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Nothing against you, guys, but I must say I feel slightly bothered whenever someone complains about another person not having a "personality" - as if being serious and introspective to the point of not standing out much isn't a legitimate way of life. To make matters worse, most of time, the kind of person whom people tend to claim to have a great personality in fiction usually turns out to be a unbearable selfish douche IRL - at least, from my experience. That said, I'm perfectly able to understand why you guys aren't that fond about Shun - he's not in my Top Ten List either, it's just I don't particularly dislike him. Maybe because I'm not a fun person myself XD


I personally don't intend to give you that vibe. As I'm quite fond of writing, and allegedly very good at characters, if you got the impression I dislike Shun's nature to the point of labeling him as not having a personality, then that's my bad. I'm actually fairly fond of the character archetype of stoic and introspective. In fact, I share many of those aspects in my own personality and dislike overenthusiasm.


I actually like Shun just fine. In truth, while I've thrown a little mud over time, I don't actually share many of the views about Shun being boring or "too edgy". As my typical discussion tactic, I try to see both sides of an issue rather than attempt to declare someone's views right or wrong. I see where the complaints about Shun come from, but I also see how these traits are justified in-story. My biggest gripe has always been his only monster play in like 5 Duels was triple Vanishing.


When my earlier post mentioned Sora as having "more personality", I actually probably meant something more along the lines of "more energy". He's a character who puts a lot of emotion and mannerisms into his Duels, which makes him more memorable and entertaining. The contrast between him and Shun (who is stoic and serious) makes Sora look more interesting, despite the fact Sora is borderline psychotic constantly, and is certainly not the type of person you'd want to be around.


I prefer Sora's more malicious personality to his prior to 33/34's behavior because the latter was ridiculously obnoxious at times and had little obvious justification for his egotistical attitude. Also, I'm rather fond of villainous characters, so that just makes him appeal even more to me.


I tend to also really enjoy characters' emotional scenes, positive or negative. Usually it has to do with the voice actors or the dialogue itself. Yuma in Zexal had some fantastic emotional rants that made me admire him as a character in those scenes. 5Ds had a whole bunch of them.


Plus, Yugioh LOVES their psychotic characters and their facial expressions. LOVES them. Needless to say, Arc-V's incarnation of that character role meets the standard.


Do I admire Sora? No, he's increasingly despicable and villainous, and probably will get worse. But do I enjoy him as a character? Hell yes.

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  • OK, more Ancient Gears and even the Youth LDS couldn't beat Academia and OF. Lucky for them, Yugo came around and creamed them.
    • TBH, I expected more out of them. Armageddon Gear is just mass burn and things.
  • Sora got crazier this episode.
  • It seems Dennis has more plans in store, based on that last clip of him.
  • Yuri gets his dragon shown, but only a silhouette; nothing related to its design and stuff. We can guess it has 2500 ATK / 2000 DEF though.
  • Shun actually lost this one; then again Frightfur Tiger with 4 mats blew up a lot of his field.
  • Yuya apparently declares he's going to fight the way he's supposed to; and hopefully not get possessed by Yuto's spirit again.
  • Yuzu meets Yuri and Yugo; latter thinks Yuzu is Rin (her Synchro counterpart). Eventually we'll see how she looks like, when the plot gets there.
  • Halil and Olga fight Yuri and get sealed. OK...


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I am very disappointed with the lancers. Especially how the Prophecy guy started running away out of control instead of at least thanking the guy that just saved him. I really wonder what Reiji was saying during that scene. What does he even think about his top lancer's panic and his elite team's utter defeat? I would have liked to see them actually use Pendulums to further their strategies (especially the Great Moth one). They should have at least made it past the grunts.

Then again, I liked the impact of having the "saviors" break down that badly, and all of Yugo was the highlights of the episode for me. I really like him.


Which btw, I like how Yugo's play was very akin to that of what one would see on 5Ds. His Dragon was a great boss, but ultimately he took him back to win. During ZeXal, it was all about the bosses being there to make a flashy attack, but leave it to the Synchro era characters to go out of the box for the finishing move instead of just relying on them. It also felt, idk... creative. I recall when Yusei dueled Frizerald and got this very interesting OTK going right after I had thought his top deck was useless, I was reminded a little bit of that kind of play.



I think this was not an action duel, so Shun vs Sora doesn't allow for Shun to have as many answers. 

Yeah, the "has no personality" phrase is used too lightly. He clearly has a personality, and is consistent with it, and he has probably the strongest motivation out of all characters to be the way he is. Wars are not to be taken lightly.


I expect Sawatari to still have Yosenjus. He seems to change his deck when he deems a strategy bad enough to give him a humiliating defeat moment. He's been growing up. Dart Shooters were all about the rarities. The way his Monarchs went, he would not be able to make a different play. They were more linear and pretty straight-forward in that they get Summoned and get rid of specific stuff (not reflecting their current IRL play style, just Sawatari's), and he got completely nullified.

With Yosenjus, he was satisfied for the first time even after losing, and his deck was strong, and much more flexible. He's obviously comfortable using them.


IDK why I expected Halil and/or Olga to make it to top 8.... They were giving them so much attention even if they quickly deformed into wacky punching bags. Now who's gonna make it?
Yuya, Gongenzaka, Michio, both ninjas, the fisherman guy, Dennis, and some X character. Hmm that leaves either Yuzu or Shun out, or both, depending on what they'll be doing with what's happening to them currently. 


I think Yuri knows about the absorbing ability of the Yuya counterparts... maybe he is planning to somehow come on top and have Yuya be the one absorbed. There is also a chance that other Yuya counterparts could absorb each other without Yuya as the recipient. It is possible that we don't hear a Ritual Dimension because it could have already been absorbed for all we know.... just throwing these ideas to the air.



All in all, the series is keeping my interest pretty well. 

I think I already had a long enough list of things to complain about ZeXal by the time they had hit this many episodes, and even 5Ds was starting to show glaring issues (Yes I don't consider the Dark Signer arc to be as good as some people say it was).



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im surprised nobodies talking about the part where sora uses yuya's catchphrase during his duel with shun


He's done that before, during the first match with Shun (before Summoning Wheel Saw Lion). However, the irony of the statement is more pronounced in this case because Sora's being more malicious than the first time.

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Sheesh, I watch the subs and then prepare to go to bed...and then make a realization about a few things, what with Yuri's dialogue in this episode.


[spoiler=spoily stuff and theorizing]

We currently have more or less confirmed that Yugo is looking for the Synchro Yuzu, named Rin. Shun and Yuto were looking for the Xyz Yuzu, Ruri.


The Xyz faction had reason to believe that Yugo is a Pawn of Fusion, and may be related to Ruri's disappearance. Yugo believes similarly of Yuto, based on their Duel before. But why do they think this?


Because Yuto and Yugo fought before, using Clear Wing and Dark Rebellion, according to the flashback shown back in like...episode 18. After this clash, Shun had asked where Ruri was, to which Yuto had no response, and Shun got mad. In all likelihood, Ruri got captured at around this time. Which begs the question of why Yugo was there at all.


Well, we've also established that Yugo tends to get teleported places because of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. It also seems that the proximity of 2 of the Dimension Counterpart Dragons triggers this, as Yugo got teleported soon after Yuya's Odd-Eyes battled with Dark Rebellion. He got teleported more recently when Yuya Summoned both Odd-Eyes and Dark Rebellion and/or Xyz Summoned using them.


Yuri confirmed he captured Rin and Ruri PERSONALLY. Yuri has one of the dragons. He would have been SOMEWHERE nearby Dark Rebellion at some point, and triggered Yugo's teleport. Hostilites between Yuto and Yugo was coincidental. But the dragons also resonate with their counterparts. Yugo probably got some form of resonation when Yuri kidnapped Rin in the Synchro dimension, so he associated the resonation with the culprit of the kidnapping, and later got teleported nearby Yuto, who immediately fought with him (since the Xyz dimension was a war zone, and Yugo was able to recognize the Obelisk Force as being enemies. The same fate probably did not come to the Synchro dimension yet - but it probably will, once the Professor and Yuri realize where Yuzu is...).


Also, while Sora believed Ruri was turned into a card, Yuri told Yuzu he'd get scolded if he turned her into one, and while he challenged her to a Duel, the condition was that if he won, she'd go with him, with no hint that he'd turn her into a card after winning. The Professor therefore is insisting the Yuzu counterparts are NOT turned into cards. This explains why he adamantly is keeping Serena closeby, refusing to risk her in a conflict in addition to having her on-hand for whatever significance the Yuzu counterparts have.


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[spoiler=47 sub]

  • Yeah, Yuu Sakuragi was a coward + ran away after Yugo helped him out.
  • Reira is still dry as hell, but yet he wins. (I'll save this one because I've said it more than once in the past)
  • Dennis and Yuri have something in common; and appears Dennis is a spy from Fusion also; based on the dialogue.
  • Sawatari wants to know what's going on; looks like Reiji's either letting him fight in this tournament or giving him a chance to fight Academia or something.


Everything else more/less carries over from sub, but a lot of Yuri's lines were vague.



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[spoiler='Ep 47 thoughts'
And speaking about Selena, it's kinda scary how everyone mistakes the doppelgangers for each other, but Yuuri just sees Yuzu in Selena's outfit and says "Oh, they just swapped clothes, who are they trying to kid?". Like, this guy actually SEES IT. This is scary. VERY scary.[/spoiler]

I think that the scary part wasn't how he knew they swapped clothes, bit that he straight up KNEW in was Yuzu, and not any of the others (Which might have escaped or something)
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Yes, no one notices the different hair colors and styles. But they notice the eyes (no, again, they don't notice the different eye colors, but the SHAPE of the eyes) and their facial structure. Maybe because Yuuri was far away, the only thing that stood out was the hair which is how he knew.

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[spoiler=Thoughts on 47 Subbed]

- Judging by the dialogue, it looked as if Yuri was unaware that the Obelisk Force had come for Serena (because he was the only one sent to claim Yuzu for the professor), and ofc isn't aware of Yuya because the two haven't met.

- So we learn that Yuri PERSONALLY captured Ruri and Rin, and said The Professor would scold him if he turned any of the Yuzu-counterparts to cards.

 - Though I do remember Sora believing that Ruri was turned into a card

- Yuri wasn't fooled by the disguise escapade (I knew that the clothes swap thing wasn't the best idea in the world)

- I'm not surprised that the Obelisk Force thought that Yugo was their ally because of his name. (Probs why people had been thinking he was the Pawn of Fusion)

- Reiji asks Sawatari if he wanted to take part in a "revival duel", I wonder what that entails.

- We know that Dennis is a spy for fusion, yet uses an Xyz archetype that is somewhat similar to a deck from a duelist of Standard, I'm sure he knows more than he lets on, it'll be interesting to see what his motives are n' junk.


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Regarding the whole copy thing, it goes even beyond the hair. They all have different eyes. or, if that's too subtle for you, Yugo has a different skin tone to Yuya and Yuto. I'm pretty sure if my friend showed up with different colour eyes, and much whiter than he used to be, I would be at least suspicious. (especially since Yuzu already KNOWS there are copies of him).

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I think it's more along the lines of facial recognition other than the external impressions. That's why when they look at the outside they immediately say it's not the other Yu- person. No one else in the show is idiotic enough to fully fall for the misconception, yet Yuzu and Serena I think are the more gullible of the bunch.

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I realise characters have to be dumb about the copies for the sake of the plot, but it bugs me the most when it's Yuzu. She's Yuya's best friend, AND she's known about the parallel copy concept for ages now, but she was still all like "Yuya?" when both Yugo AND Yuri showed up within a few hours of each other, were clearly different people, and also clearly not Yuya.

"Oh, hey Yuya! You've changed clothes.. and hair... and eye colour... and voice... and skin tone..."


Also, I second Timeskipper's comment. Yugo for main character please. Yuya's great and all but... Yugo...

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Though, in her defense, she WAS pretty traumatized already. It still doesn't make any sense, but she might have been looking for a familiar face in that mess. Not that Yuri being there helped. Guh, that guy was some major nightmare fuel for me. I think he's probably the scariest character I've seen in all YGOs (I didn't see all of DM, though), mostly because he's much less hammy and "look at me, I'm a villain" than the other villains. It's like he came out from a war anime. Which is kinda fitting and all, but seriously, he acts so realistically evil that he's much more creepier than more over-the-top characters. Even Sora, who was plenty creepy on his own, isn't quite as frightening as Yuri.


I like this description, and you're right. Yugioh villains are reknowned for being hammy and often sadistic. While they often are scary villains, sometimes their mannerisms and goals conflict with their behavior to the point where you enjoy them, but you don't think of them on the same level of "evil".


Yuri has none of those traits. He's pragmatic, calm, yet undeniably sinister. He shows absolutely no qualms for his actions, and dismisses any criticism by stating he's following instructions. But everything he says shows he's enjoying himself. That one blog link said something like Yuri works for Academia because it's fun. And it SHOWS. His smile is cold and unfeeling. He outright tells Yuzu he isn't supposed to turn her into a card, and offers her the option to just go with him peacefully. When she rejects that, he's unfettered, and challenges her to a Duel. He doesn't literally give her no option (like physically trapping her or blackmailing her), but it's clear that if she won't go peacefully, he will gladly defeat her first.


She evidently ran off mid-Duel, and he pursues her with calm, casual steps compared to her frantic running. He praises that she evaded him for the duration of the night, and if nothing else, seems amused by this, like the whole thing is just a little game. He never shows any emotion besides light-hearted amusement.


To be pursued by someone who so strongly resembles your closest friend, INCLUDING VOICE (Yuya and Yuri do have the same voice actor, but Yuto and Yugo don't), and is clearly too strong to defeat...that's terrifying. The voice thing especially makes the contrast between Yuri and Yuya extremely obvious.


If anything, I give Yuzu credit for NOT outright calling Yugo "Yuya", and for originally suspecting Yuri was Yugo. The shock at Yugo's similarity was easily explained as that she knew of 3 of them (Yuya, Yuto, and "Yugo"). Then she sees the fourth when a malicious one was chasing her and she narrowly escaped.


On that note...how does her bracelet actually work. We get that it teleports away Yuya counterparts when a second one is near the bracelet, but how does it determine which one to teleport? Does it just choose the one that was in the proximity of the bracelet first?


Previously, Yuzu was already near Yuto, and when Yuya showed up, Yuto got teleported. It never had a moment of Yuya being around Yuzu first and Yuto showing up afterwards.


But here, Yuri was nearby. When Yugo showed up, Yuri teleported. While Yugo is nearby, Yuya shows up, teleporting Yugo (and Yuzu) away.

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Possibly, the bracelet's purpose, or rather, the multi-dimensional female side-protagonists purposes are to prevent what had occurred between Yuto and Yugo. In other words, it's to prevent some sort of paradox or catastrophe related to the dimensional dragons. 


And then looking at the Dimensional Dragons, are they supposed to be like guardians, like the Signer Dragons? Or rather emblems of their respective dimensions? The fact that the dragons are fighting each other, and the fact that the bracelets are there, it  could possibly mean that the merging of dimensions was unintended, and the Professor has some sort of grand motive to force this all.


Not to mention after Yuto's loss, somehow, he had to merge his soul with Yuya's, and because of that, it conceived a darker soul as a result of it.

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Question: Did Yugo's bike teleport as well? I mean, he was off the bike when they teleported, but Yuya and Gong didn't show any signs of noticing a motercycle when they showed up later.


I had that same thought. I'm going to assume that it did, partially because it also holds Yugo's Disk and presumably Deck, which probably includes Clear Wing, which has teleported stuff multiple times on its own.

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So Shun's dub name is Shay. I was surprised at first, but it's not that bad. I thought 4kids would make a stupid move and name him Raid Raptor or something...

it is not bad,but i think shaun would have been better for some reason

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