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Remember the time when Pot of Greed suddenly vanished off the face of GX without being addressed in-universe?


I'm also glad that Yugo, despite being on a D-Wheel, isn't using the Speed World mechanics and is dueling like the manga. Then again, needing Speed World there would create compatibility issues.

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Yeah, I was curious at first whether Yugo would be using Riding Duel mechanics. Then again, Speed World was why only Speed Spells could be used, and such, and it obviously needs 2 players following those mechanics.


I think the area they were Dueling in was ill-suited for Yugo using a D-Wheel in general, which made the use of the D-Wheel seem a bit sillier, like how people probably viewed 5Ds at its earlier stages before it redeemed itself. Since the other player is not riding one, the D-Wheel user is pretty much riding around in a small circle and stopping frequently.


Still, that angle is still interesting to see, considering how Action Duels work (and this wasn't one): Both players still were mobile, just one of them was limited by the size of the Dueling area, and the other was adjusting his position based on the fact his opponent is riding a motorcycle around.

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Given what happened when Yuya learned how to do Fusion, that's probably an option.

Then again, Yugo pretty much ignored his presence in the past 2 episodes, so not sure if there'll be any interaction between the two.


In future episodes, maybe there will be, but again like everything else, we need to wait and see.

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There's a few things I've wondered. Yaiba or whatever his name is. In universe were Superheavy Samurai a Synchro Archetype, and Gongouka ( I'm dead tired. I'm not too worried about spelling right now... ) just didn't have access to their Synchro Summons until he started training under Yaiba? 


Also, isn't Super Poly a one of a kind card? I faintly remember Jaden getting it from a Blank Card or something. If so, I agree, I don't know/doubt if we'll see it.



Finally, I thought of two things. Synchro Dimensions and Xyz/Zexal Dimensions. It might just be a coincidence, but remember how many Synchros were used in Zexal? 





Now that Yuya has DRXD, perhaps he'll go to the Xyz guy with the Sacred deck for tips/training? I mean Gongozaka went to Synchro User Yaiba for training. 


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It's possible that Super Polymerization has been mass-produced after GX, and the only truly dangerous copy is the original, which had been formed from the souls and emotions of defeated Duelists in the parallel dimension or whatever the plot involving it was, as apparently, one of the Zexal manga ALSO had a Duelist have a Super Polymerization card.


I have noticed and been unsure about both Yuzu and Gogenzaka. Both of them learned Fusion/Synchro, and then they suddenly had Fusions and Synchro monsters of their respective archetype, and Gogenzaka had Tuners, too.


Where did these cards come from? I can easily accept that they might have gotten new cards from various means, but to have Tuners/Synchros/Fusions of their respective archetype out of nowhere, but only after they learned that Summoning method strikes me as very odd.


I currently am deciding that Sora gave Yuzu the Melodious Fusions, as him being from the Fusion Dimension means he probably has access to a huge number of Fusion cards. Alternatively, Yuzu had them already and just didn't know how to use them.


Gogenzaka I'm not even sure about.

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Well, LDS is pretty much hoarding all types of Extra Deck summons, right? Maybe Gongenzaka always knew about the Superheavy Synchros, but couldn't get access to them. Yaiba, as an LDS student and top Synchro user in LDS, would have access to pretty much his pick of LDS' Synchro stock. I'm assuming.

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Terrifying thought: Performapals using xyz's..... oh dear..... This is either gonna make or break them even further. (They werent a very good deck to start with)


Right now, a lot of them have varying Levels, so can't really Xyz with them, unless Yuya gets new members that are same Level.

Though he has a lot of Level 2-4 monsters and some 5/6s, so he can probably summon Dark Rebellion with his current card pool.


Ideally, I still think Synchro would suit Yuya better, but we'll see what happens later.




Now that Yuya has DRXD, perhaps he'll go to the Xyz guy with the Sacred deck for tips/training? I mean Gongozaka went to Synchro User Yaiba for training. 



He probably might, though Hokuto was a bit arrogant with him during their match.


Out of consideration, it's not really that hard to Xyz; although this isn't the real world, nor is it ZEXAL where everyone can do it automatically [even Yuma].


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Late, but I got around to watching the new episode and I liked the duel. Yugo driving around in circles was pretty silly, but whatever. Cool to see Yuya get Dark Rebellion as well.

[spoiler=Also, regarding the ending there.]


This is SO accurate! 10/10 made me laugh.

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Indeed, Yuzu and the rest of Yuya's friends would be shocked to see that Yuya has two more counterparts that resemble him, so the picture works. 


I suspect we'll be seeing Yugo fight some more in later episodes, and certainly Yuri when it's time for him. 

Then again, we're still in the middle of the Maiami Championship last time I checked, so might have to advance a little further in that part. 

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Posting the latest summaries released by the Japanese Site, courtesy of Org: https://ygorganization.wpengine.com/arc-v-episode-38-39-spoilers/


[spoiler='Arc-V Episode 38 and 39 Spoilers']

With the shocking end of 2014 twists, Arc-V looks like it isn’t cooling down. Thanks to Master Ghost for this stuff.


Episode 38: The Four Dimensions
Air Date: 11th January 2015
2 days have passed since the duel between Yuuto and Yuugo and Yuya, who has been losing his consciousness during this period, finally wakes up and tells Yuzu about the incident that night. In order to find out whether the “Dimensions” talk is indeed true, Yuya and Yuzu goes to Shun with Yuuto’s “Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon” card.


Episode 38: The Four Dimensions
Episode 39: Awakening of the Gekirin
Just like Sora, Yuuto also disappeared in a Duel!!

After the Duel, Yuya finally wakes up after 2 days of losing consciousness. Yuya and Yuzu, holding the card that Yuuto left behind, begins searching for Shun.

To be aired on 18th January: Yuya duels against Kachidoki!?
Yuya duels against Kachidoki Isao from the martial arts specialist “Ryouzanpaku Duel School”. Facing against Kachidoki who duels in a violent manner, Yuya who believes in his ideals that duels can bring happiness to others would…!?

Note from Master Ghost:

 Gekirin (逆鱗), in Japanese and Chinese mythology, refers to one particular scale out of 81 scales covering the body of the dragon. This scale, unlike others, is inverted. It is said in Japanese legends that if one were to touch the dragon’s gekirin, it would result in the wrath of the dragon.




Now, my opinion on some of the revealed info:


[spoiler='Irrelevant thoughts']

I'm actually surprised that they made Yuuya duel the Martial Arts guy; I was expecting the each protagonist to face the Duel School representative who was closer to them in theme and motifs - Yuuya fighting the Magician guy, Yuzu, the Idol girl, and Gong, Kachidoki himself, leaving the Knight dude to Shun. I hope that means they will avoid going with the Bleach route and making this entire round basically a thinly disguised mirror match. It'd be fun to see Gong going against the Idol girl and gushing over her or Yuzu having to deal with an annoyingly gallant knight.

On another note, judging from the next episode's preview, it looks like Yaiba is going to suffer the Worf Effect once again.. poor freaky Samurai kid T_T


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Not necessarily. While it's possible that Yaiba will lose his Duel against a new character, there didn't seem to be much focus in the preview to really say one way or the other. But you could be right. I'm actually hoping that Yaiba and Gogenzaka face each other later on, as a sort of "pupil over master" type of situation.


Granted, Yuzu beat Masumi, that was a significant rematch that had been built up for a while. There's been no real focus on Hokuto at all or a focus on any grudge against Yuya, and Gogenzaka not being able to defeat Yaiba before (but not losing, either) was a semi-important point.


Yaiba also has consistently shown that he probably is the strongest of the LDS trio. Which is probably why you suspect the Worf effect.

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