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We'll have to wait a month or so to see if Trudge indeed returns (although he was already in the original series, and they gave him a better role in 5Ds).

I already said my piece about seeing the twins in ARC-V, but again not going to be pissed over it, should they not appear. (They got shafted after 5Ds 143 though)

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An actual riding duel? Like, bike vs bike? Not someone driving in loops around someone standing still? Hell YES!

Will be interesting to see if Ushio is actually leading the security, but \I feel like they would have announced if he was returning. I know he's not exactly a major character, but still...

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[spoiler=Info on Lance Defense Soldiers.]http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/maxut/imgs/8/b/8babacee.png





The nine Lancers crossed into the other dimensions!

-Thanks to the efforts of Yuuya and others, the invaders from the Fusion Dimension were stopped by a narrow margin. Reiji formed the Lancers group, with Yuuya as a central member, in order to fight against the other dimensions. In order to form an alliance with the Duelists of the Synchro Dimension, the group crossed into their dimension!

-Sakaki Yuuya: In order to save his lover Yuzu, whose whereabouts is currently unknown, Yuuya went to the Synchro Dimension, as a member of the Lancers.

-Serena: A Duelist who came from the Fusion Dimension. Strongly resembles Yuzu, in terms of facial features and height.

-Akaba Reiji: Used Elite Duelists to form his Lancers group, in order to stop the ambition of his father, Akaba Leo.

-Dennis Macfield: An exchange student from LDS Broadway branch. He seems to have some connection with the Fusion Dimension, but…?


(Thank Peace Lord and DMC3444 In NAC for the images and Translation)



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I wonder what the "but...?" part supposed to mean.



We don't really know the extent of Dennis' role. They did a tiny fakeout with the audience, but now we know he's a mole, but the other characters do not. So odds are, he's not completely on either side.


See, I still find his story to Yuya to be credible, even though it's shown later that Dennis will lie to Yuya's face. I think he really does admire Yuya's dad, and plays his Deck and performing style similarly.


But here's something that's been at the back of my mind for a bit now: Timeframes. Early in the series, it is established that Yuya's dad mysteriously disappeared 3 years ago. This event is crucial to Yuya's character and development. Reiji and Himika referenced vaguely that he MIGHT have sided with their enemies, before Reiji concluded the opposite (which was probably that Yuya, the Duelist who discovered Pendulum Summoning, could be used against their enemies, which is later shown that Reiji considers Pendulum users to have a fighting chance against Academia).


What else happened 3 years ago? Reiji went to the Fusion dimension, encountered Serena, and ultimately was sent back to Standard. This was shortly before the attack on the Xyz dimension.


We know Dennis has some connection to Academia, as he knows Yuri personally, and has hinted that he can travel to Academia. But if he really admires Yuya's dad...where is Yuya's dad? Is he in one of the other dimensions? Is he a faction in the interdimensional war? Is he working with Academia, and that's how Dennis knows of him? Or something else. Too much has happened "3 years ago" to be purely coincidental.


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We don't really know the extent of Dennis' role. They did a tiny fakeout with the audience, but now we know he's a mole, but the other characters do not. So odds are, he's not completely on either side.


See, I still find his story to Yuya to be credible, even though it's shown later that Dennis will lie to Yuya's face. I think he really does admire Yuya's dad, and plays his Deck and performing style similarly.


But here's something that's been at the back of my mind for a bit now: Timeframes. Early in the series, it is established that Yuya's dad mysteriously disappeared 3 years ago. This event is crucial to Yuya's character and development. Reiji and Himika referenced vaguely that he MIGHT have sided with their enemies, before Reiji concluded the opposite (which was probably that Yuya, the Duelist who discovered Pendulum Summoning, could be used against their enemies, which is later shown that Reiji considers Pendulum users to have a fighting chance against Academia).


What else happened 3 years ago? Reiji went to the Fusion dimension, encountered Serena, and ultimately was sent back to Standard. This was shortly before the attack on the Xyz dimension.


We know Dennis has some connection to Academia, as he knows Yuri personally, and has hinted that he can travel to Academia. But if he really admires Yuya's dad...where is Yuya's dad? Is he in one of the other dimensions? Is he a faction in the interdimensional war? Is he working with Academia, and that's how Dennis knows of him? Or something else. Too much has happened "3 years ago" to be purely coincidental.


[spoiler=Abpout the Time Frames]IIIRC, Reiji's trip and Yuya's dad going missing were the same day.[/spoiler]

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[spoiler='Hmmm...']I personally think that Yusho's disappearance kickstarted everything. We still don't know s*** of where he could be, or whose side he's on, or what he did three years ago. Still, the invasion of the Xyz dimension seems to be very recent. We're still missing MANY pieces.[/spoiler]


[spoiler='Hmmm...']I personally think that Yusho's disappearance kickstarted everything. We still don't know s*** of where he could be, or whose side he's on, or what he did three years ago. Still, the invasion of the Xyz dimension seems to be very recent. We're still missing MANY pieces.[/spoiler]



Indeed. We don't even have every piece of the outer shell of the puzzel so to say. Though I expect we'll get some pieces in the next month or so.

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How close are those translations to the actual scan? Cos mshends' post refers to Yuzu as Yuya's "lover". That..... seems a lot less subtle than they normally are with the main characters in this show.

The English seems a bit dubious, so I'm inclined to think that it was just the Japanese word for 'someone close' or something.

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How close are those translations to the actual scan? Cos mshends' post refers to Yuzu as Yuya's "lover". That..... seems a lot less subtle than they normally are with the main characters in this show.


Oh thats was a joke that the translater made :p (his lover)


It was either in one of the extra news bits or in the show. I don't recall which, but I remember seeing that it was confirmed to be the same day.

You sre about this!? IF thats true then wow...thats so cool!

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Extracts of Interview with Director Ono in Animedia





– Season One featured Standard as the background and was a more light-hearted story illustrating the everyday lives of Yuya and co.

– Whereas from Season Two onwards, the story will be taking place in other dimensions.

– With the new chapter, Yuya and co. as a team must collaborate, focusing on winning Duels as their main objective.

– For the designs of the four Yu characters, Mr. Miyoshi first drew the design of Yuya. Following that is the other three (Yute, Hugo, Juri). Each character has two colors decided for their hairstyles: one main color that draws inspiration from the type of Summoning they expert at, whereas the other color complements it.

– However for Hugo, because a white hairstyle wouldn’t look good, white is used as the color for his D-Wheel and riding suit instead.

– At the beginning, Ono Kensho was thought to be voicing all four Yu’s. However, it was later decided that Ono would voice Yuya and Juri with polar personalities instead, whereas for Yute and Hugo they went with the Takagi twins with voices similar to Ono’s.

– To Reiji, Yuya is his object of study. Whereas to Yuya, Reiji is like a barrier to be overcome.

– The background of Hugo would be made clear from Episode 54.



(Thank MasterGhost in NAC for this info!)



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[spoiler=RAW 51]

-Yay no one use any action card

-Reiji, why you hates synchron!

-So Reiji can tell apart Yuzu and Serena, by their movement (not by their hair, k)

-Reiji actually saw Yuzu and Yugo disappered

-Yuya losing..(poor Yuya)


EDIT: That pose! https://41.media.tumblr.com/a62ca121ec1a8f598077697031a2a3f8/tumblr_nmorzyMzIB1txng3lo1_540.jpg

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This Duel actually seemed to be a standard Duel, just using an Action Field as a backdrop, rather than a mechanic. I don't think any Action Cards actually got released at the start.


Also, it was epic.


The Action Field was probably just meant to be a reminder of what they're fighting for, and why the Lancer thing is important.

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[spoiler=Thoughts on 51 RAW]

- Reiji knew Yuzu was still alive because he saw Yuzu disappear with Yugo

- Whilst it wasn't surprising that Reiji won, I felt that it was necessary for the plot.

- Even though Heartland was being used as a backdrop, I enjoyed seeing a regular duel rather than an action duel tbh.

 - I do like the reasoning as to why Reiji chose that specific field though.


The rumours about Youko being ex-Bousouzuko might be true judging from the preview of the next episode


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