions on the Bottom
1 Pack of Cardfight Pack Volume 13
53 Mini-Sleeves (89mm x 62mm)
1 Deck Holder (97 mm x 71 mm x 51 mm)
1 Fight Dice Counter
3 RRR Promotional Cards (A Reprint of Spark Kid Dragoon and 2 "Narukami" Cards from BT16)


Well the good news is that it's not Golds again.


Also Blaster Blade being Royal again seems really interesting. And two new Archetypes even more so.


Source is ark apparently.

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Someone on DGz suggested that Blaster Blade Seeker is actually Llew.


If that's true, I wonder if BBL retires/becomes the new King of Knights and the Cray story time skips for season 4, or Alfred does a Batman Incorporated thing where Llew becomes Blaster Blade II so BBL and the Liberators can be elsewhere on Cray/ in space to prevent another potential Void/Link Joker incident or vice versa ("Seeker" might mean to seek out evil.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lily called this a while ago about Kai.

Though, I do wanna say...

This lends credence to the fact that BBL is Alfred and og lib Alfred is og BB. Sanc Lib Alfred is BBL, basically.

They switched eye colors between BB and Alfred in their lib forms for some reason, and Aichi seems to be connecting to Alfred.

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Wingal is the boss for Seekers judging from TD patterns

from that, and the description of forerunner units saying when the vanguard is in legion Sound like the Vanguard become a pair looking at wingal's and blaster blade's arts. 


So while Kai run the Seeker, Naoki runs the Brawler, interesting, I am looking forward to this.

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Or let you have a RG be a VG.
though the GC thing's implementation would be weird.

I think it's probably just going to be "you cna guard with that unit from anywhere so long as it's on the rc and you retire after guarding with it" which is fine. I've been wanting to see something like that implemented anyway.

Though it's going to be interesting because it means that Legion'd RGVCs will become huge targets and conserve hand advantage like crazy seeing as how 3 checks is infinitely superior to 2.
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