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[spoiler=The Duel]

It was pretty good, for Sora's part. It was great to finally see some new Frightfur stuff, and boy did it deliver. Plus he was awesome at the slasher smiles, but Shun was so f**king irritating to watch. Especially since the entire time he was just pulling a Bujin with Rise Falcon. And it was bull that he dodged Leo's effect long enough to sack the perfect counter to its effect. Cause that's all he did, always have the perfect counter. It's just really infuriating to watch. Especially Revolution Force. That was the turd on the sundae.[/spoiler]

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The duel certainly was satisfying enough that I can bear to wait 2 weeks for the next episode.


[spoiler=Thoughts on 34 RAW]

- Sora certainly was creepy as fuck in this episode, gotta love his slasher smiles.
- Reiji and Nakajimi seemed to have been discussing the Mirror Barrier card.
- I want to know what Sora was correcting Nico about.
- When Shun negated Sora's action magic with his counter trap, a different action magic card appeared on Sora's duel disk.
- I'm already thinking about how Saw Leo is going to be censored.

- Definitely quite a bit of dialogue that I have to wait for le subs for though.


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Oh my lord, it really is going to take 2 weeks before the next episode. Well that's kinda sad, cause I wanted to see more of crazy Sora. His expressions remind me of Vector, only less sadistic and more in having a f****d up mind in general.


[spoiler=Le Episode Thoughts]

I really dislike Shun's general Raid Raptors strategy. The only members of the archetype as shown in the anime revolve only around getting other Banishing Rainias out, and Xyzing for a Dark Mist-esque beater. So why the hell there has to be so much safety support? I'd be as pissed as Sora, since Rise Falcon really doesn't extend past gaining ATK, so there's not much good use of it in terms of consistency. Why couldn't there be more regular Raid Raptors? At the very least, the RUM was a pretty cool mechanic, but even though Revolution Force can use your opponent's Xyz monster, it would have to be at a specific rank, AND it won't work unless the one you're ranking up from, IS a Raid Raptors. Honestly, Shun is very cool, so I want to see more of his support and how it goes in the future. I can understand some beatdown tactic by ranking-up per battle, but so far the trump card tactic doesn't sound very impressive currently.


God Sora was so cool in the remainder of the duel. New Fluffal/Frightfur stuff was actually pretty useful cause Frightfurs now can use Goyo Guardian, Armades, and Volcasaurus as their own effects. With some buffs, Fluffals gonna be even more decent. Only known issue is that Fusion Convocation works like Fusion Reserve, so why don't you use that instead? He probably would have wanted to use a quicker effect if he drew it but that Frightfur Factory seems pretty costly.


But once again, subs are necessary. I want to see why Sora made his transition and how Shun stayed calm and how he referenced his pains.[/spoiler]

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Sora is what made the Duel epic. He is so crazy. Shun's countering and protection strategy was kind of annoying, and I feel the Rank-Ups got deliberately downplayed. Definitely going to need to see the dialogue.


Annoyed by the ending. I know Sora was supposed to lose, but it would have been better if we saw the Action Magic he got, especially if it turned out to not be useful for the current situation. It's been mentioned in the series so far that Action Magics are a gamble, but actually seeing someone pull a bad one when they need a good one would help.


But next episode looks like it could be awesome. Sora might be facing Yuto? And Yuya might actually be in the same area as him?


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[spoiler=Mystery character]othezm.jpg[/spoiler]
Could this be another alt version of Yuya similar to Yuto and Yugo, or an entirely different character? I can also see this person as having something to do with Sora and his side of things.

After watching the episode, I can also see this bloke having something to do with Sora as well.

(Yeah, I'm a slowpoke, sue me)

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I... don't think arc-v takes place in the fusion world, rather, a new world separate form the 3 warring factions, possible being used as a place from which to recruit new soldiers. Remember how Sora showed up and now 2 of our main characters are fusion-summoners? Also, Yuto and Sora once said to each other "you're not from around here" "neither are you", so, it's safe to assume that Sora's world and this one are different.


Episode wise, that duel was EPIC. I can see why people are annoyed with Shun, but I was too busy geeking out over the return of rank-ups, because it allows for the possibility of ACCEL SYNCHROS! I just wish Shun's new falcons had better atk. Rise flacon has low atk because of it's effect, but the other 2 don't have attack gain effect, so why are their stats so low? Sora's new fusion monsters were cool too, and the faces he made were almost Vector-tier. Almost.


Next time looks so cool. Yuto duels again, and is finally revealed to Yuya, not to mention Sora is duelling again. Damn Arc-V has been great so far.

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I'm finally going to be starting Arc V in two weeks, when winter break begins. Looking foward to it.


The way I see it, we know because of the Bonds Beyond Time movie, which was canon, that the original, GX, and 5Ds take place in the same universe. And because of the lodge place in Zexal, its also part of that universe. To the best of our current knowledge, Arc V exists in a different universe, and Yuto, Shun, and possibly Sora are from a universe with a ruined Heartland in it. 


Is that correct?

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-I can't decide which side is the true bad. Wikia writes that Shun is the first arc's main antagonist, but i don't think that.

-Also, i really hope that Sora won't be evil, even if he from the evil world.

-I don't like RR's. Doesn't look so powerful, RUMs are useless. (Astral Force on Rise Falcon->Revolution Falcon.)

-However, Fluffals and Frightfurs looks enjoyable archetype, and got great effects.

-I think, Yuya can see Yuto, when Yuzu is not in the near.



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It could be that way, but I don't think they should complicate things by adding AUs of heartland etc. I'm hoping they'll retcon the previous shows into different universes or something. DM and GX could still be from the same one. as for bonds beyond time, it's not too far fetched that the characters were jumping through space as well as time without realising. I would just prefer that the current plotline was in the future of all the worlds, rather than an AU of them. Sort of removes any impact of a destroyed heartland if it's not the one from zexal in my opinion.



I think it's safe to say that both will be antagonists, but that Shun is driven by revenge rather than just causing pain for fun like Sora seems to be. Sora, incidentally, is a guy, in case that 'she' in your comment, wasn't just a typo.

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[spoiler=Thoughts on 34]

  • Sora's gotten REALLY cocky this episode, even after Yuya warned that Shun is dangerous. And yeah, he got creepy as hell; enough to scare the daylights out of small children.
  • Shun got 2 Rank-Ups this episode; and someone in here hoped that Arc-V wouldn't get RUMs considering they're a ZEXAL product.
  • Most of Shun's backrow was meant to cockblock whatever Sora tried to do for the most part. Hell, whatever he did was enough to do so.
  • He STILL hasn't gotten a new Main Deck monster + new RUMs are sorta bad (Revolution Falcon hasn't gotten its full effect shown)
  • Would be nice to see what Sora got as an Action Card.

Despite that, I did enjoy Sora's dueling through the episode, even if he went psycho. As for Shun, I kinda wanted him to screw off after the match, considering what he did the past couple weeks. (Not once has he smiled in the series since his debut)


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[spoiler=Thoughts on 34]

  • He STILL hasn't gotten a new Main Deck monster + new RUMs are sorta bad (Revolution Falcon hasn't gotten its full effect shown)



I know right, Konami really should give the guy at least another two main deck monsters because it is starting to get ridiculous.


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So, Sora is effectively confirmed to be evil.
He's PART of the people who razed Yuto and Shun's home.
And they do because of a "Hunting Game" where he and other Fusion users target Xyz users and reduce them to running around and Dueling for survival.
In short, he and his pals destroyed Yuto and Shun's home FOR FUN.
And he admits all of this with a shit-eating grin on his face.


Just thought I'd put this up.

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So, Sora is effectively confirmed to be evil.
He's PART of the people who razed Yuto and Shun's home.
And they do because of a "Hunting Game" where he and other Fusion users target Xyz users and reduce them to running around and Dueling for survival.
In short, he and his pals destroyed Yuto and Shun's home FOR FUN.
And he admits all of this with a shit-eating grin on his face.


Just thought I'd put this up.




Wait, how do you even know that? Subs aren't up yet...


Although it makes a LOT of sense if true (and I believe you have a valid source/translation, BECAUSE it makes sense).

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maybe he (gasp) knows some Japanese! *screams and runs*


All joking aside, I kind of picked that up from the raw with the very basic Japanese comprehension I've picked up from years of toku and yugioh.Yuya definitely said something about sora and co being responsible. Sora did basically admit genocide in a stadium full of people, and his "friends" seemed terrified of him. By the end Yuzu seemed to be more on shun's side than Sora's. Yuya however, doesn't seem to have swayed quite so quickly. Actually, thinking about it, Yuzu has been cozy with the xyz faction for quite a while now, in fact, she's arguably nicer to Yuto that she is to Yuya XD.

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im kinda thinking that yuzu will have some kind of crisis of faith with her fusions after realizing she learned them from a nutcase


I doubt it. Or, she wouldn't lose faith in Fusion BECAUSE she learned them from a nutcase. She's the one who specifically sought out Sora to learn, and he seems to have taught her well, and she's evolving as a person and Duelist. The fact her teacher might be...warped...doesn't really discount Fusion itself, but rather the association that is ABUSING Fusion.


Besides, Yuto already told her about how Fusion users are their (Shun and Yuto's) enemies, but that she should follow her own path and he will follow his.

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Finally got around to watching le subs.


[spoiler=Thoughts on 34 subbed]

- Reiji and Nakajimi are certinaly impressed by Shun's skills and state that he'll be useful, presumably for what the two discussed prior to the 3 LDS student's memory wipes.
- When Sora explained Chain Sheep's effect, Reiji wondered if that'd actually work.
- We definitely learned more about Sora and Shun in this episode. Shun's strategy, cock-blocking Sora's moves was to make Sora understand what it's like to be hunted and states that Shun's people are no longer prey to be hunted. Although Sora says that his people hunted Shun's people for fun because they are the prey in their hunting games.
- What I did like about this duel was the fact that it was more like a battle, for example when Mad Chimera stole Blaze Falcon, Shun stated that he fights whilst being prepared for the worst case scenario and considers the possibility of his comrades being captured by the enemy which was relatable to the current situation and was able to fight back.
- After Reiji forbids Shun to take further action in the public eye, he says that Sora will be good experiement material for experiments to help them understand Academia. I do want to know what this Academia is though.


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