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Lord of the Elements


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3 Copy Plant
3 Sylvan Hermitree
3 Sylvan Komushroomo
3 Sylvan Sagequoia
3 Sylvan Sproutcolyte
2 Fallen Angel of Roses
2 Lonefire Blossom
2 Sylvan Flowerknight
1 Dandylion
1 Debris Dragon
1 Spore
1 Sylvan Marshalleaf
1 Sylvan Peaskeeper
1 Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
3 Miracle Fertilizer
3 Sylvan Charity
3 Upstart Goblin
2 Mount Sylvania
2 Reasoning
1 One for One
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Crimson Blader
1 Formula Synchron
1 HTS Psyhemuth
1 Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Spark Dragon
2 Oreia, the Sylvan High Arbiter
1 Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector
1 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand
1 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
1 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1 Number 11: Big Eye
Peas is a tech I'm trying out but was only recently added and have yet to hit or draw.
I really like the 2 Fallen Angels. Returning a Flowerknight or w/e to hand to continue plays is nice, especially after you use it + Sproutcolyte to search out Copy Plant. T1 Draco all day.
I'd like a 3rd Flowerknight, but spaaaaaaaaace. Also considering negging AFD as I have yet to make it even once, and get Blader in here instead, though the only times I really go into 8s are... few and far between and are usually just herpderp Stardust Spark lols at you.
Oreia + Miracle Fert is basically scoop territory for the opp.
Also, having 2 high rank monsters that are non-targeting removal is really nice.

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So, the trap is not necessary anymore post Prio, eh?


How's triple Sage and Hermit tested for you?

They are never, ever dead basically.


Between triple mount, triple charity, I never have issues with them. Especially considering how drawing sage is the best feeling i nthe world 9/10.

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Why aren't you playing Rank-Up Magic: The Seventh One?

You should also be playing One for One.

I would recommend Gorz in this too.

I was playing it. It's not worth the extra deck space. It's too gimmicky and slows you down. Because when you stack it you're basically declaring you're done for the turn or you're squandering a stack.

I mean, I'm about to neg 101, so then I really can't fit it in.

I forgot one for one. Space for it?

Gorz seems mediocre at best when I run 6 spells that sit on the field.
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-1 Mount Sylvania

+1 Tempest

+1 Debris


Only really need 2 mountain, considering it's stackable (upstart/Charity plays) and it's recyclable, and Tempest/Debris are both really good cards for the deck.


Not sure how to get down to 40, though.

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I fail to see how it doesn't.


It hits all of your key pieces as a start, and basically any plant you hit is good because of Fallen Angel/Oreia/Lonefire. If they call the right level (mindgames with charity/mount) you get the effect, and if they don't you get a monster. The only time them calling it right feels bad is when they hit an early Peas or early Hermit. Even calling Lonefire right isn't that bad 9/10. Not as good as calling it wrong obviously, but yeah.


I mean, it makes dead hands better and good hands better, and it's a really good card to open on so they aren't 100% sure what they're playing against.

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But if I have a Fallen Angel or Lonefire in hand, anything I hit is basically gold. Yes, it's inconsistent in what it grabs, but it's almost always going to work out for me.


Why would I cut Upstarts, they're part of the reason the deck is good. Being able to grab stuff you stack is just too good to pass up.

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But if I have a Fallen Angel or Lonefire in hand, anything I hit is basically gold. Yes, it's inconsistent in what it grabs, but it's almost always going to work out for me.
Why would I cut Upstarts, they're part of the reason the deck is good. Being able to grab stuff you stack is just too good to pass up.

Regarding Reasoning: Key word is if. You basically have a ½ chance of drawing one of those cards. But if you like it, then suit yourself.
Regarding Upstart: Dur dur my bad XD
Oh, no Star Eater in the extra?
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Regarding Reasoning: Key word is if. You basically have a ½ chance of drawing one of those cards. But if you like it, then suit yourself.
Regarding Upstart: Dur dur my bad XD
Oh, no Star Eater in the extra?

But between 3x Charity, 3x Upstart, 2x Reasoning, 2x Lonefire, and 2x Fallen Angel, not to mention tempest, the chances of it going off efficiently aren't bad at all.


Would rather keep my options than have Star Eater, as I've never really felt the need to make it.

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