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Still, though, as a plot device to show that Yuya has a lot to overcome in terms of his wordview, Isao succeeds.

As a character in his own right, he fails, as everything he does, ESPECIALLY beating people up, was clearly not thought out all the way.

I mean, NO ONE in the anime questions the fact that someone can physically assault someone in a children's card game tournament, and get away with it?

If the rules DO allow for you to punch someone or stomp on their foot, why don't more people do that?

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If it is still legal to physically assault someone, I guess the pretext for that would be because it's an Action Duel.


I mean, you can probably push your opponent in a fabricated pool of lava. Maybe possibly have building fall on their opponent like Shun against Sora. Probably beating up someone is no different in their eyes. But I can imagine a kind of Gladiator mentality with the audience when the future Action Fields will start to be more dangerous. I know that people in the audience feel for when something wrong is happening, but they seem pretty spineless to do something and as a result just go with the flow I suppose.


I think it's probably a karma thing...

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On the other hand, there is a difference between Armor Monsters, which, by their Solid Vision mechanic, allow for a person to physically assault a monster or someone, and probably cannot operate if they do not, and a player actually ambushing and beating up another player.

Wouldn't the latter count as unsportsmanlike conduct?

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Yeah, ambushing a player is unsportsmanlike, especially if it results in beating up an opponent.

The Armor monsters, while they do result in physical contact with the opponent, are inherently built with said force.


Isao could've opted to play like a respectable duelist and NOT resort to underhanded tactics, but his teachings say no to that.



Even if it's an Action Duel, doesn't give players the right to resort to excessive violence; although in that regard, Hokuto's not free from blame either since he did attack Yuya at points where he could've gotten severely injured (even though it was from a hologram + not martial arts)



In another sense, Isao brings shame to martial artists by choosing to instigate these fights.

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Dirty fighting is what was missing from these Action Duels.


The character running around like an opponent unopposed looking for an Action Card is boring. Martial Arts Guy knocking Yuya around like that is the best thing to happen on this show. There needs to be more violent characters like this.


This is awesome.

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This episode was awful, more than usual, another expy that had his whole backstory explained in a flashback and then out of nowhere Yuya becomes evil, like what? This is ZEXAL levels of dumb.


Evil is not the right word here. While I agree on the level that it was sort of rushed in execution, it wasn't horrendously done.


There are several precedents for what happened. While I didn't notice, it's been noted that Yuya seemed to be in a trance of sorts during the first episodes when he Pendulum Summoned originally. Yuya entering a similar trance state and Xyz Summoning without instruction is similar enough that it's the same sort of thing. Also, Yugo and Yuto went into strange trances when their dragons clashed, and Yuya has always reacted in some way with the dragons when they resonated with either Odd-Eyes or one another.


As such, him being affected in some way before bringing out Dark Rebellion was still hinted at in previous episodes.


Also, I wouldn't consider him to have become evil. My first impression is that his mannerisms were more like Yuto's, particularly during his Duel with Sawatari. He showed little to no emotion, spoke primarily in a deadpan, and was very direct in his plays, without any banter. And that makes sense, because of the scene where they seemed to merge. However, those above behaviors are VERY unusual for Yuya, which is why everyone was so unnerved.


Obviously, there's more to what happened that we don't know yet.

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The only thing that really bugged me about this duel is that Yuya had Beast-Eyes on his field. Why didn't that dichromatic tomato head JUST ride it instead of letting Isao brutalize him the whole duel? I'm pretty sure he didn't hit his head THAT hard to not think that up. Hell, it was even SHOWN that Beast-Eyes could fit amongst the bamboo.

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The only thing that really bugged me about this duel is that Yuya had Beast-Eyes on his field. Why didn't that dichromatic tomato head JUST ride it instead of letting Isao brutalize him the whole duel? I'm pretty sure he didn't hit his head THAT hard to not think that up. Hell, it was even SHOWN that Beast-Eyes could fit amongst the bamboo.


Beast-Eyes is also shown to be fairly slow-moving with mediocre maneuvering. And a bunch of the Action Cards seemed to be lower to the ground than others.

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[spoiler=Episode 39 SUBBED]


Well so this episode escalated quickly. Kachidoki using bamboos as spears really is a cheap move just to get action cards to boost up his monster. Yuuya then went rogue after seeing Yuuto and proceeded sumoning Dark Rebellion. Everyone (except for Yuzu) even Shun did wondered why does Yuuya has the Dark Rebellion and Reiji well figured it out the minute it appeared. Kachidoki thinks that Xyz Level's are 0 which is true since they only have Ranks but, they are another breed of cards that is completely different than monster's that has Levels that's how I put it. Over all the episode was great seeing Yuuya Xyz Summon.



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[spoiler=Episode 39 SUBBED]


Well so this episode escalated quickly. Kachidoki using bamboos as spears really is a cheap move just to get action cards to boost up his monster. Yuuya then went rogue after seeing Yuuto and proceeded summoning Dark Rebellion. Everyone (except for Yuzu) even Shun did wondered why does Yuuya has the Dark Rebellion and Reiji well figured it out the minute it appeared. Kachidoki thinks that Xyz Level's are 0 which is true since they only have Ranks but, they are another breed of cards that is completely different than monster's that has Levels that's how I put it. Over all the episode was great seeing Yuuya Xyz Summon.




We already established that Isao is taught to play dirty in duels, if it gives him the win.


Then again, the whole school is taught on that; Godagawa must not have any morals (or severely misplaced ones) if that's what he's teaching his students.

It's comparable to teaching someone how to do MMA or whatever contact sport, and tell them to beat the crap out of the opponent until they're down.


But yeah, that one error on his part cost him dearly, and that's assuming that Xyz Monsters have Levels. It's obvious that they don't, though I think that was a lot of our impressions when Xyz were first conceived.


Yes, Xyz are technically Level 0, but like Yuya (albeit possessed) noted, they lack any. Even the Wikia states that stuff that relies on Levels will not work on them.


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[spoiler=Episode 40 summary found on the Org]

While Yuzu and Gongenzaka advance past the second round, Hokuto of LDS is attacked by someone and loses his match by default (of not appearing). Reiji hunts down the culprit who attacked Hokuto, and finds it’s a girl who looks just like Yuzu. The girl’s attendant picks a Duel with Reiji then and there. Reiji duels to figure something out. Who on earth is this girl that looks just like Yuzu?



Also, the Yuzu look-a-like from the Fusion Dimension is named Serena


More Arc V stuffs:


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[spoiler="Episode 40 RAW"]

  • I guess Hokuto "lost" against Michio Mokota (that chef guy) because he didn't show up, because he was attacked by Serena? That's how I understood the situation.
  • Yuzu's duel was mostly skipped. I wasn't really looking forward to her match anyways.
  • Yuya's still down, because of his last duel. Yuto keeps popping in his head with his "dueling with smiles" quote, even though he indirectly made Yuya win a duel without making anyone smile.
  • We'll have to wait and see why Fusion-Yuzu aka Serena and her servant were chasing after that purple hair guy. Probably, because he's an Xyz user.
  • Reiji duels Barrett aka Serena's servant. I kinda wanted Reiji vs Serena duel, but this was okay too I guess.
  • FINALLY some reaction to Pendulum summoning from people from non-Standard dimension. Yuto and Shun didn't show a single reaction when Yuya Pendulum summoned.
  • Reiji's duel against Barrett was okay I guess. It was too quick so I didn't feel entertained.
  • Yuzu won her duel against Mikiyo Naname, which also made Yuya smile!


Like always, need subs to understand more about this episode.


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[spoiler=RAW 40 Thoughts]

So, Hokuto is a card now, apparently. If what I saw Serena do was what I thought it was.


One thing that bothers me is Barrett could have WON against Reiji. Had he crashed into Temujin then summoned Sentinel and Panther Warrior with Borg's effect, he could have gone direct by either attacking with Sentinel and then Panther, or, he could have buffed Panther instead. It's bad enough when one-shots get gimmicks, but it's even worse to watch when they can't even abuse them properly. Not a big gripe, it just bugs me.[/spoiler]

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I vaguely remember Michio's mother saying that he already qualified, but that probably broke after Yuya won.


Well Michio was shown to have advanced to Round 3 by default after Hokuto failed to turn up for their match



[spoiler=Thoughts on 40 RAW]

- It appeared that Hokuto was due to fight the Michio (the Chef guy), but because he was attacked, (We knew he was attacked in the latest summary) and turned into a card by Serena, he failed to turn up and lost by default
- It wasn't Panther Warrior beating up Temujin in the preview, it was a fusion monster that was 50% Panther Warrior (The other half being its other material).
- We learned that Barrett's injuries were caused by a Widespread Ruin explosion, his colleagues probably perished in that explosion.
- Seeing D/D Proud Chevalier being used makes me wonder if we'll see the likes of Proud Ogre, Abyss Ragnarok, etc.
- From one of the articles on the Org concerning Arc V, we know that the Professor is Akaba Leo.
- It was nice seeing Yuzu using the card that Masumi gave her after Round one to win her Round two match.


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