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[spoiler=script 52]


Last time’s Egao Count: 30

Nico: Maiami Youth Championship!
Junior Youth Class!
The victors of the Battle Royale who have endured 24 hours of fierce fighting,
Are now returning to LDS Center Court!
Please give them a big round of applause!

Tatsuya: That’s Yuuya-niichan!

Ayu: And Yuzu-oneechan is there, too!

Yoko: It seems like Micchy didn’t make it. But at least…

Shuzou: Both students from our You Show School managed to pull through!

Futoshi: (No translation is necessary. His majestic and heavenly bodily motions are enough to convey the message)

Shuzou: As expected,
Both Yuuya and Yuzu look exhausted.

Ayu: Gongenzaka doesn’t seem too different from his usual self, though.

Tatsuya: But why is Sawatari here?

Futoshi: He lost to Yuuya-niichan in the first round. Just what is he doing here?

Yoko: Now that you mention it, that Mieru girl also lost to that ninja named Tsukikage, and yet…

Random Person 1 : Isn’t Sawatari the son of a politician, though?

Random Person 2 : Yeah. He’s the city councilor’s son.

Random Person 3: Using your dad’s influence is cheating!

Random Person 4: Did you cut off the video feeds with some cheap tricks?


Random Person 5: That’s right, that’s right! I don’t know whether you’re the son of the councilor or something,
But don’t think that you can just do whatever you want!

SAWATARI-SAN: Just shut up, you idiots!
I didn’t use any cheap tricks!
Akaba Reiji approached me in person,
And granted me permission to participate in a repechage!
And I managed to triumph! That’s why
I’m standing right here as one of the Lancers!

Random Person 6: Lancers?

Random Person 7: What? What is that?

Random Person 8: What are the Lancers?

Mieru: I’m not one of them!
I’m not a Lancer!

Himika: I know this is a bit sudden.
However, as a representative of the sponsors of the tournament,
I have to address something important to everyone in this stadium.
The Maiami Championship,
Shall be suspended,
As of today’s afternoon.

(Opening Sequence)

Himika: We have to suspend this Championship,
Due to an invasion from a faction hostile to our world during the Battle Royale.
It was something beyond our imagination.
There were invaders from a different dimension.
They intend to encroach on the world that we live in,
And have already sent in vanguards.
They use Duel Monsters Cards as weapons,
And attacked us using the Monsters created by Real Solid Vision.
We did not broadcast the Battle Royale in real-time,
Because it was a precautionary measure,
So that Maiami City…
No, so that everyone in the world won’t be thrown into a panic.
So, please understand our decision.

Random Person 100: What is this different dimension thing?

Random Person 101: Invaders?

Random Person 102: Using Duel Monsters as weapons?

Random Person 103: That’s ridiculous!

Himika: Well then, it’s only a brief clip,
But please have a look at an unaltered footage that we captured.

Random Person 104: What the hell?

Random Person 105: He turned into a card in just an instant!

Yaiba: Don’t tell me… They couldn’t find Hokuto because…

Masumi: He was turned into a card just like that!

Himika: That’s right!
That’s the method that our invaders, the Academia, used.
They defeat their opponents in Duels,
And then mercilessly turn them into cards.

Shuzou: So if you lose in a Duel, you’ll be turned into a card?
This can’t be real…

Tatsuya: Is that really true?

Ayu: They’re just joking, right?

Futoshi: I’m not getting any shivers…

Himika: However, please don’t worry!
Thanks to the valiant Duelists
Who participated in the Battle Royale,
The savage invaders had been thoroughly repelled!

Random person 1000: Wow!

Random person 1001: Awesome!

Random person 1002: He wiped out the enemy!

Shuzou: Huh? That’s…!

3 Kids: Sora!?

Himika: They are the heroes who have defended Maiami City!
That’s why I have decided to grant them the title of Lance Defense Soldiers,
Or in other words, Lancers, and extol them for the honor that they have earned!

Audience: Lancers! Lancers! Lancers!

Shuzou: Repelling the enemies…So Sora is also an enemy?

Ayu: That’s not true! It can’t be true!

Tatsuya: That’s right! Sora is our friend!

Futoshi: But Sora was not supposed to be in the Battle Royale…

Ayu: He was probably participating in a repechage just like Sawatari.

Futoshi: Then, why did he fight against Yuuya-niichan?
Are you saying that while everyone was fighting against the enemy,
The two of them are the only ones who had a normal Duel?

Himika: The crisis has been resolved for now,
Thanks to the effort of the Lancers.
However, we don’t know when the enemy will strike again.
So, in order to prepare for that,
In order to defend ourselves from now on,
I want all of you to make an effort to improve your Dueling even further!
We of LDS shall offer you the place and the curriculum that will serve that purpose!
You could even become one of the next Lancers!

Random Person 2000: We could be next, huh?

Random Person 2001: Become a Lancer…

Masumi: Become a Lancer…

Yaiba: We can do that?

Reiji: Our world has changed.
The peaceful days that we are used to
Are already in the past.
We have to accept that we are now living in an era of war.
As an international entity, Leo Duel School,
LDS, from this day forward, shall stand at the foremost line of defense
as the Lance Defense Soldiers!

Reiji: And, I, Akaba Reiji,
Shall sally forth together with the Lancers who are here!

Reiji: A Lancer is a soldier who rides on a horse and wields a spear;
A cavalryman who charges toward the enemy camp.
Right now, we shall make a pledge to the entire world,
That we will definitely annihilate all of our enemy!

Warmongers: Lancers! Lancers! Lancers!

Ayu: Where’s Yuzu-oneechan?

Futoshi: Why didn’t she come with you?

Tatsuya: She was with you just a moment ago.

Shuzou: T-That’s…isn’t that Yuzu’s?

Shuzou: Yuuya… Why do you have that?

Yuuya: I’m sorry. I…I wasn’t able to protect Yuzu.

Futoshi: You weren’t able to protect her?

Tatsuya: But wasn’t she with you just a moment ago?

Ayu: That’s right!
We saw her retuning to the Center Court!

Yuuya: N-No.
That girl is not Yuzu.

Shuzou: She’s not Yuzu?

Futoshi: What are you talking about?

Mieru: That girl is named Serena.
She looks like Yuzu, but she’s actually a different person.

Tatsuya: A different person?

GONGENZAKA: During the Battle Royale,
The two of them exchanged clothes and switched places.

Shuzou: Switching places?

Futoshi: Why would they do that?

Serena: Yuzu gave me the chance to learn about the true colors of Academia.
Even though they were shouting about justice,
In reality, they have been committing many atrocities.
If Yuzu was captured by Academia,
Then I’ll have to do whatever I can to rescue her.
I shall fight against Academia, as a member of the Lancers!

Shuzou: I’ll come with you!
Where are they!? Where are these Academia bastards!?
Tell me! Tell me, right now!

Yuuya: I-it’s impossible… You can’t…

Shuzou: What do mean, “impossible”?
I used to be a Pro Duelist, you know!
I’m going to kick the crap out of the bastard who kidnapped her,
And save Yuzu!
I will save Yuzu…

Yuuya: Yuzu is in another dimension…

Shuzou: Eh?

Yuuya: Yuzu is already in another dimension.

Shuzou: Another dimension?

Yuuya: That’s why we…
The Lancers, will go and fight!

Futoshi: Don’t call yourself a Lancer!
You weren’t able to protect your friend!
You’re not a hero!

Ayu: You were with her, weren’t you, so why did you let that happen?

Mieru: Darling didn’t know that Yuzu was captured!


Mieru: But…!

GONGENZAKA: You have to understand Yuuya’s feelings.

Mieru: But…


Yuuya: I will save Yuzu.
No matter what it takes!

Mieru: Darling…

Yuuya: That’s why I’ll cross the dimensions,
And fight alongside Akaba Reiji as a Lancer!
I will become stronger than I am now
And take down my enemies!
I will definitely bring Yuzu back!

Yoko: Taking down your enemies, huh?
Does that include Sora as well?

Yuuya: Huh?
Hey! What are you doing, Mom?

Yoko: Just come with me!
You guys come along, too.

Mieru: She brought Darling and the others to this place?
What is Darling’s Mama planning?

(Yoko tossed her helmet away)

Yuuya: M-mom! Why are you dressed like that?

Yoko: I ain’t your mom!
I am the boss of the ladies!

3 Kids: B-Boss?

Futoshi: What’s that?

Shuzou: When Yoko-san was younger,
Her name was well-known within Maiami City.
She was the person who led an all-women gang!

Yoko: That’s right! The name of that gang
was Maiami Queens, a name that would strike fear into everyone’s hearts!
And I was their boss, Shooting Star Yoko!

Yuuya: S-Shooting Star? What are you talking about?

Yoko: Action Field, On!
Field Spell, Triumphant Harbor, activate!
I’ll let you have the first turn!

Yuuya: Are you even serious?
Give me a break.
I have no reason to Duel against you, Mom.

Yoko: I said I ain’t your mom!
I am Shooting Star Yoko!
The boss of the Maiami Queens!

I really love beating up my opponents with Dueling back in the days.
Whether it be the gangs that oppose me,
Or some men who try to woo me,
I would beat them all up.

Yuuya: All right, I get it!
You’re not planning to beat me up, too, are you?

Yoko: Get back here, you punk!

Mieru: Why did she dress up like that and force him to Duel?

Ayu: I’m sure she must be mad about Sora and what not.

Tatsuya: “If Sora is an enemy, then are you going to take him down, too?” She said.

Futoshi: That’s how it should be! Sora is a friend of the people who kidnapped Yuzu-neechan, after all!

Shuozu: Yuuya…Shooting Star Yoko…

Yoko: Back then, Dueling is just like a power to me!
Dueling was a method to make people realize my strength!

Yoko: Of course, I was quite confident of my skill.
I was sure that I could beat even the Pro Duelists if I were serious!

Yuuya: Will you stop it already?
If you keep this up, I won’t ever forgive you, even if you’re my mom!

Yoko: Then, stop running around and face me!

Yuuya: Ahh! Jeez, fine! Whatever you say!
You want to do it? Then, let’s do it!

Yuuya: Duelists locked in battle.

Yoko: Kicking against the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!

Yuuya: They storm through this field.

Yoko: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling!

Yuuya: ACTION…!


Yuuya: I summon Entermate Soldier Tiger from my hand!
When I successfully summoned an Entermate to my field,
I can Special Summon Entermate Hellprincess from my hand!
I end my turn with this!

Mieru: Do your best, Darling!
Even if she’s your Mama, a match is still a match!

Yoko: All right! Bring it on!

Yuuya: I’m not going to lose to you!

Yoko: When I was still active as a gang leader,
I would spend every evening fighting.
From morning to evening, it was all Dueling,
The number of gangs I defeated was countless.
Naturally, people begin to resent me.
But I didn’t mind that.
If people come and pick a fight with me out of their grudges,
Then I’ll just have to kick their asses.
Compared to me, who was confident in her ability to beat the Pro Duelists,
The scums that wander this city are nothing but small fries!
However, these guys…
Instead of fighting me head-on…
They captured one of my cherished friends among the Maiami Queens,
In order to retaliate against me.

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: You bastards! How underhanded!

Yellow Mohawk Dude: Who cares if it’s underhanded or not?
As long as we can get our revenge against you, we wouldn’t mind doing it.

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: You scumbags!

Some Random Yakuza: So you want to save your lovely follower?
Then let’s have one more match…

Some Random Yakuza 2: Against us!

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: All right, then!
I’m not going to hold back!

Yoko: It’s my turn! Draw!
When I control no monsters, while there are monsters on my opponent’s field,
I can Special Summon Celestial Biker Maiden Tokkou Ladies from my hand!

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: Come on! I’ll take down all of you at the same time!

Yellow Mohawk Dude: Hehe…You’ve got guts!
You’ll need it, especially right now!

Yuushou: Why don’t we stop this boring charade?

Yuushou: If you duel with that scary face, if won’t be as fun.

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: Hah? Who are you?

Yuushou: You don’t have to get so irritated about it…
Dueling is not a tool for fighting!

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: You have nothing to do with this! Get lost!

Yellow Mohawk Dude: This is how we settle our scores!

Random Yakuza: Grudges caused by Duels should be settled by Duels!

Yuushou: As I thought, you guys are boring. Too boring.

Random Yakuza: What’s that?

Random Yakuza 2: This bastard…

Random Yakuza 3: Get your ass down here, you clown!

Yuushou: Settling your scores… Grudges…
Don’t use Dueling for these kinds of stuff!

SHOOTING STAR Yoko: Then what am I supposed to do?
Am I supposed to just abandon my friend?

Yuushou: If you have to Duel,
Then you have to make it more enjoyable!

Yoko: I release Celestial Biker Maiden Tokkou Ladies,
And Advance Summon Biker Goddess, Red Queen the Legendary Boss!
I activate the effect of Red Queen the Legendary Boss!
Once per turn, this effect will allow me to control all of my opponent’s monsters.

Yuuya: Damn it. My monsters…

Yoko: The monsters that I took over
Will have their ATK reduced to 100 until the end of the turn.
Then, from my hand, I activate the Spell Card…

Yuushou: Smile World, activate!
(Egao Count: 30+1 =31)

Yoko: This card will increase the ATK of every monster on the field by 100 for every monster on the field until the end of the turn.
There are currently 3 monsters on the field.
So, they all gain 300 ATK points!

Yuuya: Huh? What is this?

Yuushou: Ahahahahaha! HAHAHAHA!

Random Yakuza: Hehehehe…

Yoko: Battle! I attack you directly with Entermate Soldier Tiger!

Yoko: Go! Entermate Hellprincess, get him!

Yoko: Last but not least, Biker Goddess, Red Queen the Legendary Boss,
Run him over!

Yoko: That time, a man showed up and saved my follower…
That man…
Was Sakaki Yuushou…your father.

Yuuya: Eh?

Yoko: With his ability to settle conflicts without hurting anyone,
He was able to calm my spirit…
And even steal my heart.

Current Egao Count: 31



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Sawatari being a dork as usual :3 I like to imagine Himika and Reiji weren't going to tell the truth at all until he Sawatari started blabbing about the Lancers and they just went "Crap, goddammit Shingo," and went with the real story.


Wow, Reiji, you managed to turn the Lancers reveal into a friggin recruitment for LDS as well. Classy. Seriously, Reiji is being SUCH an a****** lately. 


That whole speech, even before seeing the script, felt so propaganda-y, especially seeing the faces of the Lancers (Yuya especially) during it. That was getting near Hunger Games level.


The writers tease us with Masumi and Yaiba (glad to see he's doing better after his run-in with Kachidoki, and speaking of him what happened to the Ryozanpaku Duel School guys? Are they still unconscious after Yugo kicking the crap out of them in the middle of the city? I hope so, cause that's hilarious).


Now suddenly there are people outside the stadium... kay.


Man, poor Shuzo; I admire the crap out of him for immediately wanting to go and beat the tar out of the guys who kidnapped Yuzu. Yugioh actually manages to write pretty good parents when they try; I just now realized Yoko is the most prevalent parent to a Yugioh main protagonist. Or at least most prevalent LIVING parent (lookin at you, Prof. Fudo).


Yoko seems irked about Yuya fighting Sora... for some reason. I get she likes the kid, but he's lied to everyone and supports genocidal maniacs. For fun. I think fighting him and trying to stop him is a pretty damn sensible option.


Mieru still manages to have no purpose; Dude, why do the writers keep her around anymore, she even said she isn't a Lancer in the stadium, she has no reason to follow Yuya around, plot-wise.


Gongenzaka went off to talk to his dad, we don't see it for whatever reason.


Yoko proceeds to be AMAZING. Her monsters DO look a touch silly though :V That mass control effect doh; that's power.


I guess we're going to get a little backstory on Yuushou next episode. Cool.


Also: EGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO. Serious shame Yuya didn't have Dark Rebellion out when Smile World went off. That would have been worth watching the episode alone.



Many thanks to mshends for posting the script.

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Rewatching the episode, I wouldn't say that Yoko has a problem specifically with Sora being an enemy. The flashbacks in this episode are not random (as I originally thought watching the raw, prior to the script and subs). They're building up to the lesson Yoko is trying to impart to Yuya.


Throughout the stadium scene, Yuya was completely serious and not really responsive to anything. While LDS is essentially announcing that the Lancers are about to go to war with enemy Duelists, he is stone-serious and distant. Later, he adamantly states he'll do anything to save Yuzu.


Yoko mentions Sora and gets a reaction from him. The flashbacks seen here show that she used to use Dueling as a tool for conflict, and took it completely seriously. But as Yushou emphasized, and Yuya to this point has insisted on, Dueling is not a tool for fighting. It's for fun and enjoyment. Yoko once had to Duel for the safety of one of her comrades, and even mentioned that she didn't have a choice, unless she was going to give up a comrade.


Yoko probably doesn't want Yuya to completely lose sight of his ideals, nor give up on Sora and consider him an enemy to be defeated. He needs to save Yuzu, but not abandon Sora, either.

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Someone mentioned this before, but I'm betting Yuko will be using Synchros, judging by how she's riding around on that bike.

The monsters beating Yuya made for a good chuckle, been a while since Arc V did that.


Kudos for LDS being honest with the crowd too. They did swallow it a bit easily, but small nitpick. Not like that will matter in the upcoming episodes anyway.

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  • Himeka reveals the whole invasion thing to the crowd; expected shock after the footage of OF sealing Knights of Duel into cards.
  • Oh shivers kid, you were so dense throughout this episode; only picking up common sense later on.
  • Youko being a biker/yakuza boss confirmed. Who knew that would happen?
    • So she used to be in a gang, and beat people up in duels. Would not have expected that.
    • Makes you wonder if the producers were secretly reading our thoughts on here.
  • New Entermate, although it apparently sucks in its own Deck b/c can't be PSed. Warrior Tiger is good.
  • People assumed Shingo cheated because of his father (whom people don't have respect for apparently); he spills beans on what actually happened.
  • We see Masumi and Yaiba; though the subs probably meant to say Hokuto during that scene. I thought I saw it say another name, but don't know. But yeah, Hokuto did get sealed into a card.



Good episode though.

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That scan is almost a week old, and a link to it was posted here 2 pages ago (albeit in a spoiler)


[spoiler=Thoughts on 52 Subbed]

- So the victors of the Battle Royale weren't credited as the winners of the entire thing as I thought

- When Sawatari emerged onto the stage, everyone assumed he cheated his way there because he's the son of a politician, this forced him to come clean about what happened.

- When the You Show lot saw the footage of Yuya/Sora, they initially assumed he was in the "revival round" like Sawatari

 - That being said, they didn't want to believe that he was their enemy

- When Youko was with the Maiami Queens, she believed that duels were about power. (Who do we know from DM who was like that?)

- It was amusing to see Yuya get bitch-slapped by Hellprincess though.


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[spoiler generic thoughts]

Can someone please explain to me why Reji refuses to tell Yuya the truth about Yuzu?  To give Yuya a goal so he strengthens himself?  But if we know Reji at all we know Reji won't try to invade Academia without any allies.  I think their next stop is the Synchro Dimension do such: recruit allies.  If Yuzu is there, wouldn't Yuya be just as motivated?  I don't know, I think it's kinda stupid[/spoiler]

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[spoiler generic thoughts]

Can someone please explain to me why Reji refuses to tell Yuya the truth about Yuzu?  To give Yuya a goal so he strengthens himself?  But if we know Reji at all we know Reji won't try to invade Academia without any allies.  I think their next stop is the Synchro Dimension do such: recruit allies.  If Yuzu is there, wouldn't Yuya be just as motivated?  I don't know, I think it's kinda stupid[/spoiler]


Reiji seems to enjoy testing Yuya and giving subtle hints on how to improve. During the Duel, he pointed out that Yuya was too focused on Yuzu, rather than for the sake of everyone else who got carded as well. He also criticized Yuya's unstable emotional state.


He probably suspects Yuzu is in the Synchro Dimension, but wouldn't want to tell Yuya this because Yuya might go off on his own to find Yuzu and mess up the agenda.


This is very much a "tell only as much as you need to" situation, as far as I can tell. I see Reiji right now as a bit of a mentor to Yuya, because he sees Yuya's incredible potential. He gave vague hints that there is power beyond Pendulums, and Yuya discovered them on his own. He gave hints that Yuzu can be rescued, criticizes Yuya's unstable emotions, and defeats him in their Duel. Now Yuya is motivated to join the Lancers, will seek more potential from Pendulums and his Deck, and become stronger.


Reiji NEEDS Yuya and the other Lancers to be at their best. If being cryptic and withholding information (but not outright lying) gets results, then that's what he'll choose to do. Keep in mind that the war with Academia suits his personal ambitions as well as the ambitions of the other Lancers. That's how he got Shun on his side, too, and we know that Shun has a very personal drive that is supposed to make him significantly more dangerous a Duelist than even the top LDS students.

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Something keeps bugging me about Shun.

He attacked LDS personnel and students under the assumption that they worked for Reo and Academia, but now he knows that Reiji and LDS are opposed to Reo and Academia.

So why is he getting away scot-free with ESSENTIALLY KILLING DOZENS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE?!?

Shouldn't he feel some sort of remorse or guilt for cardifying people that didn't even know there WAS an interdimensional conflict, and not having a way to turn them back?!?

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Something keeps bugging me about Shun.

He attacked LDS personnel and students under the assumption that they worked for Reo and Academia, but now he knows that Reiji and LDS are opposed to Reo and Academia.

So why is he getting away scot-free with ESSENTIALLY KILLING DOZENS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE?!?

Shouldn't he feel some sort of remorse or guilt for cardifying people that didn't even know there WAS an interdimensional conflict, and not having a way to turn them back?!?


I referenced this once before.


He wasn't attacking LDS because he assumed they worked with Academia, although Yuto did. However, this wouldn't exactly be a stupid assumption to make. LDS was originally run by the current leader of Academia, and his son is the current president. He was doing it specifically to lure out Reiji. Then if he defeated Reiji and cardified him, he'd have a bargaining chip to exchange Reiji for Ruri. He stated confidently that if he had Reo's son, he wouldn't refuse.


Reiji remarked that Reo probably doesn't value him that highly, then explained that they're actually opposed to one another, and that Reiji would like Shun as an ally.


Being one of the only survivors of the Xyz dimension conflict, and still a huge underdog in the long run in terms of defeating Academia (purely because of numbers), his methods were extreme, but I doubt he really regrets them at this time, because if he hadn't done that, he wouldn't be allied with Reiji and the other Lancers, who are Duelists specifically chosen for having potential against Academia.


If anything, part of Shun's character development may be a growing willingness to work alongside the other Standard Duelists. He was genuinely taken aback that Serena and the other Lancers stepped in to protect and support him when he was injured from the Duel with Sora. And while he acted a bit dismissive of Gogenzaka arranging for him to get Pendulum cards, he DID still use them and win with them. He's been a lone wolf other than Yuto since arriving in Standard (who has since vanished), going out of his way to avoid people and only approaching or talking with people he wishes to confront.


It's simply not necessary for him to atone for those actions, and honestly, I don't really think his character needs to go down the route of atonement at all. Kaito already did that role in Zexal, and not even very well at that.


What I find REALLY interesting is that ever since Shun lost to Sora and was vulnerable for a bit, I find his character a lot more interesting.

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I referenced this once before.


He wasn't attacking LDS because he assumed they worked with Academia, although Yuto did. However, this wouldn't exactly be a stupid assumption to make. LDS was originally run by the current leader of Academia, and his son is the current president. He was doing it specifically to lure out Reiji. Then if he defeated Reiji and cardified him, he'd have a bargaining chip to exchange Reiji for Ruri. He stated confidently that if he had Reo's son, he wouldn't refuse.


Reiji remarked that Reo probably doesn't value him that highly, then explained that they're actually opposed to one another, and that Reiji would like Shun as an ally.


Being one of the only survivors of the Xyz dimension conflict, and still a huge underdog in the long run in terms of defeating Academia (purely because of numbers), his methods were extreme, but I doubt he really regrets them at this time, because if he hadn't done that, he wouldn't be allied with Reiji and the other Lancers, who are Duelists specifically chosen for having potential against Academia.


If anything, part of Shun's character development may be a growing willingness to work alongside the other Standard Duelists. He was genuinely taken aback that Serena and the other Lancers stepped in to protect and support him when he was injured from the Duel with Sora. And while he acted a bit dismissive of Gogenzaka arranging for him to get Pendulum cards, he DID still use them and win with them. He's been a lone wolf other than Yuto since arriving in Standard (who has since vanished), going out of his way to avoid people and only approaching or talking with people he wishes to confront.


It's simply not necessary for him to atone for those actions, and honestly, I don't really think his character needs to go down the route of atonement at all. Kaito already did that role in Zexal, and not even very well at that.


What I find REALLY interesting is that ever since Shun lost to Sora and was vulnerable for a bit, I find his character a lot more interesting.

So we're just going to sweep the fact that HE HAS CARDIFIED INNOCENT PEOPLE under the fucking rug?!?

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So we're just going to sweep the fact that HE HAS CARDIFIED INNOCENT PEOPLE under the fucking rug?!?


Have you seen Watchmen? In that movie, the enemy killed thousands of innocent people for his plan to try to achieve something that'd benefit the whole world. Of course his methods were terrible, but what made it note-worthy is that he achieved what he wanted and actually prevented a much greater amount of bloodshed.


Look at Shun's actions as going around the same route. He knows what's bad and what isn't, but the Fusion Dimension will do much more damage than he could ever do and if it means preventing that, there's just no time to mourn. Remember he comes from war and is still in it. Maybe he'll get some of what you want when/if/after they deal with the Fusion Dimension, but right now the cause is the drive ultimately.


Just in the same way Sora believes in his leader's cause even though he knows atrocities are happening. You can tell it isn't just giving up on people he doesn't care about since he was genuinely Yuya's friend when it didn't compromise his mission. Same principle.


What is the idea that you have in mind that you think Shun should be like right now? 
The way Arc V is going, gray characters exist. We've seen instances of enemies that aren't as simple as bad vs good. Yugo vs Yuto was an example. There's sides driven by personal interests over moral issues, and those interests could clash and loses of innocent people can and will probably keep on happening.



Besides, something tells me cardified =/= dead here.

Sure people treat it as death and there's probably PG reasons and stuff that made this need to find an equivalent to death that isn't death (even though plenty of shows with roughly the same demographic have no trouble mentioning death nowadays.. I know Gumball and Gravity Falls have at the very least). 

Anyways, my guess here is that they cannot turn cards back until they can deal with the Fusion dimension for X reason that might or might not be explained at some point. That begs the question of how did Shun turn people into cards though since no other non-Fusion Dimension character has done so (Yuto and Yugo didn't).

Though for the most part, I think it'll be something like that, which would lighten the "guilt" load a lot there, but at the same time they might as well be dead if the Fusion dimension doesn't go down, in which case, so will be Shun and everybody else so yeah....

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I currently assume Shun got his card-making technology from defeated Academia Duelists and integrated it into his Disk. And if he seemed to consider that Reiji would be a bargaining chip for a hostage exchange originally, it's logical to think that he assumes there's a way to reverse it, but likely only available to Academia's leader(s).


He definitely seems to operate on the assumption that his defeated comrades can be gotten back.

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I highly doubt cardified people will die. I won't rule out dying from the series itself, but the tension I felt when people were cardified was akin to being sent away/kidnapped rather than feeling like they were killed. It'd be weird to look back in retrospect and be like, "So this is when Michio actually died? Huh." 

This is a kid's show, we'll know when someone's dead.

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Have you seen Watchmen? In that movie, the enemy killed thousands of innocent people for his plan to try to achieve something that'd benefit the whole world. Of course his methods were terrible, but what made it note-worthy is that he achieved what he wanted and actually prevented a much greater amount of bloodshed.


Look at Shun's actions as going around the same route. He knows what's bad and what isn't, but the Fusion Dimension will do much more damage than he could ever do and if it means preventing that, there's just no time to mourn. Remember he comes from war and is still in it. Maybe he'll get some of what you want when/if/after they deal with the Fusion Dimension, but right now the cause is the drive ultimately.


Just in the same way Sora believes in his leader's cause even though he knows atrocities are happening. You can tell it isn't just giving up on people he doesn't care about since he was genuinely Yuya's friend when it didn't compromise his mission. Same principle.


What is the idea that you have in mind that you think Shun should be like right now? 
The way Arc V is going, gray characters exist. We've seen instances of enemies that aren't as simple as bad vs good. Yugo vs Yuto was an example. There's sides driven by personal interests over moral issues, and those interests could clash and loses of innocent people can and will probably keep on happening.



Besides, something tells me cardified =/= dead here.

Sure people treat it as death and there's probably PG reasons and stuff that made this need to find an equivalent to death that isn't death (even though plenty of shows with roughly the same demographic have no trouble mentioning death nowadays.. I know Gumball and Gravity Falls have at the very least). 

Anyways, my guess here is that they cannot turn cards back until they can deal with the Fusion dimension for X reason that might or might not be explained at some point. That begs the question of how did Shun turn people into cards though since no other non-Fusion Dimension character has done so (Yuto and Yugo didn't).

Though for the most part, I think it'll be something like that, which would lighten the "guilt" load a lot there, but at the same time they might as well be dead if the Fusion dimension doesn't go down, in which case, so will be Shun and everybody else so yeah....


Huh, at the end of Watchmen, it's heavily implied the truth will eventually be revealed through Rorsharch's journal. That was Alan Moore basically telling us extreme measures, even if successful at first, might not be worth it in the long run, and that a solution based on a lie is always tremendously unreliable.

Also, you forget Sora is a self-admitted sadistic bastard who finds pleasure at hunting Xyz users down and carding them just for sport, and that appears to be the standard for Academia soldiers. As much as they like to gloat about their "noble goal", it's clear they care only for themselves in the end, and creating a better world for the other dimension inhabitants doesn't seem to be their priority. The fact that Sora decided to go after Shun first instead of focusing on his true mission speaks volumes about his (lack of) dedication towards Leo's cause.

And the fact that Yuuri was adamant about capturing Yuzu without carding her seems to imply that there's currently no known method for undoing that. No one that he knows, at least, and since he appears to be a high ranking member at Academia, it's unlikely anybody besides Leo himself know how to revert the process. So, as far as we are concerned, those who were carded are functionally dead until further notice.

Also, am I the only one who expects a villain (probably Yuuri or Leo) to rip a soul card at some point in front of Yuuya just to spite him or trigger his berserk mode for some reason?

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Question: I don't remember if this was answered earlier in the show or I simply forgot it, but what was Sora originally doing in Standard? We first see him in LDS observing (probably comparing to Academia), but did the show ever give a reason why he was there to begin with?

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Question: I don't remember if this was answered earlier in the show or I simply forgot it, but what was Sora originally doing in Standard? We first see him in LDS observing (probably comparing to Academia), but did the show ever give a reason why he was there to begin with?

If I had to guess, ol Leo picked up on the energy created by Yuya's Pendulum Summoning from Academia (just like we see Reiji's goons doing in episode 2). Sora was likely sent to figure out where the hell this summoning energy came from and what it's deal was. We first see Sora at LDS; It's perfectly logical to use LDS as a starting point to try and find out more about this method, as the originator might be there (best duelists in the world at LDS, remember), and Sora might be able to get a crack at Reiji's records, which could be better. Then Sora found Yuya, realizing he was the guy who created Pendulum Summoning, and suckered himself onto him to get a full idea of the summoning method. I've noticed looking back he bitches a lot specifically when Yuya doesn't Pendulum Summon in his duels or uses it in ways Sora has already seen (notice he was happy as a clam when Yuya reset his scales when he dueled Hokuto to combo with Stargazer and when he first saw Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon).


As for Shun... Yeah, I agree with Evilfusion here, it's an action that was justified to him at the time. I'd friggin HOPE Reiji has some scientists trying to find a way to reverse it, since getting access to the schematics for it is easy as he has access to Shun's Duel Disk (which I assume Shun jacked from an Academia disk)... unless Shun won't let him screw with his disk, which may be why Reiji wanted Yuto's Duel Disk retrieved, in hopes that he had the mechanism as well.

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Huh, at the end of Watchmen, it's heavily implied the truth will eventually be revealed through Rorsharch's journal. That was Alan Moore basically telling us extreme measures, even if successful at first, might not be worth it in the long run, and that a solution based on a lie is always tremendously unreliable.

Also, you forget Sora is a self-admitted sadistic bastard who finds pleasure at hunting Xyz users down and carding them just for sport, and that appears to be the standard for Academia soldiers. As much as they like to gloat about their "noble goal", it's clear they care only for themselves in the end, and creating a better world for the other dimension inhabitants doesn't seem to be their priority. The fact that Sora decided to go after Shun first instead of focusing on his true mission speaks volumes about his (lack of) dedication towards Leo's cause.

And the fact that Yuuri was adamant about capturing Yuzu without carding her seems to imply that there's currently no known method for undoing that. No one that he knows, at least, and since he appears to be a high ranking member at Academia, it's unlikely anybody besides Leo himself know how to revert the process. So, as far as we are concerned, those who were carded are functionally dead until further notice.

Also, am I the only one who expects a villain (probably Yuuri or Leo) to rip a soul card at some point in front of Yuuya just to spite him or trigger his berserk mode for some reason?



The thing is, you are answering under the assumption that in-universe characters know as much as we the viewers do.

Yes it is a tremendously unreliable solution, but once in a while you'll find out about people still trying it, if only because the failure rate is not perfect either.

Once again, it is a war, people do what they can if there is just a small hope of it turning out well in the end. Call it desperate measures.

Shun doesn't necessarily know they can't turn them back. He only knows that they might or might not be able to and wasn't present when Yuuri implied they can't. Not to mention Yuuri is also not given all the info about what he is doing so he might not be as much of a top member as we think, or not even the top members get to know all that's going on. 

The possibility of cardification being reversible is still not completely clear, and that's really all the motivation Shun really needs to go risk the odds and find out in the long run.


What was Sora's goal? because if I remember correctly, he was pretty much told to go take care of Shun AKA the remnants of the Xyz resistance. As far as I see it he did just that. Yes he enjoys looking at himself as a hunter getting his prey, but that doesn't mean he's not living up to his orders. What we are witnessing here is similar to what can happen to soldiers at war in real life. Yes they march with good intentions at first, but a lot of things happen that can change people. We hear stories IRL about soldiers committing atrocities during war times. Raping women, assaulting civilians, etc. Fusion dimension soldiers from Arc V have been doing their thing for a while, and I think the principle is the same but adjusted for card game cartoons. 


The goal of getting Serena was for the Obelisk Force, not him, and the goal of getting Yuzu was Yuuri's not Sora's either.

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The thing is, you are answering under the assumption that in-universe characters know as much as we the viewers do.

Yes it is a tremendously unreliable solution, but once in a while you'll find out about people still trying it, if only because the failure rate is not perfect either.

Once again, it is a war, people do what they can if there is just a small hope of it turning out well in the end. Call it desperate measures.

Shun doesn't necessarily know they can't turn them back. He only knows that they might or might not be able to and wasn't present when Yuuri implied they can't. Not to mention Yuuri is also not given all the info about what he is doing so he might not be as much of a top member as we think, or not even the top members get to know all that's going on. 

The possibility of cardification being reversible is still not completely clear, and that's really all the motivation Shun really needs to go risk the odds and find out in the long run.


What was Sora's goal? because if I remember correctly, he was pretty much told to go take care of Shun AKA the remnants of the Xyz resistance. As far as I see it he did just that. Yes he enjoys looking at himself as a hunter getting his prey, but that doesn't mean he's not living up to his orders. What we are witnessing here is similar to what can happen to soldiers at war in real life. Yes they march with good intentions at first, but a lot of things happen that can change people. We hear stories IRL about soldiers committing atrocities during war times. Raping women, assaulting civilians, etc. Fusion dimension soldiers from Arc V have been doing their thing for a while, and I think the principle is the same but adjusted for card game cartoons. 


The goal of getting Serena was for the Obelisk Force, not him, and the goal of getting Yuzu was Yuuri's not Sora's either.


I wasn't ranting about Shun, I just think the example you used was bad :/ 


And no, Sora's mission was to retrieve Serena, and he neglected it in order to appease his own ego :/ And even taking what you said into consideration, still doesn't justify how much some people are going easy on him, specially with how much emphasis the series puts into the sadistic tendencies exhibited by the Academia soldiers.

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I wasn't ranting about Shun, I just think the example you used was bad :/ 


And no, Sora's mission was to retrieve Serena, and he neglected it in order to appease his own ego :/ And even taking what you said into consideration, still doesn't justify how much some people are going easy on him, specially with how much emphasis the series puts into the sadistic tendencies exhibited by the Academia soldiers.


Being a "bad example" doesn't make it any less real, does it? and the whole point of me commenting on these past 2 pages is pretty much talking about Shun. You might not have been directly referring to it but that's what I was going on about.


Yes Sora's character has pride as his biggest priority. That's why he accepted Yuya's second duel and went for Shun before Serena, but that doesn't mean that he was gonna just ignore the other mission either. He did chase Serena and Shun down until the ninjas got in the way and she was still surrounded by people when the last of the Obelisk force failed so he couldn't really get her afterwards. Other than that, who is going easy on him? We don't know if he'll get some sort of punishment for his failure from Leo yet, though yes Yuya and his mom have an idealistic point about Sora which I don't really agree with. I guess they just think that way of Sora because they lived with him for a while, unlike with the rest of the Fusion soldiers they've encountered. 

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