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Amusingly, the Wikia classed Dennis's Entermage monster as an Entermate monster; remember that Yuya has EM, whereas Dennis is Em.

Wondering how they'll class it in English; assuming they retain a similar naming to what Perfomapals got. 


But yeah, it looks like that. 

Then again, Yusho's favorite field is Magical Broadway; and Dennis is from that branch of LDS, so probably a connection there. 


We shall see though, as Dennis appears to be doing an Xyz Summon for 43 or something. 

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Amusingly, the Wikia classed Dennis's Entermage monster as an Entermate monster; remember that Yuya has EM, whereas Dennis is Em.
Wondering how they'll class it in English; assuming they retain a similar naming to what Perfomapals got.



Im outta ideas
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Link to Le SUBs (from previous page): http://www.anime4you...episode-42.html


[spoiler=Thoughts on 42 Subbed]

- The Ryozanpaku duo believe that Yuya beating Kachidoki to a pulp was his true nature, despite Yuya protesting that he didn't know what he was doing during that turn.
- We learn that Gongenzaka trains in snowy mountains every new year.
- We know that Olga is a duelist from LDS' Nordic branch and is a Synchro user. I find this a coincidence given that the Nordic Gods from 5Ds were Synchros.


A lot of things from the RAW hold like this I forgot to mention:
- Fire Jinn must've felt bad destroying Yuzu's monster in its usual manner, so it gave her a little flick, quite amusing imo.


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[spoiler=Episode 42 SUBBED]

So the 16 man duel has begun and everyone is rushing to find some pendulum cards to duel each other with. So Yuya has to bump into one of Kachidoki's teammate that uses brutality in duels out of all the people, like I mean come on there should be a rule that there's no physical contact on another player without reason. What's also funny is Yuya is trying not to touch the lava even though it's virtual reality just like SAO. Aside from that, Yuzu has to duel some annoying weaboo guy named Halil, like I'm sorry the English accent is too much in a bad way to the point where Yuzu tells him where do the Pendulum Scales go. If I was her, I would let him figure where do they actually go. Meanwhile, Shun will 1v3 the Knights, but it's pretty obvious that he'll win. One question is how the hell did the city has the funding to place all those holographic projections all over? Overall the episode is great with all the burning, punching, weird looking characters (looking at one of the Ryozanpaku duo), exchange students, and Dennis saving Yuya at the right moment. The lesson is vengeance is never the answer for some characters that is dueling (unless you have no choice or something personal).



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[spoiler=Episode 42 SUBBED]
Aside from that, Yuzu has to duel some annoying weaboo guy named Halil, like I'm sorry the English accent is too much in a bad way to the point where Yuzu tells him where do the Pendulum Scales go.[/spoiler]

That'd be such a nice thing to do to someone who helped you despite theorically gaining more by leaving you to your own luck. Remember, it's not the amount of wins, but of Pendulum cards, that define who will proceed to the next round.
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[spoiler=42 sub]

Based on the subs this time around, Ayu calls Ryouzanpaku cowards, which honestly, I agree with.

Reminds me of that corrupted kung fu master from the latest Karate Kid; teach students to severely injure their opponent; except for the fact said students don't see the error of their ways in this case.


Yeah, Yuya was mean to Isao, but technically he was possessed and wasn't aware of what he was doing. Then again, Isao was an asshole to him and Yaiba in his match, so...


Again, watching Halil try to Pendulum Summon improperly was amusing; and indeed his Engrish was fun to listen to.


Wikia said Olga resembles those princesses from Frozen; she probably does, but I haven't watched said movie so what do I know?

Then again, we haven't seen what she can do; but she's a Synchro user, so...


I still stand by my opinion that Yuya should've fought back against Umesugi/Takeda, if he knew that they'd try to injure him again.

Yuya, I know you're still in shock after what happened to Isao, but there's a limit to how long you can play your way and not get your ass kicked from the beatings. You're lucky Dennis stepped in to protect you.


(Supposedly learning basic self defense is out of the question right now; even kicking their legs out would be enough, unless you WANT to be in the hospital for being unable to defend yourself.)



Basically the rest of my thoughts can be copied from my RAW stuff.


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It was mentioned that the finalists will place based on the number of Pendulum Cards they acquire. Considering that Halil had found 3 (admittedly, Yuzu only found 1), I suspect there are several more Pendulum cards scattered around, and that losing a Duel forfeits the wagered Pendulum Card(s), but doesn't disqualify you from finding more and Dueling when you have 2 or more again.


But I'm not positive on that. I just noticed that despite 2 being the requirement to start Dueling, you aren't required to wager both of them.

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They probably have other colors, most likely ones that Knight of Duels, Michio, Shun or that fisherman character I cbb to remember the name of managed to collect.

Or even Olga, given I don't believe they revealed what hers are.


Red Devil might have an angel counterpart, if we assume it's going to use a heaven-hell theme, but I don't know either.


(Then again, Yuya hasn't shown his off, though again he probably doesn't need to use them, given he "created" it)

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I just want Tatsuya to kick Reira's ass. We never seen the former duel before, so I'm interested what deck he uses. Plus, he's smarter than Futoshi and Ayu so he perhaps can come up with a good strategy against Reira (if he duels him that is).


I know.

Then again, I still find Reira to be less interesting than manga Ruka; but whatever.


Of course, they might be focusing on the Junior Youth class with Yuya and stuff, and not really look at it.

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It's unlikely they're going to completely overlook Tatsuya and Reira. From the very beginning of the tournament they were hinting that something was going to happen involving them. Tatsuya reacted the most to Reira's odd behavior. And then there was the pattern.


Round 1, Reira faced Ayu, and beat her. Futoshi won his round earlier. Tatsuya was not seen Dueling at all.


Round 2, Yuya was out, so it was off-screen. Reira faced Futoshi (another You Show Junior student) and won. Tatsuya was acknowledged as still being in the tournament at this point.


Next round, they're almost certain to have Reira face Tatsuya. This will probably be where we actually see more of Reira's personality, Deck, etc and really come to know whether or not he's a worthwhile character. The reason this isn't being focused on, I imagine, is because the current plotline is significantly more pressing, and to take too much time to focus on this would bog down the narrative considerably.


Since the show is focusing primarily on Yuya and such, obviously more focus is put on the Junior Youth tournament. And then Shun Dueled Sora, revealing a LOT about the Xyz and Fusion factors and the background plotline, and the consequences of Sora returning to the Fusion dimension is what drew Serena to the scene. And because of Serena's appearance and the impending arrival of Fusion Dimension Duelists, Reiji arranged the Battle Royale rules.


So yeah...can't focus on the younger kids again just yet.

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That probs won't happen.

Never gonna happen.

Remember Super Poly is not banned yet in the OCG, not to mention no TV show has ever alluded explicitly to the existence of a banlist like the ones we see IRL. So, while the circumstances may be different from above, it's not unlikely that we see Yuuri or other high ranking member of Academia using that card someday.
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Remember Super Poly is not banned yet in the OCG, not to mention no TV show has ever alluded explicitly to the existence of a banlist like the ones we see IRL. So, while the circumstances may be different from above, it's not unlikely that we see Yuuri or other high ranking member of Academia using that card someday.


Given what Super Fusion is in GX, it's actually extremely unlikely.

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