Pchi Posted February 26, 2015 Report Share Posted February 26, 2015 Usually I'd do this on time, but might as well add in my thoughts on episode now that I have internet at home again. [spoiler=44 thoughts]That Teppei character's doing nothing, but just stealing Pendulum Cards. Hopefully he gets his ass kicked later; I'm comparing him to Weevil and Flip if that's a proper comparison.Also looking forward to seeing Michio get creamed; let's hope he doesn't lucksack Wonder Recipe like he did last time.Yuya's mother cares more about Dennis/Michio than her own son, and explicitly said that during the interview.Seriously, support your kid instead of some other guys. I'd imagine Yuya would be disappointed (if he weren't already) if he knew that.So Dennis basically killed Yuzu with her own monster; how ironic.Knights of Duels were basically being asses with repeated attacks; I don't even know what they were trying to do aside from pissing Shun off. Then again, they were sealed into cards.Sora returns, but only cares about beating Shun up (and retrieving Serena).Serena starts to act up at the end, and wants to beat Yuzu and Dennis together.Yuya and Shun meet, but then the latter decides to be a real a****** (like I'm surprised here).Presumably Yuya doesn't remember that he saw Yuto get beat by Yugo, and that's why he's gone. Then again, I'm having doubts that Shun would even believe that.[/spoiler] Now, on to the discussion. If Serena really wants to defeat Xyz users, then she could've just hunted down Yuya or something; even though he only has DRXD. Yuzu's a Fusion user, but I don't know. Then again, Yuya's basically going to 3-v-1 the Obelisk Force members he saw sealing Knight of Duels, given the preview presumably. [spoiler='Response']Yoko did nothing but support Yuuya until now - sure, she's had her fangirl moments, but she's already proven more than once how much she cares about her son through her actions. And while her cougar instincts might appear to eclipse those strong bonds at times, you can bet your Ace that only happens at the heat of the moment, and only when nothing important is at stake. There's no doubt she'll be there for him when he truly needs her. The Knights started a duel among themselves at the exact same spot Shun and Yuuya were in order to force the former to join them as an intruder and take the 2000 penalty, so that they'd stand a chance against him... and piss him off. Now you're being way too harsh on Shun. His suspicion towards Yuuya is completely justified, at least from his perspective, since a) he was the one only there with Yuuto at the moment LDS transmission was cut off and just happens to be with the latter's most precious card, and cards are frequently treated as war spoils in this franchise; and b) he doesn't know Yuuya well enough to be sure he's not working for Academia, and him being protective towards Sora even after Candy Boy showed his true colors certainly doesn't help his case. And it's not much of a stretch to assume he might've been driven into paranoia by his trauma of being hunted all the time back in Heartland.[/spoiler] Serena's after Dennis, not Yuzu. It was him and Yuuya's duel she watched, not Yuzu's; she went to the Lava Zone to find both him and Yuuya, but was unaware our hero had already departed. [spoiler='On another note']If Dennis really is Yuuri and is trying to kidnap Yuzu, then his goals may also include bringing Serena back to Fusion Dimension, as stated by that magazine; in that case, Sora's entire operation might nothing but a distraction, used to keep Reiji and his Lancers busy while Pink Eyebrows conduct his mission.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 26, 2015 Report Share Posted February 26, 2015 Shun being suspicious of Yuya seems to me to be a perfectly reasonable reaction to what he knows and doesn't know. He knows Yuto fought Sora, and Yuya interfered. He knows that Yuya and Yuto were alone when the transmission broke, and deduced that the "Pawn of Fusion" had appeared from the mention of Synchro Summoning. He has absolutely NO IDEA what happened after that. Since then, Shun has not been able to contact Yuto. Reiji and his right-hand man have said nothing on the subject (but Reiji does have Yuto's Disk), and Shun's suspicious that they know something and aren't telling him. And THEN he found out that Yuya has Yuto's card and is openly using it. Reiji then told Shun not to confront Yuya right away. Yeah, I'd be pretty damn aggressive and suspicious of the guy, too. But he's not overreacting and trying to kill Yuya or something. He demanded answers. That's it. The thing is, Yuya doesn't know what happened to Yuto. He disappeared. He wasn't seen sealed into a card or anything like that, and there's no real way for Yuya to assume losing the Duel itself caused Yuto's disappearance. He just vanished after giving Yuya Dark Rebellion. I imagine if he and Shun had more time for Yuya to elaborate on what happened, this would be clear, but they got interrupted before they could get further than Yuya stating Yuto gave him the card. Serena is hunting down Xyz users, but she didn't see Yuya play Dark Rebellion. She stopped watching the screen when she saw Dennis Xyz Summon the first time. Why do people think Dennis is Yuri? Like...what gave anyone that impression, even if it's just a fan theory? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Faytl~ Posted February 26, 2015 Report Share Posted February 26, 2015 Shun being suspicious of Yuya seems to me to be a perfectly reasonable reaction to what he knows and doesn't know. He knows Yuto fought Sora, and Yuya interfered. He knows that Yuya and Yuto were alone when the transmission broke, and deduced that the "Pawn of Fusion" had appeared from the mention of Synchro Summoning. He has absolutely NO IDEA what happened after that. Since then, Shun has not been able to contact Yuto. Reiji and his right-hand man have said nothing on the subject (but Reiji does have Yuto's Disk), and Shun's suspicious that they know something and aren't telling him. And THEN he found out that Yuya has Yuto's card and is openly using it. Reiji then told Shun not to confront Yuya right away. Yeah, I'd be pretty damn aggressive and suspicious of the guy, too. But he's not overreacting and trying to kill Yuya or something. He demanded answers. That's it. The thing is, Yuya doesn't know what happened to Yuto. He disappeared. He wasn't seen sealed into a card or anything like that, and there's no real way for Yuya to assume losing the Duel itself caused Yuto's disappearance. He just vanished after giving Yuya Dark Rebellion. I imagine if he and Shun had more time for Yuya to elaborate on what happened, this would be clear, but they got interrupted before they could get further than Yuya stating Yuto gave him the card. Serena is hunting down Xyz users, but she didn't see Yuya play Dark Rebellion. She stopped watching the screen when she saw Dennis Xyz Summon the first time. Why do people think Dennis is Yuri? Like...what gave anyone that impression, even if it's just a fan theory? I think it's mainly because of the weird way Dennis is acting, as well as the convenience of his appearance. And really, it's the perfect cover for him. Lets him get close to both Yuzu, who he needs to acquire (and whom Dennis has acted somewhat oddly towards) as well as Yuya, and Academia knows from Sora's memories that Yuya both pioneered Pendulum Summon AND is the counterpart to Yuri, so it's someone who keeping an eye on would do them well. Wrap it all up in an admirer of Yuya's dad, the single biggest influence in Yuya's life, who ALSO saved Yuya from elimination in the tournament, BOOM, you have yourself a mole. Not to mention Yuri would easily have access to the cards of any of the Xyz Dimension people who have been turned to cards, since their decks stay behind, so he'd have no issue building an Xyz-centric deck to throw anyone looking out for Fusion Dimension peeps off the trail. Not to mention it would explain where the hell Yuri's been these last few episodes when he was sent out ages ago to grab Yuzu. Tack on how he's being very chummy with Yuya and was acting somewhat creepily around Yuzu, and it's plausible. I wouldn't doubt he's teaming up with her against Serena just so she doesn't blow his cover, since helping Yuzu against someone from Fusion Dimension = Bonus points scored between him and Yuya and co. I think there's some credence to the theory, and I'd be totally cool if it turned out to be the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted February 26, 2015 Report Share Posted February 26, 2015 It's fun, though... Yuri has only appeared for like 4 seconds onscreen and we know literally nothing about him other than he's Fusion!Yuya, and yet people already think that he's the love child of James Bond and Mata Hari :D *Looks up Mata Hari* Yeah... I can see why people would think that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 Who the heck Mata Hari? *one google later* ........that would explain a lot, actually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 Le SUBs: http://www.anime4you.net/watch/yu-gi-oh-arc-v-episode-45.html/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timeline15 Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 [spoiler episode 45 thoughts] ok, there's definitely something up with Dennis. He has polymerisation in his deck, and he deliberately avoided using any special summoning in front of Serena. Also, wow, after a few weeks of only one duel mattering, we get 3 important ones at once. and Shun actually used more cards! How exactly are the obelisk force considered powerful when they literally play a single monster then end their turn? Yuya was doing that back in episode 1. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heraldry_lord Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 [spoiler="Episode thoughts"]* Dennis having Polymerization definitely makes him more suspicious (maybe that Dennis = Yuri theory isn't too far-fetched after all). Why he didn't Xyz is weird too. * I'm really wondering why Dark Yuya is even a thing; he seems to be a combination of the worst traits of Yuya and Yuto. Could Dark Rebellion have something to do with it? * Shun finally uses more Main Deck monsters, and even Force Strix. * Looks like Serena and Yuzu really do have a heart-to-heart in the preview.s [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 ^ Dat +1 post doe [spoiler=Thoughts on 45 RAW] - Mieru was focused on tracking Yuya down after what happened with the transmission cutting out - I'm not surprised that she's shocked to see Yuya in berserk mode (her and Gongenzaka, although the latter saw that in episode 39), and I'm sure Gongenzaka didn't want Mieru to interfere from the preview when she tried going up to Yuya. - I bet Gongenzaka wised up to the fishing bloke's tactics when the latter refused to duel him. (That's what I'm assuming at least) - We see more of Serena's cards which is nice, as well as seeing her win against Dennis - She knows that Dennis uses Xyz, and while it was a smart move on his part that he refused to use them, it proved to be his downfall - That being said, his face when he drew Poly was priceless - Shun FINALLY uses other maindeck RRs (that we'll most likely see in CORE), bonus points for him using 3 Force Strix - It's also nice to see more Ancient Gear support (Even though it was one card) - Judging from the preview of the next episode, it's likely we'll see a card that gives Xyz monsters a level (I think Zexal had a card like that, I don't remember) and I bet the card Yuya will Xyz into will be the cover card for CORE. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hallohallo Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 [spoiler="Episode 45"]Need subs to understand why Dennis refused to Xyz Summon or even Fusion Summon. Serena is really pissed about that. Did Reiji told him about Fusion Dimension or did Serena told him something before their duel?Obelisk Force are too cocky, only using Ancient Gear Hounds. Are they underestimating Yuya or somehow the plot didn't allow them to draw good cards?At first I was hoping to see physical fusion between Yuya and Yuto when they "fused" again.So Yuya got new Pendulum Magician cards. It seems they'd belong to Yuto since one of the magician's Pendulum effect is for Xyz monster. It's not like Yuya will become Xyz user just because he has Dark Rebellion. Although, I doubt Yuto will use Pendulum Summon.Shun and Sora are having a rematch and Shun shows some new cards.Dennis drawing Polymerization is my second favourite scene of the episode, besides Yuya and Yuto's "fusion".Next episode we'll see Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon overlay. Can't wait.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Βyakuya Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 [spoiler=Episode Thoughts] Pretty eventful episode. Shun ACTUALLY USES OTHER MAINDECK RAIDRAPTORS. Hory sheet. Even though they aren't any of the CROS guys, at least we see Force Strix, doing a spam combo with Rank 4 spam all-round (Which I will gladly and sadly will never see ever). Knowing Sora, and the fact that we saw Nintendo-G and Force Strix, Sora's method to push back Shun's wall is with Frightfur Tiger by using Tomahawk's ability and fusing at least 4 other Fluffals. Eventually he'll use Frightfur Miracle Fusion in the duel. *EDIT: Nah Force Strix spam only possible with its search ability, herp a derp Dennis avoiding Xyz summoning and having a Poly in his deck really confuses me. Even if it were subbed I wouldn't know 100% of why he wanted to hold back and why he had a Poly. Serena thinks he's mocking her. But Serena does have an interesting Moonlight deck, and I would like to see more tactics around the beatdown method. So based on the early wiki description, a "magician" is supposed to come to Yuya when he is the most out of control...so was it just the two new Pendulums Yuya brought out? And by "guided", it wasn't by seeing truth but guiding into destruction. Yuya still has no control over Yuto possession so I doubt Gogenzaka and Mieru can do something about it but they are still witnesses. Also noted that the Pendulums that were revealed, were they transfigured from Timegazer and Stargazer? Also a neat naming of Creation and Destruction. Destruction also is responsible for converting DRxD into a Level, so probably Creation allows levels being copied. Makes me feel that Yuya and Yuto have set themselves on the duality of the Pendulum Scales and PS'd a new creation of sorts. But overlaying Odd-Eyes and DR next episode, I'm getting fired up again.[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Faytl~ Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 [spoiler=episode thoughts] I love how the one time Shun doesn't go triple Vanishing into Rise Falcon, he ends up spamming even MORE. Obelisk Force are kind of underwhelming as duelists. Dennis drew Poly; I am SO on board with the Yuri theory now. It seemed he was about to do something with that set card of his, possibly to activate Poly on Serena's turn? But he was distracted by Obelisk Force showing up. That fishing guy is getting on my nerves with his refusal to duel. That's just cowardly and I hope he ends up losing all his Pendulum cards somehow and being out of the finals. With all this outside interference I'm starting to wonder how it will affect the tournament. I was wondering what the top eight were going to look like, but after this the tournament might not even finish, they could just move into all-out war. If the tournament DOES keep going though, here are my predictions for top 8 and who they duel- Shun, Yuya, Yuzu, Dennis, the guy who OTK'd Mieru, fishing guy, Gongenzaka (though his possession of only a single Pendulum Statue ATM and the fact that he's the least important of the main 3 to the plot means he might not advance), and probably Michio. End match will probably be Shun vs Yuya, unless Dennis DOES end up being Yuri, in which case it'll be him and Yuya. Shun will almost definitely end up dueling Yuzu at some point, I'd bet anything on it. Given their confrontation this episode, Gongenzaka would be dueling fishing dude, and I'd bet Yuya would duel the OTK dude, as kind of revenge for Mieru's defeat. Everyone else in the tournament strikes me as expendable (and the Knights were knocked out already). What do you guys think is likely for the finals, if they end up happening? [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 1, 2015 Report Share Posted March 1, 2015 [spoiler=45] OK, so the Obelisk Force uses Ancient Gears. Nothing special about those monsters, except for the small burn and whatever got confirmed earlier. Yuya loses half his LP before even beginning his turn, and that's due to the other 2 OF members direct attacking him. OF is shocked when Yuya doesn't even flinch from the burn. Dennis appears to have misplayed during his match, given his expression. Gongenzaka wanted to duel that fisherman guy, but apparently he doesn't want to fight. You know, I'd probably wouldn't give a damn if OF sealed him away into a card. He's not worth remembering anyway. Shun FINALLY uses something not named Vanishing Rainius; about time. And we see Sora duel again. Serena's about as reckless as earlier Shun; attacking basically anyone who Xyz Summons, though for some reason, I don't hate her as much. Of course, her strategy is pretty straight-forward, so chances are that if ever released, might be good. We shall see. We see the other LDS students intervening with the 6 OF members sent to capture Serena, [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 ...wh-what is this episode?! [spoiler=Thoughts] FINALLY, Shun uses different tactics. And different CARDS! When he first played Vanishing Lanius, I bet everyone watching was thinking "OMFG, are you serious?"...and then he played a different Lanius second. And went into Force Strix. And spammed even MORE than he ever has before. Yuya is scary right now. And he used different Pendulum Magicians. Maybe FINALLY there will be a point to the Pendulum Effects of the other Gazer saying the other Pendulum needs to be a "Magician" or "Odd-Eyes". And next episode preview said he Overlays Odd-Eyes and Dark Rebellion? No idea HOW he pulls that off, but it's going to be interesting. Dennis has Polymerization?! I'm completely confused, considering the conversation we've had about him maybe being Yuri. Having a Polymerization for no discernible reason is the most suspicious thing I've ever seen in the wake of the theory. Although I wonder if it has to do with Em Hat Trick, because he didn't Xyz Summon for some reason, and I wonder if its effect does something with opponent Spell cards, since Selena did use Polymerization the previous turn. And he stopped whatever he was doing when the black shapes appeared, which caused him to lose, so I think he threw the match. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sleepy Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 [spoiler=Hey guys I just found this and confirmed it to actually be in the episode] [/spoiler] I somehow hadn't noticed this.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 So one of the participants from the Ninja School saved Yuzu. That's...interesting, and probably wouldn't have noticed. I hope that we get to see one of their guys have a proper on-screen duel though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 The question is why though? They HATE Yuya at this point, given he's beaten three of their classmates. Hm..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Faytl~ Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 The question is why though? They HATE Yuya at this point, given he's beaten three of their classmates. Hm..... No, those two ninja guys aren't with the Ryuzanpaku guys, they're from some place called the Fuuma duel school. But that's REALLY unexpected, I didn't see it was him at ALL, I thought it was Dennis carrying her. Wonder why THEY"RE helping. EDIT: Damn, ninja'd about the ninja :V Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Βyakuya Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 THe Ninja guy is probably from Reiji's Lancer's Selection. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 [spoiler=Hey guys I just found this and confirmed it to actually be in the episode] [/spoiler] I somehow hadn't noticed this.... Not gonna lie, I didn't notice it either because of the speed of the sequence. THe Ninja guy is probably from Reiji's Lancer's Selection. The Ninja guy is one of the last 16. He was the one who OTK'd Mieru EDIT: The subs are out Le SUBs: http://www.anime4you...pisode-45.html/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 http://kitameguire.tumblr.com/post/112541054308 Nobody has mentioned this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 [spoiler=Thoughts on 45 Subbed] - For fuck's sake... the fishing bloke refusing to duel unless both players bet five pendulum cards? To be honest, he can go do one. - When Serena fusion summoned, Dennis said "Just as I thought" as if he knew what Serena was going to do. I'm also on board with that Dennis is Yuuri idea now. - Not to mention the creepy looks he was giving during the duel. - So after the duel that she witnessed in the previous episode, Serena was convinced that Dennis is an Xyz remnant and claimed that he was playing dumb when he denied it. - Dennis refusing to Xyz, saying that if he did so, she'd get the wring idea. (Yeah, he'd probs be turned into a card if he done so). [/spoiler] Also Happy 100th pages! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flash Flyer - Sakura Posted March 2, 2015 Report Share Posted March 2, 2015 Yeah, 1 is fine. Hell, Yuzu/Gongenzaka only bet 1 from what I recall. Then again, I hope that fisherman gets his ass kicked sooner or later. Starting to hate him even more than Michio, but not yet near Kyuandou. (I'll watch the sub later) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted March 3, 2015 Report Share Posted March 3, 2015 Wow, subs up so soon? I imagine because almost every moment of the episode was Duel-related, translating the majority of it wasn't time-consuming. Don't really have anything new to comment on, though. I had gotten the gist of most of the dialogue from the raw. But I am SO hyped for next episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heraldry_lord Posted March 3, 2015 Report Share Posted March 3, 2015 http://kitameguire.tumblr.com/post/112541054308 Nobody has mentioned this? Dennis could be a number of things at this point; him being Yuri in disguise is just one possibility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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