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Food (The Fast, the Fine and the Weird)


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Food! We (probably) all eat it. Whether it's served on a pretentious black piece of slate in a portion fit for a small monkey, or triple-fried in oil and smothered in fat, we eat it.

Thoughts on fast food? Cooking? Weird Japanese food that comes in indistinguishable flavours? World cuisine?

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Over the past year or so I've been slowly but surely turning from teenager who will eat anything to unapologetic food snob.  


I'm not picky in the "Ewwww Broccoli" sense, but I am picky in the sense that I really can't eat processed sugary garbage anymore.  Can't eat no twinkies. 

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People rant on and on about how much of an abomination to the culinary arts fast food is, but of you go to certain places its really not that bad. I went to Chic Fil A for the first time ever last week and got a chicken sandwich, and it was one of the most delicious things I'd eaten in a while. And I'm Mr. High-brow, holier-than-thou, skeptical man

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I always like trying new things more than anything or at least eating food that I don't eat on a regular basis, I really like new foreign foods or different gourmet food cuz I'm not rich enough to try it often obviously. Once on vacation we went to this high class restaurant and they served a fillet that was about half the size of my fist for fifty dollars and that was like the cheapest thing on the menu. Meh.

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People rant on and on about how much of an abomination to the culinary arts fast food is, but of you go to certain places its really not that bad. I went to Chic Fil A for the first time ever last week and got a chicken sandwich, and it was one of the most delicious things I'd eaten in a while. And I'm Mr. High-brow, holier-than-thou, skeptical man

Chic Fil A is an exception though.  Not just in food but in service. 

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Fast food isn't as bad as people think. If you count your calories and whatnot, you can eat whatever you want and not become huge like people fearmonger about.


Me. I try to avoid food that has 100 different things in it (mainly the vegetable oils) that it probably shouldn't have as much as possible. I stopped eating at Subway when I learned the chicken is really just a bunch of chemicals thrown together, and it isn't even grilled, which explains why it didn't taste like meat.


Weird food?





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I used to be a really picky eater, but I've learned to enjoy some good foods later in life, particularly red meat. When I vacationed in Switzerland, I ate filet mignon pretty much everywhere and now I have a hankering for steak-type meals.

As of right now, I eat way too many carbs and need to change my diet by the time my metabolism slows. 


Chocolate addiction also runs in my family, so I'm stuck with that for pretty much...forever.


What was the weirdest thing you guys have ever eaten? Mine's sweet bread, which is fried veal neck glands.

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I don't eat much, mainly rubbish.

Fast Food is ok (I tend to buy it when I'm in town because it's easy to get), if McDonalds doesn't turn it into a question of if you want chips with your salt?

Wierd foods and me, yea not gonna happen. Although I have tried some Latvian food my friend made when I was round her's last year, it was ok.

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I love food. Fast Food, restaurant food, microwaveable food, and all the rest.

I really like Chinese Food, Sushi, some Japanese food, noodles, Italian (pizza, noodles, and other things), enjoy a good taco, love a grilled burger, and the two categories I enjoy the most are Chicken and Potatoes. Basically, I love to eat whatever I can when I can. Lately my enjoyment of vegetables is going way down though. Still like fruit though. Broccoli is ok with me too.


Squid also tastes amazing cooked.

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I love food. My favorites are: Mozzarella Sticks, Chicken, Steak, Chinese Foods.


I haven't been eating a lot of fast food lately, but its still pretty nice to eat it every now and then. Here in Michigan we don't have a Chic-Fil-A and its been driving me nuts lol. I used to eat it all the time in South Carolina and I really miss it. I'm also a really picky eater, I won't touch anything with onions or pickles on it at all.

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Fast food isn't as bad as people think. If you count your calories and whatnot, you can eat whatever you want and not become huge like people fearmonger about.


Me. I try to avoid food that has 100 different things in it (mainly the vegetable oils) that it probably shouldn't have as much as possible. I stopped eating at Subway when I learned the chicken is really just a bunch of chemicals thrown together, and it isn't even grilled, which explains why it didn't taste like meat.



Well the main problem with fast food isn't calories, as all food has calories and we need those to live.  Fast food has nasty trans fats and chemicals and such. 

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