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[spoiler=Thoughts on 47 RAW]- Ofc we'd only see a silhouette of Yuri's dragon, can't wait to see what that'll be like when it appears in full in like a couple of months or so. (I'm only assuming this, and I reckon it'll be the next cover card)




If you mean the set after CORE, probably; if CORE, it's Odd-Eyes Rebellion.[/spoiler]




[spoiler= SPOILERS] Sora kicks Shun's corrupt xyz summoning ass, Way to go Sora, i knew you could do it! [/spoiler]



You'd make a fine soldier for Academia :V.[/spoiler]

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If you mean the set after CORE, probably; if CORE, it's Odd-Eyes Rebellion.[/spoiler]


Yeah, I know OERD is the cover for CORE, so obviously I meant following OERD

(To put it layman's terms, when I said "next cover card", I do mean it from an unconfirmed standpoint)


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Holy hell, this episode.



Yugo was ridiculously badass against the Obelisk Force. Clearly, it's not that they're elite so much as they use an uncomfortably effective burn and destruction strategy with multiple members. And the Hound Dogs can fuse together, from the looks of it. So they whittle away at LP, and the longer the fight goes on, the more dangerous the strategy becomes to everyone involved.


Considering Yugo seems to get teleported places by Clear Wing, he probably witnessed the attack on the Xyz dimension, and Yuto/Shun assumed he was a pawn of the Fusion dimension. Alternatively, since Rin disappeared, then it seems probable that Academia invaded at one point to capture her specifically.


Yuri is creepy, but yet...very cool. I get the vibe he just enjoys himself immensely when he does things. His Fusion dragon seems legit terrifying. It was amusing when Yuzu's bracelet teleported him away, though.


Wow, you guys called it when you said it'd be hilarious if Yuzu disappeared because she went with Yugo, rather than being captured by Yuri. Because that's what happened.


You guys also called it that Sora would bring out Des-Toy Tiger. And it was GLORIOUS. I kind of wish we got to see how the Duel proceeded to that point, though, because it'd have been fun to watch. However, the satisfaction of seeing Shun FINALLY lose, and Sora getting to beat him, while still showing Serena a glimpse of how twisted some of the Academia Duelists are, makes up for it.


Shun toppling down the stairs like that is probably an excuse for Serena to in some way block Sora from cardifying Shun.


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Like Black mentioned, they probably changed the name to avoid any copyright things with the religious group that shares the initials.
(Or they could've went with LSD [Leo School for Duelists (or whatever)]; though some of us would use this for Life Stream Dragon in certain cases)

In most cases, probably staying with the subs; unless there's a good reason that I should watch dubs.

LSD is also a drug. Y'know, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

LDI coulda worked.
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So...why do they turn people into cards anyways?

What purpose does it serve, especially since we know one of the factions that does it can't turn them back?


They're fueling that machine Akaba Leo/Professor has in his chamber, and that machine is probably intended to Super Poly the dimensions together.



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So...why do they turn people into cards anyways?

What purpose does it serve, especially since we know one of the factions that does it can't turn them back?


We don't know yet, but in the brief scenes with Academia and the Professor, there seems to be a machine that is being powered by what I assume is the cards of defeated people. Sealing people into cards seems to be a primary objective of the Fusion Dimension, so it must serve a purpose.


If the Xyz dimension doesn't do the same for a similar reason, Shun likely does it because he would view it as the equivalent of "killed in battle". That Duelist cannot help your enemies anymore. He also has only done it so far to FUSION Duelists, even if they weren't associated with Academia.

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Yeah...but what's going to happen to the cardified people once they are done being batteries?


The answer to this would be the same answer to "What would happen if they ripped up the cards?":


We don't know.  We don't even know with 100% certainty they can be de-cardified (though that's probable).

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[spoiler episode 47 RAW] Christ, these episodes have been getting heavy lately. Yuzu still can't quite get her head around the idea that there's a Yuya in every dimension, initially thinking Yuri was Yugo. Yugo and Yuzu get spirited away somewhere, and Dennis thinks that Yuri successfully captured her. Sora takes his Vector face to a whole new level, and... what was the point of Yuzu and Serena changing clothes? It hasn't actually fooled anyone, cos Dennis was there to tell Ruri what happened, so why was it put into the show at all? [/spoiler]

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[spoiler episode 47 RAW] Christ, these episodes have been getting heavy lately. Yuzu still can't quite get her head around the idea that there's a Yuya in every dimension, initially thinking Yuri was Yugo. Yugo and Yuzu get spirited away somewhere, and Dennis thinks that Yuri successfully captured her. Sora takes his Vector face to a whole new level, and... what was the point of Yuzu and Serena changing clothes? It hasn't actually fooled anyone, cos Dennis was there to tell Ruri what happened, so why was it put into the show at all? [/spoiler]



That's part of the point. Yuzu thought it was a good idea. But unfortunately, Dennis was an Academia spy and was able to keep Yuri from being fooled. It shows that some characters do think of good tricks, but that a mole in the works makes the effort pointless.


Plus, next episode seems to show Sora getting confused by Serena (thinking it's Yuzu) until he notices her Disk. Yeah...not the best disguise if you're going to keep identifying objects on you.


God, I love Sora more and more. He really does have so much more personality than Shun. The absolute GLEE in his voice when he's doing his winning move is so delicious. The best thing Shun had was that his stoic demeanor just broke. He actually got an "Oh crap!" look on his face when Tiger minced up 4 of his RRs. Sora's hammy as hell, but he's so much fun.


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First evilfusion, then FinalFan and Heraldry_Lord. I can't believe other people are using the word cardification (or a variant of the word).


In all seriousness though, I'm sure we'll find out what will happen to the cardified people eventually. I wouldn't be surprised when everyone is de-cardified (If that happens), they'll return to the same places they were or in the case of those cardified in the Wonder Quartet, an approx. location when they were cardified.

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[spoiler='47']-Olga and Halil make a weird entrance. Where the hell do you get a bathtub during the championship?
-It took like 3 seconds for Yuri to beat Halil and Olga. New Duel Monsters record.
-So Yuri's voice is the same as Yuya's? I didn't check the seiyu but I presume it is, because it sounds so similar.
-Those Obelisk Forces got #ClearWingSynchroDragon'd. Yugo was badass.
-I knew it. I knew that Yugo would mistaken Yuzu for Synchro Yuzu aka Rin. I wonder if they got teleported to Synchro Dimension, since if the future episode summaries are true, Yuzu won't make any appearances until they get to "Part Two" of ARC-V.
-Well, I think Yuya figured most of the stuff out about having Yuto's soul. He's smarter than Yuma, that's for sure.

-RIP Shun.

Also, it looks like from the previous that Tatsuya vs Reira will happen in the next episode... so

I remember seeing Reira's list of duels:

And the next episode is 48... There's a connection! [/spoiler]

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If someone would like to check the first two episodes in german:

[spoiler=German Dub]


I guess the English dub will be the same...

That opening... I like it, but BelievexBelieve is still my favourite. :P


My guess is that English dub opening is gonna be similar to German dub.

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Nothing against you, guys, but I must say I feel slightly bothered whenever someone complains about another person not having a "personality" - as if being serious and introspective to the point of not standing out much isn't a legitimate way of life. To make matters worse, most of time, the kind of person whom people tend to claim to have a great personality in fiction usually turns out to be a unbearable selfish douche IRL - at least, from my experience. That said, I'm perfectly able to understand why you guys aren't that fond about Shun - he's not in my Top Ten List either, it's just I don't particularly dislike him. Maybe because I'm not a fun person myself XD

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Nothing against you, guys, but I must say I feel slightly bothered whenever someone complains about another person not having a "personality" - as if being serious and introspective to the point of not standing out much isn't a legitimate way of life. To make matters worse, most of time, the kind of person whom people tend to claim to have a great personality in fiction usually turns out to be a unbearable selfish douche IRL - at least, from my experience. That said, I'm perfectly able to understand why you guys aren't that fond about Shun - he's not in my Top Ten List either, it's just I don't particularly dislike him. Maybe because I'm not a fun person either XD


I agree with this.  Shun has his own personality like the other characters, as much as we may not like it.

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[spoiler=Episode Thoughts]

Yuri finally makes his full appearance in this episode. He really looks creepy and unattractive, but there's a level of coldness and terror you can feel from him that make you tell that he's on another tier of Academia sadism aside from Sora...I really do want to see what that silhouette dragon was, but chances are we won't see it for a long while. 


Yugo was pretty badass this episode as well. The Obelisk Force actually had other dangerous tactics to kill off higher level opponents like the Lancers, using a pop-and-burn strategy that also required not only a unique continuous spell but even fusions between the Hounds too. And even then, dat badass Clear Wing to win over the Obelisk like it was nothing. And I did catch that one of the Obelisk guys said, "Your name is Yugo? You're one of our allies then"? I just laughed when Yugo delivered justice; He's becoming more awesome. Also probably an omen to how the Prophecy dude was still kept alive when the other Lancers were......."carded", when he actually had a competent deck. Even so, couldn't Hierophant pop that contunous spell in the first place, unless I didn't see Xyz Materials...


Sora was even more badass. It was definite we would see Frightfur Tiger, and boy it was a great payoff. Sora actually got the revenge he wanted and it just makes him and all of us so gleeful to experience and see that insane, sadistic glee of justice. Honestly, despite Shun's great Raidraptor spam strategy, relying on Force Strix's power alone was the most stupidest thing ever. Really, Force Strix in reality can just make way for Rise Falcon or regardless he could have that RR counter trap, but nevertheless, Shun got punished for being the most dumbest topdecker and dependent on little monster supports.


So, Halil and Olga are "carded", and Yuzu gives no two shits or signs of fear despite the fact she dueled and connected with them earlier. Also, isn't it strange how people cna actually cross through the 4 quadrants of the city so easy? How da fuq can Mieru get from jungle to icy terrain just my mere fleeing from jealousy? Maiami City can't be that small.[/spoiler]

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[spoiler=Episode Thoughts]

Yuri finally makes his full appearance in this episode. He really looks creepy and unattractive, but there's a level of coldness and terror you can feel from him that make you tell that he's on another tier of Academia sadism aside from Sora...I really do want to see what that silhouette dragon was, but chances are we won't see it for a long while. 


Yugo was pretty badass this episode as well. The Obelisk Force actually had other dangerous tactics to kill off higher level opponents like the Lancers, using a pop-and-burn strategy that also required not only a unique continuous spell but even fusions between the Hounds too. And even then, dat badass Clear Wing to win over the Obelisk like it was nothing. And I did catch that one of the Obelisk guys said, "Your name is Yugo? You're one of our allies then"? I just laughed when Yugo delivered justice; He's becoming more awesome. Also probably an omen to how the Prophecy dude was still kept alive when the other Lancers were......."carded", when he actually had a competent deck. Even so, couldn't Hierophant pop that contunous spell in the first place, unless I didn't see Xyz Materials...


Sora was even more badass. It was definite we would see Frightfur Tiger, and boy it was a great payoff. Sora actually got the revenge he wanted and it just makes him and all of us so gleeful to experience and see that insane, sadistic glee of justice. Honestly, despite Shun's great Raidraptor spam strategy, relying on Force Strix's power alone was the most stupidest thing ever. Really, Force Strix in reality can just make way for Rise Falcon or regardless he could have that RR counter trap, but nevertheless, Shun got punished for being the most dumbest topdecker and dependent on little monster supports.


So, Halil and Olga are "carded", and Yuzu gives no two shits or signs of fear despite the fact she dueled and connected with them earlier. Also, isn't it strange how people cna actually cross through the 4 quadrants of the city so easy? How da fuq can Mieru get from jungle to icy terrain just my mere fleeing from jealousy? Maiami City can't be that small.[/spoiler]



O_O Yuzu was absolutely furious at Yuuri's crime. She did contain herself in order not to fumble, but her tone while demanding answers from him and the way she held to their cards make it pretty clear she's definitely not happy with that.

And I must be honest, I'm starting to get creeped out at all that glee you guys are expressing over Sora's win in spite of him being a far worse person than Shun (even in face of the latter's own sins) - the kid works for a genocidal organization for shits and giggles, for crying out loud! I mean, I know, as villain, that's his role, but all that frenzy's starting to make me question you guys' sanity O_O But maybe that's just me...


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