Timeline15 Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 I'll never understand why they keep the main characters' Japanese names but very few others. It just makes it seem awkward. What country is the dub supposed to be set in if all those people with Japanese names are running around? It's been going on since the start, where someone called Yugi somehow knew someone called Tristan. That said, Silvio is a Perfect name for Shingo. Why change Yuzu's name though? Did they thing having another Yu- would make it confusing on top of Yuya's 4 copies? In fairness, when I try to explain the show to other people, they quickly lose track of who of those 5 is who. But why in the world is Reiji not Reginald. You know, Reggie? That was so blindingly obvious I can't believe we got left with Declan *which IS a real name, just a bit of a daft one, especially since they at least made an effort to have the other characters' names start with the same letter). Regarding Dennis, If he was Yuri, how did he know about Yuya's father? Reiji seems to know something about his disappearance, so I suppose the fusion dimension could have been involved... Also, why hide from Serena? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 If Yuya's dimensional counterparts would be that problematic down the road, they could just change THEIR names and leave Yuzu's one alone. Or they find another fruit to name Yuzu after which sounds decent enough to use. (They keep the main protagonists names most of the time; only GX got changed [well, given name anyway]) Like Black noted for why we couldn't name Reiji "Raymond", it's probably because it clashes with ZEXAL names. In this case, Shark took that one in the ZEXAL dub, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 I would like to know how much weed did they smoke to come up with a name like that? Probably as much as Konami does when they make broken shit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Βyakuya Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 Yuzu -> Zuzu ... I really can't comprehend a good thought for this. I mean, if you told a random stranger to imagine an ideal person who is named "Zuzu", would they think of an intelligent middle-school girl who loves music? Sometimes I think Konami just makes possible ideas for name changes or other such things, and then lines them up on a dartboard, with the shots becoming the canon names. Excluding the Yu- traditional series, lots of things with Konami is hit-and-miss, but when it comes to children, it's always them trying to place on what I call, the "rice cake to jelly doughnut paradigm". I do wholeheartedly agree with Pchi: If Konami truly wanted to start appealing their target group starting at 6 year olds, it's that age where they should be exposed to pathways of knowledge where they can be invested in learning about cultures, lores, origins, and stories. Yet shielding that with westernisms only makes them more ignorant, hip, and superficial to the cause. With that, actual children can't ever relate to these kinds of characters if they only looked on the outside. In some ways, it's kind of offensive for dubbing companies to think that children cannot comprehend anything that idon't feel American, things that don't sound American, things that don't look American., and things that are not American. With that in mind, all that is left to judge the dub is how the VAs will approach the show, how it will be edited, and their approach to emphasize the plot. If at least 2/3 end up as the same anomaly as "Zuzu", I will avoid the dub like it's the plague. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkerer Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 "rice cake to jelly doughnut paradigm". ^lol Then again, can they even begin to argue that they were Westernizing Yuzu's name? I mean, Declan is obscure but it's a known name, but Zuzu? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JessicaMuddy Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 Yuzu is a Japanese fruit, fair enough. But Zuzu? Reminds me of a Vuvuzela. (That isn't good) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Βyakuya Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 Yuzu is a Japanese fruit, fair enough. But Zuzu? Reminds me of a Vuvuzela. (That isn't good) Thought the same as well. Lel. While I can't say that Zuzu really is a Westernized name, they have done other better examples. It's too hard to interpret Zuzu really. Something like that, it sounds like a minor character that has a deck that specializes in World Cup noisemakers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RuriI'm, um... Kinda convinced, between the bangle and her apparent wondering where she comes from, that Yuzu is Ruri now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timeline15 Posted March 7, 2015 Report Share Posted March 7, 2015 Surely if it means lapis lazuli, then Ruri must be Masumi :P Anyway, wouldn't your idea mean that there was another Yuzu running around standard somewhere? And didn't Yuto eventually figure out it wasn't her. Everyone so far has had confusion at first, because of the faces, but once he spoke to her more, he seemed to realise. They COULD do it, but I hope they don't cos I kinda just wanna see all 4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 Surely if it means lapis lazuli, then Ruri must be Masumi :P Anyway, wouldn't your idea mean that there was another Yuzu running around standard somewhere? And didn't Yuto eventually figure out it wasn't her. Everyone so far has had confusion at first, because of the faces, but once he spoke to her more, he seemed to realise. They COULD do it, but I hope they don't cos I kinda just wanna see all 4.I also noted that the dub name of Yuzu could also be a potential nod to Pazuzu, though that one's more of a stretch.Yuto only said it wasn't her due to her using Fusion. Which was then doubled back on as she explaoned she was using it to defend her loved ones.There's also the thoery that Ayu is a Yuzu, but that's another deal altogether.People have also said that the bangles might dictate WHERE they're from, which ties in with the Ayu theory, and would put Selena as being initially from Synchro, given her bangle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 Since dub names are the thing-This guy's name is now Dipper:And because it just-so-happens to exist/I knew it would....Here is Dipper, as Dipper: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 [spoiler="Spoiler for an upcoming episode. Yuya's new monster']I knew that we'll see THAT kind of card in the anime sooner or later, but I wonder if it works the way I think it does.http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Odd-Eyes_Rebellion_Dragon EDIT: Now that I read the lore.. "If this card leaves the field: You can destroy all cards in your Pendulum Zones, and if you do, place this card in your Pendulum Zone."Clever way to put this card in your Pendulum zone. So I guess all Fusion/Synchro/Xyz Pendulum monsters will have the similar effect.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 Just wait for the RAW to show up, and we'll see if it works like intended. http://www.anime4fun.com/yu-gi-oh-arc-v-episode-46/ (Leaving this here for reference later on) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 Le RAW: http://www.anime4you.net/watch/yu-gi-oh-arc-v-episode-46.html EDIT: Damn you Sakura!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 You can leave it there in case Anime4Fun doesn't load up for whatever reason. (I still use it to watch stuff) In any case, I'll leave my thoughts on another post later today (assuming uploaders are still getting things ready at this time) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 [spoiler="Episode 46"]*Called it! Tatsuya vs Reira will happen.*Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon looks so amazing. Triple-killed those Obelisk Force weaklings like it was nothing. I wonder if OCG/TCG will have it as an Xyz Pendulum or just Xyz.*Yugo comes back and defeats those guys who fought against Yuya and Dennis.*Serena tells Yuzu about Inter-dimmensional War. And for some reason they decided to change clothes with each other... Need subs.*Yuya calms down and comes back to his senses. Also, Battle Royal became Survival Royal. I like it!*Dennis isn't Yuri but he knows him and meets up with him. Everyone was right, Dennis was evil.----*Next Episode we see that Reiji's so called Youth Team lost against Obelisk Force with their puny Ancient Gear Hounds. Pathetic. I bet even Futoshi could defeat the Obelisks.*Shun and Sora still at it. Sora will either Fusion Summon Frightfur Tiger or a new monster. *Yuzu meets Yugo and of course mistakes for Yuya.*Yuri's time to shine![/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 [spoiler=Thoughts on 46 RAW] - The audience are starting to get irritated with this transmission being cut bullshit - That being said, the Jungle field transmission being cut wasn't due to invaders, but darkYuya - Ryouzanpaku got themselves beat again, this time by Yuugo (Who those two assumed to be Yuya) - Yuzu makes the same mistake in the preview of the next episode - The fishing bloke had no right claiming the Pendulum cards when Michio won the duel - Seeing as the Ninja blokes know about Academia, we know they're part of the Lancers - Dennis eavesdropping on Yuzu's and Serena's conversation certainly is suspicious - The Dennis is Yuri theory has officially been debunked when Yuri appeared in front of him, but it seems that Dennis is working with him. - It definitely explains why Dennis has Polymerisation in his deck now. - Yuzu and Serena switch outfits, though I think that that has bad idea written all over it. - Also Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon is fucking BADASS, I want it. [/spoiler] Will have to wait on subs for everything else though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 goddamnit dennis whitetext above aside, so much info happened here, and glad to see the minor characters returning. still, dammit dennis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timeline15 Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 [spoiler RAW impressions] welp, what an episode - Yugo beats up the fighting duel guys because they confused his name. God I love this guy XD - Dennis is indeed one of the bad guys, but he's not Yuri, cool. - Serena and Yuzu change clothes (I guess Yuzu's trying to help Serena hide from Academia?) - Odd-eyes rebellion dragon is all kinds of awesome - One of the lancers uses great moth? what? I though good duelists in this universe used more meta archetypes? - Finally more foreshadowing of Reira. about time. - Hey! those ninjas are actually doing something! [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 I almost wonder..... Do you think its possible that the Dragons are all parts of one Dragon? I know its farfetched, but...... EDIT - Nevermind. Forget I said anything. Its a dumb theory. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 [spoiler=episode] Odd-Eyes Rebellion is awesome. Yuya snapping out of the possession was a bit anti-climactic. Bunch of exposition. Probably interesting, will wait for subs. While I didn't understand the dialogue, I did get the gist about them changing clothes when Yuzu got all agitated before moving them behind a rock. However, my reaction after they changed was a repeated string of "WTF?" for like 2 minutes. They both look so unnatural, as if the animators just switched heads on the models (but it looks like they kept their individual bracelets). Understandably, I feel this episode didn't live up to my expectations, but that's kind of to be expected with how hyped I got at the end of last episode. But I'm very interested to see next episode for a whole variety of reasons, not least of which is Sora looking ridiculously axe-crazy and definitely holding Polymerization. My current hunch is that Sora and Shun won't actually be able to conclude this Duel. So Dennis isn't Yuri, but does know him...that could be interesting. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 Odd-Eyes Rebellion, tho...I like how it has bands of red energy flowing through it; It's basically a Chaos Xyz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 Odd-Eyes Rebellion, tho... I like how it has bands of red energy flowing through it; It's basically a Chaos Xyz. To be fair though, we assumed that it would be a Chaos Xyz until today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 I'm currently expecting Odd-Eyes Rebellion to be a Chaos Xyz if printed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timeline15 Posted March 8, 2015 Report Share Posted March 8, 2015 that seems quite likely, but I'm hoping it gets to keep its pendulum xyz status. I was really miffed when we didn't get dark synchros, I would hate if we didn't get this card type too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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