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Anyway, back on topic. This episode is awesome because it's starting to get deeper and things are starting to get moving more. I wasn't sure at first exactly how the "Sora is nuts" aspect would be cleared up on the You-Show side of things. The answer: Sora's been temporarily removed from the plot.

i thought it was put on hold

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Uh guys, In case you guys wanna talk smack about the English Dub that's coming soon, I just made the thread.


Just saying, that thread will get zero posts until the actual first episode of dubbed Arc-V makes its way. For now, personally until we get more dub news, we can talk about that kind of stuff here, since the main plot of Arc-V so far just shadows over it. And the fact that you make a thread simply about scrutinizing more than general discussion is simply not going to be taken seriously.

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Just saying, that thread will get zero posts until the actual first episode of dubbed Arc-V makes its way. For now, personally until we get more dub news, we can talk about that kind of stuff here, since the main plot of Arc-V so far just shadows over it. And the fact that you make a thread simply about scrutinizing more than general discussion is simply not going to be taken seriously.

Guess I should've waited until then to make it huh?

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I'd bet $10 Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem will be summoned some way. And there will be lesser class fusions among the other Knights and Soldiers I bet as well. Maybe if this would be real, maybe there would be a few Ancient Gears that would run off of the Ancient Gear Box. Either way, more Ancient Gear support!

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Really, the different Dimensions thing seems to be a nod to how GX was really Fusion based (almost every noteworthy Duelist used Fusions to some degree, and Super Polymerization was a fusion card that was pretty much evil). 5Ds, almost everyone used Synchros, with Fusions being rare and shocking whenever it happened. Zexal, everyone used Xyz, with no Synchros and Fusion being even RARER (is Kaito the only Duelist who used Fusion Summoning at any point in Zexal?)


Which may be why Arc V's universe is Standard: All Summoning methods co-exist.

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Really, the different Dimensions thing seems to be a nod to how GX was really Fusion based (almost every noteworthy Duelist used Fusions to some degree, and Super Polymerization was a fusion card that was pretty much evil). 5Ds, almost everyone used Synchros, with Fusions being rare and shocking whenever it happened. Zexal, everyone used Xyz, with no Synchros and Fusion being even RARER (is Kaito the only Duelist who used Fusion Summoning at any point in Zexal?)


Which may be why Arc V's universe is Standard: All Summoning methods co-exist.

It was just at least 1 more time in ZEXAL as I remember.



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Declan is dumb - they could at least give him a name that sounded a bit similar to Reiji. Then again, I'm betting all my chips on them doing so in order to fit some sort of naming pattern planned for his family like in the original version, changing Reira and Leo's name to match his. Though that could cause some issues regarding their company's (Leo Corporation) name.

Also, even though I couldn't care less for the dub, I'd hope Ayu's full English name would be something along the lines of Ally Allison, to match the alliterative nature of her original one (Ayu Ayukawa).

Anyway, I'd glad if at some point they introduced a Ritual Dimension, especially if they turned out to be the real villains and their master plan involved sacrificing billions of human souls to summon an evil deity, or something like that, to better fit their general theme. Better yet if it were based on Cthulhu.

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Declan is dumb - they could at least give him a name that sounded a bit similar to Reiji. Then again, I'm betting all my chips on them doing so in order to fit some sort of naming pattern planned for his family like in the original version, changing Reira and Leo's name to match his. Though that could cause some issues regarding their company's (Leo Corporation) name.

Also, even though I couldn't care less for the dub, I'd hope Ayu's full English name would be something along the lines of Ally Allison, to match the alliterative nature of her original one (Ayu Ayukawa).

Anyway, I'd glad if at some point they introduced a Ritual Dimension, especially if they turned out to be the real villains and their master plan involved sacrificing billions of human souls to summon an evil deity, or something like that, to better fit their general theme. Better yet if it were based on Cthulhu.


That's pretty much what I want to expect as well. The gen is called Arc Five for a reason, and speculation says the number of dimensions representing advanced Summoning mechanics is it. Unless they gave it to Tribute Summon, Normal Monsters, or Tokens, for some odd reason, but it is much more likely Rituals. They are by far the most anticipated and logical one.


and I said "want to expect" because I'm worried that they didn't really showcase nearly as much as the others. Even Leo Duel School which has it still pretty much ignores it. Not even Reiji used it in his deck. Meiru is otherwise filler. I bet some new comers to the franchise that watched it didn't even notice the card has its own color scheme just like the 3 Extra Deck ones and Pendulums do.

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That's pretty much what I want to expect as well. The gen is called Arc Five for a reason, and speculation says the number of dimensions representing advanced Summoning mechanics is it. Unless they gave it to Tribute Summon, Normal Monsters, or Tokens, for some odd reason, but it is much more likely Rituals. They are by far the most anticipated and logical one.

I would like to believe that there's a Ritual dimension and  if there is, it's probs taking a back seat because it isn't directly involved in the current plotline. The logic for it does seem sound though, the series is called Arc V and we know of 4 dimensions and there's probably more. (I mean GX had 12 dimensions that Yubel wanted to fuse together)


and I said "want to expect" because I'm worried that they didn't really showcase nearly as much as the others. Even Leo Duel School which has it still pretty much ignores it. Not even Reiji used it in his deck. Meiru is otherwise filler. I bet some newcomers to the franchise that watched it didn't even notice the card has its own colour scheme just like the 3 Extra Deck ones and Pendulums do.

I seem to recall there being a poster for a Ritual course at LDS early on, and I do agree that at this point, Meiru has essentially been filler and the only thing that makes her less filler-y than the other 2 guys Yuya fought to qualify for the Maiami Championship imo was the fact she used Rituals.

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Yeah, I understand and appreciate the irony.

Though to be fair, I kinda have a knack for noticing typos.


Also, Le RAW: http://www.anime4you.net/watch/yu-gi-oh-arc-v-episode-37.html (Will become a link to the subs in a couple of days)


EDIT: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Yuri<- That silhouetted bloke in the opening.

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[spoiler=Thoughts on 37 RAW]

- Yuya seemed initially surprised seeing Yugo use Synchros.
- There are some interactions between Shun and Reiji that I would have to wait for the subs to see what they're talking about.
- After Yuto summoned DRXD whilst CWSD was out, something strange definitely went down with the combatants eyes.
- Yuto gave Yuya DRXD before disappearing (without his duel disk) which sheds more light on the idea that Yuya will be using different summoning types as the series progresses.
- The Professor and Yuri seem to be discussing Yuzu, they're probably going to target her or something (Most likely due to her bracelet).

- Also the preview showed Ruri in person. Though we have to wait 2 weeks for said episode.


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Yugo looks quite a bit more like Yuya when he's wearing the helmet.

His voice is not what I was expecting.

Yuto seemed oddly adamant on keeping Break Sword alive, considering it's his gateway to Dark Rebellion when it's killed, IDK why he didn't just LET IT get popped.

Freaky stuff happened when they both called out their dragons... I guess you could say they had some pretty... odd eyes -shot-

Yuto lost and vanished, leaving his Duel Disk, so we've had 2 characters removed from the plot in the same amount of episodes. If Yuto dead? Hope not. I'm betting he isn't, as Shun looks as taciturn as ever in the next preview and I would imagine him being angrier if he was dead.

He gave Dark Rebellion to Yuya, who I bet is going to fuse it with Odd-Eyes eventually.

I get way less of an evil vibe off of Yugo than I thought I would, can't say the same for Yuri. Yugo doesn't seem like too bad a guy, but I'll have to wait for subs before I know for sure if he's an ass or not.



All in all, decent episode.

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[spoiler=Ep 37 Thoughts]Just a theory, but I'm sure it's probably crossed everyone's mind. I think these dragons are a bit more sentient than led on. And by sentient I mean "I am a tool of destruction trying to take over your mind and body, can you control me or naw?" or something along those lines as seen from this particular episode. Now that I think about it all of their origins are in question, Odd-Eyes couldn't have been the only one doing weird shit. Also I didn't expect Yuto to be leaving so soon. [/spoiler]

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Holy crap, this episode was awesome.


[spoiler=spoily stuff]

It doesn't appear as if Yugo is actually associated with Academia necessarily. There seems to be confusion regarding the fact his name is so close to the Japanese word for "Fusion", so he doesn't seem to know exactly why Yuto is after him. In that sense, he doesn't seem to be malicious at all, possessiony scenes notwithstanding.


Yuri seems to be the Fusion Yuya, as predicted.


I did NOT expect Yuto to lose that Duel. At the same time, it's fitting because he doesn't want to fight, and his plot role at this time is minimal.


I do like that Yuya was given Dark Rebellion, and he will presumably use it. I always suspected that, because of the Yuto and Yuya confusion early on, that Yuya would eventually gain Xyz monsters. I didn't expect Dark Rebellion to be one of them, though. That makes for an extremely interesting situation, due to the fact Sawatari has seen that card before, and Shun of course knows that card.


There is something off about Clear Wing and Dark Rebellion. Clear Wing's effect counters Dark Rebellion so perfectly, and the resonating was so much stronger and weirder that I suspect that they're not just parallels of each other, but something more akin to two parts of the same whole. I suspect those monsters may get fused eventually. Synchro Fusion is an actual thing. I can see there being a Fusion that uses a Dragon Synchro and a Dragon Xyz (or Dragon, period).


With Fusion being the current known antagonist force, a fusion of some sort, probably involuntary, would make a great deal of sense.


Yuto also seemed somewhat hesitant to bring out Dark Rebellion in the first place. I assume he knew that Clear Wing was a counter to it. That's probably why he kept Break Sword alive as long as possible.


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Indeed, I had 5Ds feels through a good chunk of the episode.



  • I haven't seen anyone duel on a D-Wheel since 5Ds, although probably not as awesome as Turbo Duels, but whatever.
  • Yuto gives Yuya his Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. Alright Yuya, now you need to learn how to Xyz Summon so you can call it out when needed. (It should be a lot easier than learning Fusion, right?)
  • Another connection between Clear Wing and Dark Rebellion, although this time, both of them wanted to kill each other until Yuya stopped them.
  • We now learn of Yuri, the Fusion World counterpart to Yuya. Hmm, (name) Fusion Dragon seems imminent now [probably next one after Crossover]. Yuzu might be involved with this one based on context; wait for the subs to confirm.
  • Wikia revealed a pic of Ruri, although she's cloaked.
  • Clear Wing was glorious; I look forward to testing it later when YGOPro/DN get it. (Or I can code it into the former on my own if I possess sufficient skill in writing Lua)


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