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[spoiler=39 thoughts]


Kachidoki was brutal as expected.


Yuya indeed did use DRXD to OTK. UNEXPECTEDLY, he went all Supreme King before he did, which was terrifying and kind of awesome.


Reiji is dueling next episode, which is awesome.


Is that a Panther Warrior I see in the preview? I think it iiiiiiiiiis :3



All in all, good episode.

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I don't think they're pretending it doesn't exist. Arc V clearly isn't the 5Ds universe, as the idea of duelling on bikes was totally alien to Yuya. It's also not the same card, as it's an action field, so had no actual effects (which, by the way, is dumb, they're literally just a backdrop at this point).


I do love how they've made it look like it though, since he already had a heartland one.

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I don't think they're pretending it doesn't exist. Arc V clearly isn't the 5Ds universe, as the idea of duelling on bikes was totally alien to Yuya.

You know there can be various reasons why Yuya doesn't know that you can duel on bikes, like maybe duel runners became unpopular in Standard dimension and don't exist anymore or duel runners are only well known in certain cities.

So far, ARC-V wants us to believe that only 4 dimensions exist so that would suggested 5Ds and ARC-V take place in the same dimension, but this might progress and we might discover more dimensions like Pendulum dimension.

I'm really confused about this dimension thing at the moment. I hope they explain about it in more detail later on.

EDIT: Wow, they even made this. http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Berserk_Mode_(ability)
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It just occurred to me that this is very similar in concept to 5Ds because there'll ultimately be 5 dragons.

and now I think the reason they are not introducing Ritual dimension is to make it into something similar to what they did with Rua when he became a signer, only now it has been tweaked so that instead of 5Ds decomposing into 6-Ds on the plot and ruining the series' meaning's name, the 4 dimensional dragons will eventually get a plot twist into 5 dimensional dragons, making the tittle Arc V finally fit.


Or something like that.


[Spoiler=About the episode]

I don't like the way Action Cards were used in this one.

I had come to terms with how characters were able to grab any action card to instantly save themselves from most situations. It made sense that they wouldn't even need to hope for a good Action Card if all of them were about defensive and protective moves.

However, Yuya happening to grab an Action Card that instead happened to set up his play for Xyz was on pair with Yuya's Shining Draw! A plot device that is just what the character needed to make the comeback.


Also, that archetype is not worthy of beating up Yaiba's X-Sabers, nor does it seem to really come close to cornering it to a state where he'd need to depend on Action Cards. I'm disappointed in that regard. I mean, the Fusion was very powerful and I can see how Synchros have issues against it head on (having Levels and all), but IDK...


That said, I still overall liked the episode. 



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[spoiler=39 stuff]

  • Isao got his ass kicked; serves him right for literally resorting to tripping Yuya, almost breaking his arm to prevent Yuya from playing said Action Card in hand and for that point, trying to cause injury to Yuya so he can't fight properly.
  • Gongenzaka defeating whatever his name is was pretty hilarious; sniff out the opponent and hit him hard. Indeed, the Action Field resembles École de Zone to an extent, but I'll assume the writers threw that in as a cameo, like they did with Heartland.
  • So Yuto essentially became Yuya's dark half in that instant; went into Dark Rebellion; quartered Isao's ace (points-wise, it makes sense) and proceeded to OTK said player. So we get Yuya's "dark side" now; much like every other protagonist, save for Yusei, have gone through.
  • The audience was shocked by that, and Isao's pissed over it. (Well Isao, you were responsible for sending Yaiba to the hospital via beating him up; consider that being karma's retribution, so can't really complain over it)
  • I was expecting more of a reaction from Shun after seeing Dark Rebellion, but meh.


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I honestly thought he would be a lot more violent with it; somewhere on the lines of "That's Yuto's card, why does this kid have it. Is he the one responsible for Yuto's disappearance?" (Probably harsher, and yelling at Reiji about it; but I don't know)


Still in the preview for next episode, Reiji's fighting some filler character who we probably will forget after this episode, depending on his relevancy to the story.


As for the other two whom Yuya fought (the egotistic ones), I'm assuming they never qualified (probably didn't as they weren't shown at the start of tournament) or they got killed off-screen. I vaguely remember Michio's mother saying that he already qualified, but that probably broke after Yuya won.

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The only thing that was disappointing was the downplayed reaction from characters. I had hoped Sawatari would see Dark Rebellion and react in some way, or Shun actually be in the audience section and react with facial expressions. But with luck, next episode will expand on that a bit, since this episode was clearly supposed to end in a confused, somber tone.

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I'm still waiting for the subs to come out, so we actually know what they're saying, including Reiji's comment (I'm not calling him Declan, k?)

But yeah, episode was supposed to end like that.


Episode title was most likely referring to Yuya attaining "Berserk Mode" (which might also reference Dark Rebellion, given part of its attack name or something invokes "imperial wrath"; I might be wrong though, or that came from subtitles earlier)


But yeah, it would've been nice to see their reactions. To be honest, Hokuto's reaction might've been nice also.



I can suspect Yuzu and the other kids in You Show will give Yuya some lecture of sorts next episode about his performance.

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The subs are out now.


[spoiler=sub stuff]

So...Isao's school is extremely strict. It's a boarding school that prevents people from seeing their families until they're pros, emphasize victory over fun, and have a very rough style of Dueling. In this sense, Isao is not malicious by his own nature, it was taught to him.


Isao believes that he was fated to Duel Yuya, due to them walking different paths from childhood. He says that Yuya's path was brightly lit, whereas his was nothing but darkness, and that Yuya will fall into that darkness (presumably by losing). This ironically triggers Yuya's Berserk Mode.


Reiji suspected that Yuya had Dark Rebellion. Probably because when they retrieved Yuto's Disk, all of Yuto's cards except Dark Rebellion were accounted for, and Yuya was the only person definitely known to be there.


I admit that it was rather amusing how Isao tried to use Idaten's effect, and when informed Xyz don't have levels, he protested "If they don't have Levels, aren't they Level 0?!". Kind of brings some real world confusion into the series, since how Xyz interacted with Level cards tends to come up now and then before the mechanic was fully understood.


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The more I read about the Ryozanpaku School, the more I feel like it's a huge legal snafu.

I mean, it is essentially a boarding school that trains people to violate the basic ethics of dueling on the principle that "victory must be achieved at all costs", forces the students to stay within the school's boundaries, and prevents them from re-contacting anyone they know until they become professional duelists.

That's...really fucked up...

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[spoiler=39 subs]

  • So Ryouzanpaku is essentially a very strict boarding school for duelists, treat dueling like you're at military boot camp or something and don't allow students to see their families unless they become pros. Yet a lot of people want to join them because they get pro titles. (Then go to LDS, unless you want harsh discipline and/or couldn't get an accepted app to LDS)
    • Then again, their principal's been criticized for his methods. Huh, reminds me of that somewhat relevant character from Shippuden who used forceful methods to achieve goals.
    • Wonder what happens to a student if they lose?
    • Out of fairness, I would never join them if that was the way they'd teach you to duel. As much as I want to win, I have enough honor not to resort to physically beating the opponent up to win. (LDS would be my choice, if I had one; just saying though)
      • Hell, I have more respect for Valon from the Waking the Dragons arc, even if he did the same thing; why that is so, probably because he wasn't actually trained to do it from what I remember.
  • Kids commenting on Isao's dirty dueling, and how Yuya would've fared differently if not for the bamboo throw. What else is new?
  • Isao's past is revealed; Godagawa tells him not to think of dueling as fun. (Yeah, teach your students to commit assault playing a card game and other stuff)
  • I made a comment about Shun voicing his opinion of seeing Dark Rebellion; looks like I was on the mark.
  • Reiji confirmed his thoughts that Yuya somehow got it. I was expecting him to make a remark about Yuya being able to Xyz Summon, but meh.
  • Isao didn't understand Xyz Monsters and their non-Levels (he thought they'd be 0, and because of it, Idaten should've worked). Oh Isao, you have a long way to go before understanding this. And I assume your instructors never taught you about the different card Types and what they do; you seem to be familiar with Pendulums or something, but not this.
  • Yuya scared the crap out of everyone with his dueling, and he indeed regrets it afterwards. Even the kids remarked on that; can't say I blame them.
  • Isao referenced Yuya falling into darkness when he was on the brink of losing; indeed, Yuya had his dark side revealed, but he won with an OTK.
    • I vaguely recall a similar reference from GX Season 3, though it was after Jaden had won. (Probably a dub-exclusive thing, since I didn't see any of the subs before Season 4; but not really related)



Aside from that, a lot of my RAW thoughts still hold.

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Just watched le subs


[spoiler=Thoughts on 39 Subbed]

- It was stated that Kachidoki is considered the top candidate to win the tournament especially after he seemed to have evolved as a duelist by using fusion
- We learned about how strict the Ryouzanpaku Duel School is, being a boarding school that doesn't allow the students to leave the grounds unless it's for class, prioritising victory over fun, not allowing them to see their parents until they become pro, yet people still join out of their own free will.

  - Although it was stated that the principal has been criticised for his methods but if the school gets results, then it shouldn't be much of a problem.

  - If I was given a choice of duel school to attend, whether it be Ryouzanpaku or LDS, I would definitely choose LDS
- Kachidoki explained that because he and Yuya walked down different paths (Yuya's being brightly lit, and Kachidoki's being a path of darkness) that he blieved that it was fate that they'd be dueling
- Kachidoki leaned that Xyz monsters have Ranks not levels, and was ignorant enough to think that "if Xyz monsters don't have a level then wouldn't they be level 0?"
- We can assume that Kachidoki somehow ironically provoked Yuya's berserk mode from his words when he ended his turn, "Fall into pitch black darkness."
- Reiji assumed that Yuya possessed DRXD pending the results of the scan made on Yuto's duel disk when he retrieved his deck and Yuya was the only other person at the scene.


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The Ryozanpaku school is a total scam though. I really can't imagine what kind of advertising campaign they used to convince people to join. Sure there are strong aspects you can gain about oneself but that kind of harsh demeanor of beating up people, learning to have no fun, and never look back at loved ones until they are pro makes me seem like some students are just stray lambs being conscripted by them.


Even after about months of training, their best candidate knows nothing about a crucial element of an Extra Deck type, Xyzs. Yet ironically he has a perfect setup for one because both of his monsters were Level 5. And all he gets is a moderate beatstick, but in reality, why couldn't he just use Polymerization to fuse monsters from the hand? It's possible that he didn't have Poly or the other necessary monster to fuse with so he used them as temp. defense, but even the monsters themselves are so one-dimensional and dense...I cannot imagine how he beat X-Sabers. Sora and Yaiba can trample him anyday without the use of violence, but with humiliation instead.


Despite the key aspect showing that DRxD can surpass a normal guy's Level tactics, Kachidoki is one of those throw away plot-device guys that only shows how much better people like Yuya is. And even so, Yuya was looked down upon for his scariness. But I know Kachidoki will be seen again, and he'd better be more intimidating; He was a total failure for what he represented and what he tried to represent is already a big sham.

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