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The Quiz Kid episodes are LITERALLY the only Arc-V episodes I didn't watch. And I never looked back. All your guys' comments on how insufferable the kid was convinced me to not even bother.


I liked Michio, but he wasn't anything special. The only redeeming factor for him is that, despite his arrogance and obsession with his perfect recipe, was that he wasn't really an utter asshole. He started to realize his attitude was flawed just before Yuya beat him, and I feel his character at least seemed to have developed past those flaws. He's a secondary character who got some character development.

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Technically, she still is crazy over Michio.

Sometimes, I get the impression she wants him to win over her own child, due to this.


But yeah, secondary characters come and go.


When this series ends, we'll forget the quiz kid ever existed, Ryouzanpaku won't even be referenced much (if they are, we'll only remember them for violence) and some of the guys in the tournament will be forgotten.



Then again, a lot of series do that with filler characters.

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Even if they don't develop Ryozanpaku students further, the characters WERE important. They started Yuya's Berserk Mode. Isao explicitly told Yuya to fall into pitch-black darkness, which was probably just supposed to be a metaphor for hopeless struggle and how fun comes second to victory. That went well.


And the other two continued to goad Yuya on the subject. While he didn't go berserk then, he clearly doesn't have full control over that power. And soon after, he goes uber-berserk.

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Yeah, you know how Isao was a huge jerk who didn't even bother to play the game properly? I STILL like him more than Michio. Dunno why. I think it's jut because Michio's insufferably happy, and is a typical overly-themed filler character. Normally these wouldn't stand out, but because arc-v has so few, he sticks out a bit. I dislike Halil for much the same reasons. Olga can stay though, Iceberg narwhal looks badass.

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Yeah, you know how Isao was a huge jerk who didn't even bother to play the game properly? I STILL like him more than Michio. Dunno why. I think it's jut because Michio's insufferably happy, and is a typical overly-themed filler character. Normally these wouldn't stand out, but because arc-v has so few, he sticks out a bit. I dislike Halil for much the same reasons. Olga can stay though, Iceberg narwhal looks badass.


You have a point.


Isao also was surprisingly sympathetic for a guy who beats the crap out of his opponents. His two cohorts...not so much. But HE was sympathetic. He was trained from a young age to seize victory by any means, and must continue to strive for this until he becomes a pro. He was runner-up in the previous year's tournament. He had seen Yuya Dueling happily with his father years before. And he swiftly brings Yuya down to 100 LP.


Then he gets OTKed like nothing. The sheer humiliation and anger he must have felt when he slapped Yuya's hand away at the end. It's not just bad sportsmanship. That loss meant he was an utter failure.

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The Quiz Kid episodes are LITERALLY the only Arc-V episodes I didn't watch. And I never looked back. All your guys' comments on how insufferable the kid was convinced me to not even bother.


The Duel Monsters trivia was fun, though.

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Hopfully Isao will appear during the second half of the show (but he really need to change his deck..it kinda boring and weak)

Halil could stay..but again his deck seem boring.

Olga on the other hand needs to stay, she is the first ever female synchro users in Arc V after all (if you think about there, there not many synchro user in Arc V at the moment) Too bad she is kinda doing nothing important at the moment (is it just me, or is Olga a reference to Forzen lol)

As for Michio, no idea why he is getting some screen time all of a sudden. When I first heard that he's going to be in the top 16, I thought he s just going to get beaten by some other players..oh was I so wrong. He just double TK 2 LDS students.., a minor character actually defeating someone instead of losing!? (at least for a minor character, his deck is interesting.. Royal Cookmate :p)

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Not sure if willingly ignorant to annoying character or really didn't see episode.



I haven't started the anime yet. Never found the time. Everything I know is from what I've read.


Kyuandou is that arrogant kid during Yuya's second match with an extremely large ego.

Believe or not, I literally swore at him during both episodes.





Oh, that jackwagon.

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But, to see "Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth"... (flashback: even "Hungry Burger" had appeared, besides some other old cards I can't remember now)

Everything is possible, so far I'm really surprised. Maybe we also see some unique but unused cards, like "Black and White Wave"? Maybe legendary monsters like Dark Magician, Exodia,... the 3 Egyptian Gods, the Sacred Beasts...? Pot of Greed? ("Card of Demise", would be funny as hell! )

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[spoiler=Sub thoughts]

Tatsuya (blue hair kid) is in the finals for the Junior class. At that point in the scene, the remaining semi-final was going to begin shortly, with Himika predicting Reira would win. So yeah, it's been blatantly hinted this whole time that Tatsuya was going to Duel Reira. Should be interesting.


Also, they had an excellent excuse for why spectators can't enter the Action Field: They want to avoid accidents due to them using Solid Vision technology outside of the stadium. That's a legit concern that conveniently covers up the fact that there is an actual THREAT as well.


Michio convinced Fisher guy to help by pointing out that they weren't friends, but Michio agreed to help him, so it was his turn to do the same. I wonder if this will make Fisher guy do something significant later on, especially if those previews are true...


After Yugo won his Duel with those 2, apparently there were no Duelists in the Iceberg Area. Uh...what happened to them?


So Yuya has 2 souls inside him (his own and Yuto) and there's some sort of terrifying darkness attempting to overwhelm both. That's...worrying.


Still wondering what's going on with Sora and Shun's Duel. Gogenzaka saw a glimpse of Shun nearly backing out of the temple, which COULD have been from Tomahawk's effect, considering there's so much going on. But when Serena and Yuzu were talking, there was that brief scene showing Sora looking slightly smug, and Shun looking a bit annoyed, when previously Shun had been declaring an OTK assault. The brief scene does not show Sora's Set card, so maybe it was something to end the Battle Phase (I personally had been assuming it's Frightfur Custom, based on Sora's tactics so far matching his match with Yuto), or the move still hasn't happened yet.


So Serena believes that Academia's objective is noble and doesn't believe it was a cruel slaughter.


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I'm starting to suspect Ryozanpaku is somehow related to Academia: all Extra Deck Summoning methods should be exclusive to LDS, and yet it appears all its members know Fusion Summon - and, funnily enough, only Fusion Summon. Not to mention their Dueling Style revolving around physical combat, which may be their way to train new soldiers for the Purple Army.

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Where is Kenta/Darkplant when we need his translation skills?




[spoiler=46 subs]

  • Some guys want to see the other duels, and a bunch of the housewives want to watch Michio. Not surprised on this one.
  • Fisherman guy does nothing again duel-wise.
  • Serena/Yuzu switch places, so Serena can figure out what happened.
  • Tsukikage (red one) thought there were 6 OF intruders; technically he was right, but Yuya beat the crap out of the other three.
    • Seems that their school knows something about the Academia and stuff.
  • Serena had wrong idea about Dennis, and he admitted it a few seconds later.
  • So spectators are essentially stuck in the stadium for 24 hours; no access to their own homes or medical attention if the need arises.
  • Himika said something about "everything will go as we planned"; presumably this is a preview to episode 50's thing. And Reira is still dry as hell, personality-wise.
  • Ryouzanpaku mistakes Yugo for Yuya, and gets their ass kicked by him. (Then again, Yugo pretty much showed that he's a bit clueless about where things are or that he walked onto an Action Field)
  • I don't hate Michio as much now.


Rest of the stuff is essentially in RAWs


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Finally got around to watching le subs


[spoiler=Thoughts on 46 Subbed]

- So Tatsuya is in the final of the Junior class and Himika is confident that his opponent will be Reira

- Spectators are locked in the stadium for the duration of the Battle Royale, as inconvenient as that sounds, it is understandable as they did have a good excuse; Not wanting unnecessary accidents because they're using solid vision outside the stadium and also didn't want outsiders to interfere with what is going on.

- Himika remarks that things will go "Just as planned". I assume this has to do with a future episode preview then.

- Turns out Mieru was the reason the Jungle feed cut out because she was an "outsider"... well then.

- Yuya having two souls inside him (himself and Yuto) as well as a terrifying darkness trying sounds worrying indeed.

- It seemed that Serena was mistaken about Dennis which was confirmed by the latter

- Figured that the clothes switch was so that attention can be drawn away from Serena

- Red Ninja said that six OF people showed up, but wondered where the other three was

 - And he'd be right, Yuya defeated the other three

- Serena believes that the Professor's plan to unite the four dimensions is a noble cause. (I don't think so)

- Michio is definitely becoming more likable, understandably so since he has received character development.



Will add my thoughts on the three previews later.

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[spoiler=Thoughts on the previews for Episodes 48-50]

Episode 48

- So it looks like Sora will win the duel then, at least he will have gotten revenge for his loss in the tourney

Episode 49:

- We'll get to see the first glimpse of Sawatari's deck from now on assuming it's a new deck which it most likely is.

Episode 50:

- I see this is what Himika's "just as planned" remark in episode 46 is referring to then. Hopefully we'll see more DD/DDD support here. 


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